idk? awhile. but i thought that we had a working command menu mod, but what we really have is a working command menu text mod. i hope we get it soon. and doesnt mickey have more than one reaction ability? its been awhile since ive played as him with his real command menu. but i know he has more abilities than just pearl
but do u need the command menu code on with the command menu text mod for it to mod the text? btw is erkz working on the command menu mod that will let u use pearl and such?
so is sjust that the command menu mod doesnt work/ not hacked corectly or is it suppose to be like that. and whats the command menu for if it doesnt do nothing? (not that im trying to insult any of u guys)
man i thought that mickey with his command menu actually gave u all his commands, and u can only jump and attack. maybe the command menu text mod works but the command menu didnt. or maybe im doing something wrong
so i heard about the cmm. thats cool. what else is new? and does anything need to be tested? im up for testing right now
so how do i start hacking? im seriously confused. i just wanna mod soras deck, just to see how i do on that and well um i have no clue what im doing. i go into disembler, and then what? theres all those ketters and numbers. yeah i know i sound extremly nooby and stupid but im just trying to begin hacking. so if i can get help here i appreciate it =7
i think its just my computer. i downloaded it a second time thinking maybe that download had a bug in it. but it was still fast. but all the settings r set to the same as the emulater on my laptop. so i guess its my desktop tried that already. trust me, jlhack7 try EVERYTHING yesterday to help me but the emulater wouldnt fix. ill just use my laptop for now. no bigie... but i would still like it on my computer though
so i still have that emulater mest up on my desk top, but its perfect on my laptop. so im trying to learn how to hack. so i went to disambler. and after that i dont have a clue what to do (hehe that rymed)
aw. heres a cookie *hands kitty_mckechnie a cookie*
wow.... do they steel cookies? *hides cooky jar*
i have spelling issues okay! *cries*
i always knew rosey was a murderor =P
*bangs head on brick wall* how do i do that? sry for sounding stupid about it, im new to emulaters EDIT: i mean where do i go under options to change this fps thing into a auto-detect thing?
i could get them if u want me to?
just stick his digits in goffy's slot or donald's slot. that'll put him in ur party
lol im gonna need it. so hows ur search for the 1st xemnas area?
xigbars weapon. its called armbursts
oh, well im still trying to get the xigbars armburst code to work.
thats not the first xemnas place. thats the final xemans place. and do what i did, get a save in the world of nothing.