"Sure....Though I told those girls not to go there....he can sit on the bench or join the others." Harley took off after Maddie,Forrest trailing behind her
"Yeah....party's deffinatly over..."He said beind to pick Nick up
ooc-yeah sure " Alright everyone..for the first day I'll let you show me what you can do in the pool,swimming costumes,flippers,foam boards and arm bands are in the locker room...take what you need and dive in.."
He sniffed the air slightly
"No...Its hard to remeber before the fall..."
"Your brother?"He said "why are you talking about your brother and memories? He's nothing to do with her being unable to remember....thats just her curse...or it was untill a few years back..."
"Im not completely mortal...."she said"Just because you've had a hard time doesnt mean I cant know my past..."
ooc-Im no good at that sort of thing... best just to move on
ooc-Since SnRnK isnt on should we skip her class and move to Toby's?
"You atleast have a 'reminder'..."
"Maybe we should wrap it up here..."
Ooc-...I added angel combat training into it with names beside them to tell who teaches what.
"Heath...? Here drink this.."She handed him a cup of water "Everything ok?"Daniel asked around
"We're taking her back.."he said "No!....I have to- Dont you-? Its not-....Its not fair that you and Zack and everyone else can remember the pasts that I've had ....but I cant...."
ooc-Sorry but Toby's got that one "The minute that someone mentions anything to do with history I glaze over..."
"whats wrong?"
"God I hate stuff like sports...Im not athleteic in anyway.."
she glared at him
"Dunno..."He grinned "Sounds boring.."
"Im like..really stubborn...so if I dont beleive now...I never will."