thats wierd. but is the world soras drive code glitchy? like doesnt it freeze sometimes when u try to drive?
kk thank u very much
kool can i have it?
hey guys can i have the space paroniods ultimate weapon replaces kingdom key? btw i was playing as tron sora with the normal ultima weapon? i thought u can only play with the world character keyblades if ur a world character? and isnt the world soras can drive code glitchy? cause i froze trying to drive a second time. how about for u guys?
like i said i did EVERYTHING ur suppose to put it still freezes
i thought the drive as tron sora code wasnt glitchy :/ anyway antiweapon if u ever read this please respond! how did u get sora with xigbars armburst code to work? i did everything i was suppose to do but it still freezes when i press x. can u help me out?
yeah. ill say my final good bye on tuesday
i will. but um....... i cant stay for long
no we dont..................................................
yeah we do. but we cant replace u. isa doesnt know ur leaving. i should leave to so we can be known as the lost 2 from bbs lol
no. it cant be 2 stooges. it sounds wierd lol there is no more 3 stooges
whats gonna happen to the 3 stuges? aka me, i shot ansem, and u. u 2 r my #1 bros
this sucks. i remember when u first join. we became friends. its too bad ur leaving. keep in touch. c'ya around. good bye buddy =[
it never did. but u would t-stance if u did ground attacks with the old code. but now its got no problems. kk thanx
WOOT! mickey wielding w2d is FLAWLESS! and i mean FLAWLESS! if only mickey himself was flawless. hey is the tron sora code stable at all times? will i get a bsod every now and then or will it NEVER bsod?
i already use location free player for psp. so i can watch tv. but i wish i had tv on my ds. it would be better using a touch screen. too bad we wont get it =/
then live dump it. or u dont know how
well in one of the images terra was summoning his keyblade and said "what did u do to his heart!" so he hates master xehanort foor a reason that terra was betraid and ven was the victam because of it
the first time i tried it i forgot to use mulans moveset and i had bsod. so then i thought oh yaeh i forgot mulans moveset. and it loaded but it hung when i pressed x
hey i used the xigbar arm burst code with mulans moveset and it hangs when i press x. alittle help