This is without a doubt the best KH trailer for me. I'm super excited. Gonna have to re-watch the trailer a few times or watch a break down of it to really understand everything going on in the trailer. XD (and super hyped at what looked like Roxas at the end though that keyblade.. hm...)
So you're telling me that my life long dream of being in the game can finally come true? I no longer have to rely on fanfiction solely? THANK YOU TECHNOLOGY!!!!
I am now considering playing re:coded if this is the case >.> Other than the secret ending I never saw that much of a point to re:coded (that detail clearly flew over my head), so it'd be pretty nice if some elements from that game was in KH3 to finish tying in all the games.
I am a fiend for BH6. I am super excited about that world. And omg even Aqua's clothes changed... (weird side effect of falling into darkness if you ask me, but I accept it lol)
I almost fudged my pants when I read the title thinking the site was shutting down. I plan to be on this site even on my death bed. XD
Is there a theme or will it be free choice again?
Count me in! *thumbs up*
Can't wait for the next contest. ^_^
I would also like in. :)
Surprised people here actually know of me. XD
Aw gosh. *blush* it's just nice being nominated at all for something like this. ^.^
Toy Story FTW! Their toy designs are very cute. The team really outdid themselves this time around transforming the trio to fit into every world.
I hope we get to see some of that game footage. Feels a little surreal knowing that it's reached a playable stage.
A little surprised to see him say the series is best played by release date as opposed to chronological order. x3 And I would like to think that original world would be something like End of the World.
Wait, really???
I actually like that. Could totally make some KH popsicles with that.
New Steven Universe episodes airing next week! (5 in total) starting July 2nd.