Search Results

  1. Day~Dream
    Was kinda hoping for Halloween Town to have made the cut since it's such a fun world. But if I had to choose between HT and a new world (like Monster's Ink for example since it does have monsters) I ain't mad. (curious on that last world tho.) I've been hearing that it could be Pride Land. As much as I love the Lion King I wasn't a big fan of playing with Sora as a small lion (even though he was very adorable, but no thank you.)
    Post by: Day~Dream, Nov 1, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Day~Dream
    My apologies everyone. I had every intention of posting it up yesterday but was just way too exhausted. x.x

    So, hop on in everyone cuz we're traveling back in time to yesterday. XD

    Alright, now that it's the 31st again let's begin. ^_^ I would like to thank the following ghouls and gals for participating in this spooky round of the contest!

    Let's give it up for them!

    @burnitup @Rinzler @LadyAzura @tamale @Odamadillo @SuperJedi224 @cstar @PlushChrome

    Moving onto the votes....

    9th Place - Halloween at Freddy's Submitted by Rinzler - 28 Points

    8th Place
    - Tuning Sweet William Submitted by Cstar - 29 Points

    7th Place
    - Coraline's Ending Credits Submitted by Plush Chrome - 31 Points

    6th Place - Still Doll Submitted by Lady Azura - 34 Points

    5th Place
    - Lavender Town Submitted by Tamale - 36 Points

    th Place - How to Pretend Submitted by Day~Dream - 37 Points

    3rd Place
    - Phantom Submitted by Superjedi224 - 38 Points

    Now the final 2 left alive...

    And the killer- I mean winner is...


    1st Place - Monster Mash Submitted by Odamadillo - 47 Points!!!

    And in 2nd Place we have Skeletons on Parade Submitted by Burnitup - 42 Points!!

    A big bloody congratulations to our winner of this round!!!


    Next round is all yours if you choose to accept. If not no worries, we'll just go down the line until someone accepts. : ) Thank you again everyone for participating in this round of Spooky Contest!

    Post by: Day~Dream, Nov 1, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  3. Day~Dream
    Announcement: Due to having a lot of work tonight I won't be able to post up the results until tomorrow.

    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 30, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  4. Day~Dream
    @tamale , @Rinzler, @burnitup

    (Closest thing I could find w/ a clock and ghost)

    Anyway, it's that 24 hour alarm reminding you not to forget to vote. Tomorrow before midnight is your last chance to get your votes in. :)
    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 28, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  5. Day~Dream
    Alright ghouls and gals we have our submissions! Below are the brave souls/soulless that join us this round.


    Plus yours truly!

    Sorry for tagging you guys so much.

    Here are the choices for this spooktacular round:

    A reminder that in order for your entry to NOT be disqualified, you MUST vote! No voting for your own choice :3
    Voting time will start from now until next Monday at 11:59 pm on the 29th of Spooktober.

    Voting will go by the Eurovision rules so send in your top eight songs in this order:

    8 - song title
    7 - song title
    6 - ...
    5 - ...
    4 - ...
    3 - ...
    2 - ...
    1 - ...

    The song you choose to vote as number 8 should be your favorite song, with the rest in descending order.

    Happy voting brave ones!


    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 22, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  6. Day~Dream
    ^totally legit 24 hour alarm. Don't forget my dear tomorrow before midnight is the last day to submit your cancion. :)

    If anyone would like to change their song you can do so before midnight tomorrow.
    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 20, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  7. Day~Dream
    LOVE her. Really glad to see she's back.
    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 20, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Day~Dream
    Dark and plaid is quite the recurring theme within the costumes this time around. I wonder if it's supposed to reflect the tone of the game? Dark and complex? Or am I reaching?
    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Day~Dream
    Glad to see Vanitas is getting some love. : )
    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 16, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Day~Dream
    @LadyAzura @tamale @Rinzler @PlushChrome

    Alright guys, I am officially ready to start taking submissions! (We will go ahead w/ just lil ole 9 of us if no one else signs up) You have until the 21st to send in your submissions. If you are not tagged, that is b/c I already received your submission (thanks again!) If I have not received your submission by the 20th you shall be tagged again in another post for the last 24 hour mark.


    Now get to it... if you dare...
    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 15, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  11. Day~Dream
  12. Day~Dream
    Since we're still waiting on a few more contestants to sign up I would like to say the 21st as a deadline for entries. I'm hoping to have all spots filled by Sunday the 14th. From there everyone will have a week to get in their entry. (I've already had an entry submitted so if anyone wanted to send it in early they can as well.)
    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 9, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  13. Day~Dream
    Here goes nothing. ^_^



    So given that the month upon us is October... I'm sure you can guess where I'm going with this. >: )

    The theme for this round shall be...

    Halloween themed music or any song with a spooky/creepy vibe.

    Sign Ups:

    1. Day~Dream (yours truly ;D)
    2. LadyAzura
    3. SuperJedi224
    4. tamale
    5. Rinzler
    6. burnitup
    7. Odamadillo
    8. cstar
    9. PlushChrome

    We shall commence with the next phase once the other sacrifice- I mean spot is filled. >.>

    Happy signing!

    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 9, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  14. Day~Dream
    I shall accept, and congrats! :3 (am I supposed to wait or do I just jump straight into it?)
    Post by: Day~Dream, Oct 7, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  15. Day~Dream
  16. Day~Dream
    That's true. Maybe she didn't fall into it willingly? I feel like there's something we're missing. Maybe more time has passed between KH2 and KH3 than we think? (kinda doubt it though. I would say at most a few weeks/months to a year.)
    Post by: Day~Dream, Sep 23, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Day~Dream

    ^ There's also this. Not sure if this is any indication of what we could expect but I feel it's pretty chill in comparison to some of his other work. I wouldn't fret too much about his involvement with the new theme. It's still a collaboration and I feel with Hikki involved it'll come out tasteful and or boppin'.
    Post by: Day~Dream, Sep 22, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Day~Dream
    Idk, when you've been surrounded by darkness for as long as she has (even though there's technically no sense of time in that realm) I feel like even the strongest can begin to feel hopelessness after quite some time. I feel Aqua held up for a very long time and I am not surprised that she ultimately fell into it. But this is just me talking with absolutely no background info on the situation lol.
    Post by: Day~Dream, Sep 22, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Day~Dream
    They are really going all out for KH3. Thank you, Hikki!!! I'm kinda glad. DTT always did sound more like an ending theme anyway. I couldn't picture it remixed like S&C or Passion.
    Post by: Day~Dream, Sep 21, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Day~Dream
    The second I saw the cover it reminded of me the first KH cover. I love the inclusion of everyone (Namine so lonely tho ;-; ) The scenery looks so interesting. It's very urban. I do hope it's the unseen world Nomura mentioned. It's a
    Post by: Day~Dream, Sep 20, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates