Darn, I was really hoping Anna and Elsa would've been party members. As for returns, I hope all of them come back, Roxas, Namine, and Xion. (I would say Ventus but I'm quite confident he'll definitely return.)
Agreed. That and it's a game a lot of people have been waiting for a long time. We're practically nearing the "end" of an era. I'm glad it got the attention it deserved.
Agreed. The story is big enough as it is already. Any more would just make the game too bulky story-wise.
Am I the only one that isn't loving Kairi's new look? >.> to me it looks like that awkward haircut you get in either middle school or freshman year of high school. I hope it'll grow on me. >.<
I'm sad I'm going to be working during that time. DX I'll have to catch up afterwards. It'd be really cool if Nomura made a special appearance.
IN LOVE w/ the look of everything. And giving the trio a pirate look this time around was really a nice touch. Also, was I the only one that didn't recognize Luxord right away? XD And I'm still bummed out Hayden won't be reprising her role as Kairi. (and I wish they would've left her hair at the KH2 length >.<)
That is indeed an interesting decision. Maybe to speed up the release process for the other countries?
I'm down with that. Cute guys cooking with rodents is my favorite thing. ^_^ I would like to think we will.
Almost 20 bucks for a keychain? No thank you.
I don't see why there wouldn't be. I refuse to believe that all we're getting this E3 is a video that was already shown. And damn, I'm gonna have to wait till I get paid to get this. It's way too beautiful not to get it, the 1st one that is. Second one is too expensive. Darn you monthly bills... ;-;
Not gonna lie, I wasn't even surprised for the delay. But hey, if it means a better looking game in the end, bring it on Nomura.
I really hope that's the case.
I hope they show more footage of the world later today at E3 :)
Kinda upset she won't be voicing Kairi anymore it seems if they choose to go with Alyson. She's been Kairi since the beginning, it doesn't feel right that she won't be voicing her for this installment. :/
Of course it had to be Josh Gad. No better Olaf than him ^_^ and I also believe those were the voices of Idina and Kristen. Like Thanos said though, if they weren't, they sure as hell fooled me. XD
So hyped Frozen is in it! ^_^ but that ending though... Who did that to my homegirl?
I just realized I never got the second pin for winning Silliest Costume in the 2017 Unchained Halloween Costume event. I only have the creepy couture one from 2016. ^_^" Would I also be eligible for the two!? pin?
I am all for every single thing about this. That packaging especially is life. I really hope it finds its way online to be bought.