What. A. Mindfuck. Spoiler HOLY SHIT. ITS STILL SPINNING.
if George Michael from Arrested Development can do it, so can you.
The site became a little less cool when he left it. (Sad faec + tears of manliness)
I think its only natural for someone to have had that dream at least once in their life...usually when I want something badly I start to have dreams like that. Even when whatever I want doesn't come true, it always encourages me to try and get it though.
I'd like to order a "helllll no" with sides "bitch please" and "I'm not that desperate."
Legend of Zelda: Windwaker - This game's graphics, storyline, bosses, are all AMAZING. I have so many good memories from times I'd just sit playing this game with my friends. I loved the quests and side quests. The bosses were each interesting and challenging but not too hard either. Spider-Man 2: Pretty much set the standard for free roaming spider-man games (this standard hasnt been met yet) Assassin's Creed 2: I wish it wasnt such a quick game, but it was amazing all the same. The graphics, different missions, locations, etc. were different and enjoyable to play through.
I honestly don't know why we're returning to these old cartoons...first alvin and he chipmunks and then this? People are running out of ideas...I personally think this movie will be really bad.
Uncharted 1 and 2, devil may cry 4 if you dont already have it, blur...
Before he used to absolutely destroy me but I managed to start beating him by my second playthrough. I always wait when he starts taunting me (jumping on that branch) to start wailing on him. Also potions are good.
Yeah see, that doesn't help his situation hahaha.
I guess? Thanks for clearing that up though.
No shut up stop instigating. Its an actual question. Its ultimately up to him to tell, which is fine, but khv has never been critical of these sort of things anyway. So yeah.
um, no offense but arent you?
I am especially happy that everyone is so helpful. yay.
So I finished disc 1 right? It says insert disc 2. I put in disc 2. It says insert disc 1. What do I do?
Well if that picture is your flashbang you need to send more of those more often. Unless its a trap.