ar max or raw
we have 2 new codes: 1. riku 2. dw normal sora
i tested dw sora it works, but i wish they didnt disappear wen ur just standing and u cant use high jump glide quick jump etc. erkz is there away to make normal dw sora have lvl 7 valor form powers
dw sora code, nice. anyway i tried using the riku command menu while playing as riku, and i couldnt attack, all i could do is jump, so i gave riku mickeys command menu now he can jump and attack, y is it working with mickeys command menu and not rikus
atw59 is right, we promised to be testers for riku, i tested hollow bastion, its stable and isnt glitchy
no, thats why i think r next project should be a working command menu mod, ya know we truly r the home of kh2 codes, there is no other forum in the whole wide world that can compete wit the code vault :)
both i think they ported the code to final mix, but i could be wrong it couldve gone the other way around, they made it for final mix and ported it to kh2
*stands and aploze* khkid is back in business, hey u think we can find a working command menu code if we try hard and give it another try
cool, i cant wait for the vid tutorial. i learn better wen i can actually see wat ur suppose to do, thanx
thanx khkid,antiweapon,and erkz. i wish i could give u guys a prize but i cant so heres a pat on the back *pats back*. i think now that we have found riku, we should find the real command menu mod, but we'll c how things work out first good job guys
u can send me the codes to test, and ill test em right away, tommorow i have nothing to do so please give me something to do, besides its the least i can do since im not active anymore =p
like what?
did u try it on the emulator? cause maybe its like the riku code
woops, i should start reading the pages i miss, thanx @anyone, if anyone wants 2 talk 2 me im on aim right now
where did u find that? and thanx khkid ^^
hey khkid, did u guys have the digits for dodge rool? cause i wanna use the reaction command modifier to do dodge roll =p
hey, im still waiting for my swap magic to come in, but anyway im gonna try testing something when i can play again. so whats the one thing that will let u equipped differmt things, i dont know hw to explain it. heres an example: wisom form equipped with explosion. like that. i think its called the abi;ity mod im not sure
good job guys, now if we can only get it too work on the real kh2 fm that would be great!
no it only works for sora,valor form,and roxas
thats um........ something that we dont need, the color mod can do that, but of corse in only certain rooms it will be black. and is that possible? i wish we had a keyblade color mod XD that would be cool