Forrest moved away from the edge of the pool,keeping his eyes on the water,He could've had a dad like that...he probably did who was married with 'new' babies....his mother was probably some druggie now....on her own with a flock of kids,struggling to pay bills and whatnot,how many half-siblings did he have? Or where they still together? He doubted that very much,from what the orphanage could tell him his parents had been around seventeen years old when they brought him in. No chance were they together anymore....He was probably the result of a drunken one night stand.
"Yeah I doubt that he would've done it!"
The gods are controlable but theyre not main characters you couldnt just control them,to do that you'd have to make a demi-god (his child or a...
"He'll be back on the intercom by then..."
I forgot to give you the link to the rp...
ooc-no "Just after seven...youve got half an hour before breakfast"
"Not all are trouble..."
"Be at the hall in half an hour."the intercom clicked off "You heard the man....time to get up......"Daniel walked along the corridor,flinging the room doors open
Just turned 9am here in scotland
Not like THE hecules...but I guess he could be his son....though it isnt really about the gods children...more about the demi-gods kids..
fine ....just woke up
I he wasnt in the books ....but if you wanted you could make a character and name him hercules.
Toby nodded "I see."
"Yep....though Im just letting them show me what they can do..."
"Alrighty Kids of all ages time to get up and get a move on...time to start the day rise and shine."Toby's voice said over the intercom Heath yanked a pillow over his head,trying to block out the noise and light,he'd drank waaay to much last night
"Not me....Im not the best swimmer..." "Wimp...I'll race you.."
"Uh right...well atleast he'll be ok...I have to get Heath to his room before he pukes everywhere." ooc-Should we skip till the mornning?
Forrest jumped into the pool
~Point of view of Rhea~ My Name Is Rhea Athena Sally Jackson, I used to be your normal everyday teenage girl,go out with friends,talk about guys and not have a care in the world. That was untill my mother was taken by the lord of the dead (who by the way...I had no idea even exsisted.) Then I find out that Im a demigod...well like a parents are the son of Poseidon and the daughter of Anthen....I mean what the hell? So now Im in camp half-blood with a bunch of other kids like me...planning on getting my mother back and guess who just waltses out the ocean? My dear father...Great huh? Helping Poseidon for sixteen years does not go down well with me...Oh sucks then you die...or thats what've been told. ~Plot~ Annabeth has raised Rhea on her own as Percy has been helping his father under the seas,but when she goes missing ...Kidnapped by Hades,who has been possesed by Kronos so he can rise again its time to let the demi-gods step in and handle it. Rhea ends up at camp half-blood where she learns the truth and is trained to fight before sneaking off to find her mother and rescue her...stopping Hades in the process.Though it may not be that simple as everyone wants a certain set of Key's that Rhea somehow magically has... with Tons of monsters to fight along the way can she save her mother? Name age apperence parents powers Bio cabin Cabins Zeus- Hera-(none) Poseidon- Rhea Hades- Apollo- Artemis- (None) Aphrodite- Ares- Athena- Hepthestas- Name: Rhea Jackson age:16 apperence: parents: Percy and Annabeth Jackson Powers: Integelliegnce and Aquatic abilities. Bio: Rhea thought she was normal,her mother never told her anything about her tue nature and her father- well he father has seen her once and once only as he's 'away at sea'. She learns the truth when her mother is kidnapped by Hades,lord of the dead,who demands that Rhea return his 'Key of life'..Rhea who is none the wiser,soon finds herself at camp half-blood,where it is revealed that Hades is possesed and is trying to set Kronos free,and it is up to Rhea to stop him. Percy also makes a sudden reapperence once he learns that Annabeth is missing. cabin:Poseidon