"Uh...No problem..."he said
"I'll show you around.."
"a necklace I gave her."
Harley nodded following her outside
"Uh...right well...There might be a bucket or something under the bed incase he throws up....I havent been avoiding you..."
Toby sighed and rubbed his forward
The younger Toby handed her something silver,it flashed in the sunlight The older Toby put his hand to his neck.."I forgot about this..."
he nodded "See ya.."
"Is Uhh...everything ok?"Daniel asked as he passed,setting Heath just outside the door"Another one with the heat? wow...uh...heh."
"Enough!"Toby's voice rang out in the near empty locker room"There a humans here...be more discreet...Cory....Gabe...Forrest get to the pool where I can kee a eye on you."
she rolled her eyes,the leanned around the corner again to see her past self
"Uh-huh....what is that thing?" "whats going on in here?"Toby asked standing at the door of the boys locker room.
"Good."he said
"Get rid of it..."
Daniel pulled him to his feet, helping Heath to his room.
"Enough!" he snapped,flames licking his hands again
"I really wouldnt.."
"What the-!" "I wouldnt do that if I were you..."
"Thanks yours does too"she smiled "coming?"she asked heading towards the door "Or what?"