He muttered something along the lines of "sure you can d*ckwad.."both dissappereing into a booth to change Harley came back out,in her bikini
"No one said you had to listen..."
"Nobody..." "Oooh.Nice..."she said going to get changed
"Let's go Heath..."
"No one asked you.." "Its pretty..."
"I dont have any....Im normal....Im normal..." "Um...Yeah.."she smiled
"No....soon I'd expect..."
He jerked backward,shaking his hand,breathing hard "Oh right!"
"What the-..."Toby muttered He backed against the wall,his hand unknowingly went on fire....white flames licked his fingers "what was I saying?"
"about.....twenty years....thats a short time to someone who's been around as long as me..."
"That wasnt...." "another one?"he said moving quickly out the way
"How did you-?" "why dont you try?"
"Yeah...it always does."
"Me too..."he muttered
"Apparently getting sent here means you dont have to say 'excuse me' anymore..." "Oh this one's pretty..."Harley said picking out a red two -piece with hawwian flowers printed on it
"I'll get him to his dorm....or do you wanna-?"he said uncertainly to Yuri
"If you fell within the last hundered years you wont remember anything for awhile..."
"Fine.Go get changed..." Forrest headed into the boys locker room
"we get flashes....its harder to remember names and faces....dates and such...alot easier..."
"He...uh fainted...the heat in here...musta got to him and...I'll talk to Toby about another one..."