why? whats in that area?
1. yeah i know i still havent tested it though 2. didnt know about that. is there a vid? 3. know about the room. but didnt know about the arena. is it only for fm?
i was there for the room mod. but i mean is there any other new codes? did u guys find new areas to got to?
somebody explain what happend please?
1. no. i dont think ur supose to hold it down. when i use it on my laptop i dont have to. 2. i did look but i have no idea what does what
lol its okay. but i bet if u tried to learn it would take u less than 5 min. but do u know what is making my emulater run supper fast? lol its funny seeing sora run in CoM. he looks like hes runing for his life ^^
hey guys im too lazy to read through the 40 pages ive missed. any new codes?
when do u want me to go on aim? i dont have ur aim screen name either. but can u at least tell me how to fix the fast problem right now? im not trying to be pushy about it. i just need it fixed. cause after i learn gba hacking im moving straight to ds hacking. then after that ill just keep with ds hacking for awhile. i have alot of games that i would liked hack. i have the emulater too. but anyway no more spam. so how can i fix that problem? do u know?
i really need help woth gba hacking. i have no idea what im doing. lol. so what do i start at? and i have the emulater on my laptop it works perfectly. i just downloaded it to my desktop (my compaq computer not my alienware) and it goes super fast. the roms and everything. it is way too fast. how do i fix it? whoever helps me thanx
i dont care if u have no idea where u got the digits from or if u randomly just picked them out, but ill still test it =]
cant right now. im eating breakfast. but if u can send me some digits to test in a pm, ill get to it when i get the chance
its 10:42 A.M. by me. good nite but anyway i froze when i tried pressing R2. but the words changed into world map though.
k then brb
now im confused heres the code jokered (R2): E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 0000010F now i go to the cornerstone hall place, and walk into mickey's throne room and c what happends?
kind already figured that out. alright then i guess ill go test. be back in a few with results
1033E830 0000010F 1033E830 00000F00 ill test both. u said joker it? or no and do i have to start at a save at the world map?
oh ok. but i have to start at cornerstone and leave through the door and c what happends right?
1033E830 00000F00 start with this right?
yeah i can test but ur gonna have to give me the room mod code and what digits should i start out with?
wow guys. great job! i havent been on cause there was no new codes and no excitment. but if u guys need something tested i can do it now. i like all the room mods! but i want to go into the room of sleep D: looks like thats not gonna happen (cant play my fm) but anyway is there anything else new?