Reptar I seeeeee that I think my name would be a perfect female villain name actually.
More like always I wanna be with you and make believe with you... The bigger you are, the fancier you burn. EDIT: Also just realized i'm basically Roy Mustang. Double win.
Fizz***** Robyn Banks Barbra Streisand Vagangster
Like 50% of my usernames are completely original, or just words that I think sound cool, like Zeitgeist. The others are mainly music references.
I'm just surprised you still have a kingdom hearts related name after all this time.
eh...he phrased it very sneakily actually. It says "should resist" which is noncommittal in every since of the word. Nolan himself might dislike 3d, but dude's got to make some money at the same time.
im going as spdude lololo
Look at will smith and all that flowing hair he's got.
Yeah same : /
I saw this movie again a few nights ago...there are so many cross dressing references made that I didnt pick up on its scary.
hahaha yes it would. The Dark Knight Rises is kind of a bad title doesnt really make sense since we've already had Batman Begins you know?
Yes, I do have a desire to get kicked out of college, so ill use it.
You and Whose Army? - Radiohead No Surprises - Radiohead (This one's about suicide...that depressing enough?) Paradise Circus - Massive Attack The Wind Blows - All American Rejects Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys Sorry - Buckcherry Happiness is a Warm Gun - The Beatles Yesterday - The Beatles Lost Cause - Beck Stan - Eminem El Manana - Gorillaz Choke - Hybrid Numb - Portishead Roads - Portishead Sour Times - Portishead Black Sheep - Metric (The Scott Pilgrim vs. The World version sounds better though)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Duh.
you used to have those forum games right? I think I remember you...
I find taking calc considerably easier than I did my trig/algebra classes
Xbox 360: Arkham Asylum Halo 3/Reach Assassin's Creed 2
Yeah seriously me too. DO YOU BITE THE HAND THAT FEEEDS YOU?!
In Devil May Cry 4, after getting past all 100 levels in the bloody palace, you fight Spoiler dante . This isnt normal Spoiler dante . He's been suped up and specially enhanced to kick your ass. There have been times where ive made it all the way up to that part, only to be killed by him in like a minute. Do you know how long it takes to get that far? TWO. HOURS. And after getting defeated do you know where you end up? Not 1 level before the one you previously on, not one in the middle, BUT AT THE GODDAMN BEGINNING. No those fights were ****ing hard. KH1 didnt have the "skip cutscene" feature, and I got my ass kicked by riku so many times I memorized the cutscene.