Since Beucette's upgrades were lost, she's been reset to her base form. putting points into 5 gray.
Spending my point for Ra in Erza Magic Spending 600 Jewels on a Mage Earring Swapping out stop for Mine Shield Equipping Quake
Ra used Binding Strike
Username: Beucefilous Character Name: Jeremiah Abbott Age: Old enough to have the appearance of an old man, despite being a mage. (Now exactly how old that is, idfk) Gender: Male Race: Mage Appearance: If we approach strategically from the flank...Aw who am i kidding? Let's just morph and eat them. Bio: Born in Nilfgaard, Jeremiah was always strict with everyone, himself above all. His intelligence and disciplined nature gave birth to ambition. In his youth, he joined the military. Naturally, he soared in rank, until he was named a general. Thought to be one of the greatest military minds in history, he has led Nilfgaard to more than one victory during his time in this position. Until recently, he held the position, but when war began ravaging the lands, he found disgust in the situation. Monsters were left to terrorize as they please. The more intelligent breeds were even trying to overthrow humans, from what he'd heard. The monster hunters, witchers as they were called, had risen up to combat them, causing a second war to overlap with the current one. Left unchecked, the lands would surely be destroyed by the battle. Yet, they did nothing. Simply let their soldiers run through the countryside unchecked to do as the pleased. Often it involved tormenting peasants than the job they were trained for. When he requested of the leaders to allow him to lead the armies against the enemy forces, he was turned down. Finding nothing but contempt for his own country, he resigned from the position of general, and went to resolve the situation himself. Occupation: Ex-General Weapons: The staff he uses as a cane Secondary Weapon: None Powers (For Mages Only): Cripple: Through manipulation of his enemy's body, he can make them feel the effects of old age, vastly reducing strength, stamina, durability, concentration level, and senses. Though Witchers and Mages are less affected by this due to their resistance to aging, they are not immune. Torment: Causes pain to course through the enemy's body, in varying degrees. Through combination of this and Cripple, he can overpower many foes with little effort. Raven Control: Jeremiah can take over the will of birds, controlling them as though they were his own body parts. In addition, he can see through their eyes, giving him immense strategical advantage over a large-scale battlefield. Other: Though he is no longer a General, most Nilfgaardian officers will still follow his commands out of sheer respect for his reputation. If the need arose, it's not unlikely he could muster a potent force to send into battle, if given the time.
As Slapstick: The Character was climbing out of the hellpit known as "inactivity" She was immediately drawn to a few things. Character interaction, Food, and Women. There seemed to be one place in particular with all three things. The kitchen with Conrad and Tessa in it. Beucette made her way to this kitchen, and merrily strolled in, probably interrupting something important. "Boy whatever you two are cookin' smells good. When's dinner?" She said, completing the pointless action for the sole purpose of posting something. Also this is an edit.
Beuce tumbled from the portal, landing in a kneeling position. He looked around to find not only D'daear, but Oswald and several other keyblade wielders who had evidently made their way here. Although, there seemed to only be about half of them there. "Well, that settles the regrouping thing. That's convenient." There were a few people he'd been hoping to see that were absent, such as Glen and Kel, although Stratos was there. "So, I'm gonna go under the assumption that people who are missing from here got taken by the ink. Oswald, do you have any idea what happens to people who are taken? Where they go? If there's any way to rescue them? As long as it doesn't involve immortal, self-replicating brooms I think we should give it a shot."
Beuce slowed down along with D'daear. Though he wasn't quick as exhausted from the sprint as his friend was, his breath was still a pant. If that happened to them, and Karina was captured, who knew how many others had been drawn into the ink? Stratos? Glen? Kel? Were he and D'daear the only ones left? No. He had more faith in his comrades than for them all to be captured. Still, without the ability to fight against them, it was likely more than just Karina. "We need to find a way to regroup with whoe-" He was interrupted by D'daear noting something a ways off. "Hm?" Looking over, he saw exactly what the boy was talking about. Something that looked like a projector. That was strange, although he'd seen enough strange things to not be surprised by it. Damn brooms and that T-rex and the hippos that shot lasers that didn't do anything. God that world was trippy. Immediately D'daear began to climb into it. "Wait what are you doing?! That could be just as dangerous as the ink!" He cautioned. However, he seemed to recognize it, saying it was similar to the windows. Though he didn't quite catch on to what exactly was happening, he had no better plan. His only real option was to trust D'daear. "Alright. If you say so." After watching the boy get absorbed into the projection, Beuce placed a hand on it himself and felt the tug, as though it were pulling him in. He hesitated for a moment, but decided to press forward into the projection.
Ra pointed at Mikasa all dramatic like. "Something something traitor! Something something overstepped! Blah blah Wrath of Sapphire Eclipse Blah!" After his intense and dramatic speech full of emotions of betrayal and hurt and rage, Ra used Binding Strike.
Ra stood silent as the confrontation between Dale and Mikasa came to a climax. So, he'd been right about Dale, and Mikasa had indeed decided to turn against them. To murder Johanna to get to Dale. He was appalled at the thought she would do that, especially to her own guild. He'd never spoken much to Johanna, but she'd always seemed friendly and carefree. "Dale, I can't say I approve of your actions in leading us here, but she has overstepped." Ra said, his voice with a slight tone of anger. "Come, let us return to the guild hall before it's too late. We'll deal with her then." Ra looked down at the drunken young boy before giving a sigh. "Thomas, we will have to work on your endurance. Come now, shape up. We must be at our prime to fight Mikasa."
He didn't have time to walk very far before the ink blots swarmed them. He summoned his keyblade, prepared to defend himself. Though, judging from what Oswald said, they wouldn't be able to do much. "We've gotta hurry out of here." However, not everyone did that. Karina decided to buy them time by sacrificing herself. "Karina, no! What are you doing?!" Yet he watched as she fought them. Like Oswald said, she couldn't hurt them. Her attacks barely slowed them down, and sure enough, they overwhelmed her with ease. He clenched his teeth as they dragged her under. Flame, Seiza, and now Karina. Every time he tried to help someone, something happened to them. Dammit. All he could do was run away, just like last time. Just like the time before that. Just like always. He glared at his keyblade. What was the point in having it if he couldn't do anything with it?! His thoughts were interrupted by a slight tug on his wrist. D'daear was pleading for him to go. "Yeah. Alright. You said magic is more effective against these things? I'll get us out of here then." He turned to look at the ever-growing number of ink blots between them and their goal. Building up magic in his body, his keyblade began to glow. With a horizontal sweep through the air, he called down the strongest magic he knew. Four large pillars of light shot down from the sky, obliterating the ink blots in their path. For the moment, it was clear. After taking a quick look at the ink, he realized it was beginning to reform. If they stayed here any longer, then that spell may as well have not been cast. "Now's our chance!"
"You never know. I've heard of people a fair bit older than you who only then discovered they had magic. It's not impossible." Quinn said lightheartedly. "As for how i knew about my magic...Well, it was kind of an accident. See, most people can use more than one magic, but generally have one in particular that's seen as their "intended magic". It's basically determined beforehand that magic is best suited to them. Mine is called Machina Soul. It lets me take machines and use their power as my own. When i was first recruited into the military, I laid my hand on a tank. Immediately, my arm turned into an armored gauntlet that they couldn't get off. Not many wizards in the military, so they sent me to experts in magic. Sapphire Eclipse. They told me what it was, and offered to teach me how to control it better, so i signed on." Quinn said, closing his eyes as he recalled the events. "Turned out it was a hell of a lot better life than the military, so i decided to stay even after i'd gotten what i came for."
Ezekiel poured the remainder of the water he'd been brought down his throat to purge that rancid taste from his mouth. He was breathing heavily when he'd finished the entirety of it. Fae began to leave, saying that she didn't mind keeping watch. If she was keeping watch, there was no way he could get out of the room unnoticed. "Wait!" He said, grabbing onto her wrist, before realizing he had no idea what to say to the woman. "Do you think you might be able to...stay here?" He wasn't even sure what he was asking himself. Though if she stayed in the same room as him, it'd be easy to make sure that she was asleep before he snuck out to search. Though, he was digging himself into a hole with trying to keep her from standing outside the door.
Ezekiel followed her to the room. It was strange, pretending to be another person. He out of place. He was looking around the dark room, when he heard Fae swear to herself. Looking over, he saw her brewing something. Shortly after, he was offered a foul smelling liquid. He looked at it warily. Whatever it was, it couldn't have been worse than the ascension ritual. Taking it, he quickly gulped it down. He nearly threw up the moment it hit his tongue, In fact it tasted pretty similar to the inside of a fake leg, but managed to stomach the entirety of what he was given. "Perhaps that will help..."
Ra stood silent during the time Mikasa spoke. What he felt towards her was not fear, but caution. She was dangerous, to say the least. Whether or not she would ever seriously turn on them was yet to be seen, but should she ever, it would be bad. Gexln harshly snapped back at her, before marching off into the Inn. Ra sighed when Gaius and Veilen followed. "Mikasa, if someone has bothered taking the time to set up a trap for us, then someone clearly has the mind to cause us harm. If this fails, then surely there will be another attempt. The only real way to find out anything about this trap would be to walk into it, albeit prepared for the dangers. If you say there will be more of these creatures, then why not accompany us and elaborate on their capabilities?" Ra suggested to the S-class woman. He strode forward with the rest of his team, feeling as though Charlotte were likely to follow as well. Renette was a wild card. No one could tell what she was going to do. "Not only that...Something is amiss. I'm not only worried about why we were lead here, but how. Who was it that told us about the Inn? Perhaps he was tricked, but then again, perhaps not. I fear we should prepare for the worst, in the event it does arise."
Well, at least Karina had stopped trying to get him to kill them. She wasn't exactly being bubbles and sunshine, but then again he'd never expected that of her. She was doing all he'd asked of her, so there wasn't any reason to criticize her further. She was just being Karina. "First place we should check would probably be the mountain over there. The sooner we find this thing, the better." and with that, the keyblade wielder set off toward the mountain they'd seen in the distance. With any luck, they'd run into another chunk of the group.
Well, that brought an end to yet another nonsensical encounter. They always seemed to find completely random creatures that had no reason to exist, let alone be there. The man who finished it off also seemed to fit this role, as he appeared out of nowhere, KSed the boss, belittled most of the team, and then walked away after calling him a Mcdonald's happy meal as well as the most useful member of the team. That was an encounter. "We should proceed to the Inn. We've wasted enough time on these encounters." Ra said, walking in front of the rest of the group, toward their initial destination.
"It's not so different from how the military was. Just a lot less strict." Quinn responded to her guesses as to how the guild was. She wasn't wrong. Though, he wished he hadn't made the comparison to the military. It reminded him of why he left. For a moment, he was lost in the memory. Though it didn't last long before he felt a pair of soft and gentle hands begin to touch his shoulders. "Heh, I guess a massage couldn't hurt." He closed his eyes and let her hands run over his shoulders.
"I don't really think it's anger." Quinn replied. "I'm in a wizard's guild. Sometimes, missions can leave you kind of...Drained i guess." He said, not really sure how to explain his meaning. "It's not anger, just stress. After you give a battle everything you've got, and just barely come out the winner, you want to just lay back and have a bit of fun. Get away from the combat, if only for a little while."
Quinn was a bit surprised at how the girl acted. She was working in a brothel, but wasn't sure how to start. Did that mean she was new? Was she so shy because she was a virgin? Quinn scratched his head. Well, that certainly complicated things. He felt kind of bad for putting her in this situation, though if he hadn't, someone else would've. They might not have been so reluctant to break her in. He sighed and sat down next to her. "What do I want? I guess I just came here to blow off some steam, really. Figured a girl would help with that." He said to her. He wasn't really sure what to do about this. The only real way to do what he came for with a clear conscience would be to get her comfortable enough that she wasn't really doing it just because he told her to. He gave a silent laugh at the thought. He didn't think he'd be able to get her to that point in just a few hours. Though if he just went ahead without doing that, he'd feel too guilty. Beucette didn't at all seem surprised at the turn of events that transpired with X, but stared at him confused. She looked to the door, then to the ceiling. "How the hell did he get in here? Was he just climbing on the back of the turtle in case some hole opened in the roof when we got here? That seems really convenient for him how he was just standing near it when it opened up." She didn't really make much comment on the Hand of Midas. She figured no one would disagree to having something that basically gave an infinite supply of wealth.