I'll have to check it out.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeCNkm7gzfc]Speaking of the SAO movie...[/url]
No, because I'm not some uncultured savage.
Happy birthday!
Oh, Hi Ted! :3
[X] Ask for advice on vidyas. Only true advice.
Kinda like the Hotel California.
This is awful! Now people will have to log onto KHV! Who would want to do that?!
Welcome back. Remember: You are here forever.
Girl, we look fabulous with our matching colors!
Congrats on the Premium status. :3
I hear that. So how have you been?
Been awfully quiet lately. Welp. Only thing to do.
Hey buddy! Haven't heard from you in a while!
Awesome sauce!
[X] Go out to lunch with Anton.
Hey he is the one making out with a girl in a coma where she can't say no.
That crazy guy.