He was part of one of the greatest treasures Disney had the honor of bringing to the big screen. RIP Robert Guillaume.
I thought this was already a thing??? How many times are they going to re-release it? XD
Join us. You know you want to~
Spoiler View attachment 48140 Here's the render! If anything needs to be changed please let me know :)
Hope this works. I don't have the greatest luck when it comes to uploading things on this site. >.<
No probs! And my recording I shall send in tomorrow. How big should the pic be?
^I've always loved a good half naked Christmas ninja
^Agreed. I'm all for simplicity don't get me wrong, but if it's going to be THAT exclusive, it should pop out more. Have a little more wow factor to it.
The hooded Mickey one is really adorable.
When your father is a snowman and your mother is a chicken.
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Keep slaying my Anguis royalty!
They should totally release a KH fun fact booklet. This was a very nice read. :)
I live for that heartless mug! I hope they don't sell out. Can't get them right now cuz bills and I gotta be View attachment 48079 blah. x.x