you missed my joke...
true, true. Above all else, the books were what really captured me emotionally. You cant beat the books.
eh, chicks dig giant robots.
Its actually pronounced "Muhh-lan," god, get it right.
math and badass in the same sentence. ON MY KHV?!!? my midterms were about the same actually...A's on my english paper and music test, B on Japanese, and a mother****ing 79 on math. Do you know why 79 is the worst grade you can get? BECAUSE ITS ONE MORE POINT OFF FROM A B-. ONE MORE POINT.Thank god for my homework and lab assignments, they probably push me over...BUT STILL.
eeeeehhhh The Joy of **** Sex with Male Goats & Leather-Clad Gay Boys Part I was good, but I liked the sequel better for its special effects.
"thats janky" "I will cut you" "...alright then..." "I think you can eat them"
College is where the best moments of your life happen, because no one is around to stop them from happening.
The toilet store?
we have usernames that are not our real names most of us have avatars that are not our real faces and locations that dont reveal where we really are...etc.
goddamn it you guys, get a room.
6 days short, its the 27th
ew you guys. August is where its at.
You still its been so long I cant believe okay never mind.
I think the fact that you have crazy dreams means you're actually sane...we've got to have some kind of outlet right? Imagine thinking that way and its not in a dream? Craaaazy **** mang.
(for your burn)
The thing that gets me going is now that Gabranth and Shantotto have been revealed in the trailer, they are obviously not "secret characters." Who will fill their spots? Im praying for noctis, although everyone knows that wont happen
Buy some porn and cigarettes. Yayy.
Superbad .