o__0? um............................................
they have HAIRY LEGS! lol i can do this all morning
well i can understand ur situation but just being scared of them cause they look creppy is funny ^^ ur the first person ive ever met that is alergic to spiders! CONGRATUALATIONS! *hands maria a trophy*
not really, just look into its eyes. U CAN SEE UR REFLECTION! i hope im freaking u out lol jp ^^
whats so bad about spiders? i mean come on! eight legs and eight eyes, how can u not think thats cool =p
what ever happend to the command menu? is that scraped?
so whats new guys? have we made any progress on new codes?
lucky im downloading the isos. yeah can u test xigbars armburst for sora? cause the closest i got to wielding it was a disk
yeah cool. thanx well im getting off soon. as soon as ff7 is down downloading onto my computer. woops thats off topic. anyway is it possible to get on the little island like from the tutorial of kh1, but without going through the ground? i know u guys havent found that. but can it even be found?
yeah ssry about giving u the wrong code. my bad
woops. well that was dumb of me. well did it work
i just got done watching ur vid and looked at the vid description then i saw ur code. btw awsome vid! real good quality
E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00000301
ill have to ask anti weapon when he gets on. he had the same problem, but now he got it to work kk.............................
i was told that destiny island seashore/main road can be accessed from anyware in any world
yeah i know it does. ive tried going to di while in hb,twtnw,dc,and tt and they all froze
just the room mod and infinite jump. did u get it to work?
no big deal. we all make mistakes. but does anyone know how to get the room mod working
no it doesnt. i just use the infinite jump and the room mod for destiny island main road. but it freezes whhenn i press r2. so that really sucks. antiweapon had the same problem. i wonder how he fixed it =7 yeah we have that place. dont know the code but it is a place we can now go to
why does the room mod keep freezing! man u guys keep making awsome codes that hate me.