It's so pretty! I like the details that went into it. I'm used to mostly seeing the kingdom key as a necklace. It'd be neat to have a line of key blade necklaces.
Hinga dinga doergen! Spoiler Spoiler
View attachment 48074
I would like to sign up with the #1 lines por favor
BTS' new album is a gift to humanity
View attachment 48053
The future is here
Ahh, alright. I knew I wasn't buggin' out. x3 (for once)
That is frickin' adorable. (and I thought there already was KH Halloween Town funk pops???) I can't keep up with all this merchandise.
Cuz you guys are like the cool table kids and I'm an oddball XD
Someone should totally help me get past my intimidation of the discord.
I LOVE the BBS phone case cover, but I'm a bit of a doof when it comes to my phone and I drop it often enough. I need something shock proof and durable. XD