but still that was just for one fight and what i still dont understand is why wouldnt u be able to control other characters in slot 2 if u can do it when r:censor2:u in the final fight? im just confused about that. i have controled 2 soras be4 at once. one sora in slot 1 and another in slot 2. but when i would press x the other would do the same command. and i know that im not the only person who has done this
alright, if there was a code to play as the characters in slot 2 it probably would freeze if u tried playing as a boss (im just taking a wild guess there) but some characters (mulan,aldin,auron,etc.) can be placed in slot 1 w/o freezing the instant u try to put them there. so people like them could probably be controled in the second slot w/o freezing. theres gotta be a way to play as characters in slot 2 since u do that in the final battle. but im just guessing maybe that will stop the r:censor2:k c:censor2:e to work. since he never really was put in slot 1 and was controlable in slot 2. but then again mulan and the other characters were never put in slot 1 put they can still be used. idk this is probably the most wiged out theory u guys heard in awhile. but im just trying to see if that code is possible cause that would be a fun code
hey is it possible to make make a code that will let u be playing as the person in slot 2 while sora is in slot 1? no not because i want to see if we can play as cloud,bosses,etc. it would probably freeze but certain characters can be placed in slot one with out a problem, so if there was a code for this wouldnt that mean we could have sora in slot one while ur lets say goofy in slot 2 and u would be controling him. if u guys kinda get where im going with this.....
okay im new to this fantasy rpg so whats this all about? btw atw59 ultima sora needs to talk to u
Cookies! I Want One! Oreo Plz!
sure u can. if it works on catsle oblivion destiny isaland is bound to be able to have boss fights
did the coders ever get together to re:find the command menu mod? im hoping to get that be4 christmas break
isnt the room mod already jokered. can u tell what to type in my gs i have the room mod and so after that do i just use the final xemnas in ur party code
whats this i hear about a group? is it like the kingdom hackers but with hackers? and im still waiting for the final xemnas code. how come it hasnt posted? is too glitchy or something
antiweapon whats the code for final xemnas btw i finally got the xigbars armburst to work 8D
whats the final xemnas code
final xemnas in another area? i cant see the pic cause im on my psp browser
did u guys hack any new codes?
aim (aol instaint messaging)
exactally and ull probably never know. does anyone want to talk on aim? i know ansem would
yeah first,middle,and last name... and ull never guess it right
we r talking about how my user name stands for something. and it stands for my first,middle,and last name. now try guetssing that
ansem go head and tell her maria u r sooo close NOT lol
heres a tricky question: what does my user name stand for?
*turns off music* how may i take ur order