Ra's smile returned as his attention was focused back onto Calxiyn. "Yes, I'm alright. I was just thinking. This guild has done more for me than i realized." He said, noticing that her hand was on his. It wasn't unpleasant. "Before, I was overcome with ambition and glory. The people I've met here, the friends i've made. They have helped me realize there is more than that. You included. For that, I thank you." He said to her. "I believe that i have more to learn, still. I'm glad that I have you by my side throughout it, Calxiyn."
Ra let out a laugh as she stumbled over her words, trying to find the right way to describe him. "Thank you." Then it occurred to him. How long had it been since he'd laughed at anything? It must have been before Ezekiel betrayed him...Had it really been that long? Was he so caught up in his ambitions that he had forgotten what it was like? His smile softened. Perhaps joining this guild had done more than make him stronger through his bonds. It had given him something he hadn't had before. Trust. "Thank you more than you know..." He muttered under his breath. "But like holy shit girl! Damn you kicked ass out there! I still got stab wounds in my hip! Yer like greased lightning on the battlefield! Man if i could move like that, then i can't even count the things i'd do with it. Where'd you learn to go all sanic like that? I need to look at yer gear sometime. Is it the underwear? It's the underwear ain't it?" She said continuing to ramble about various things.
He gave her a smirk as she hid her face. He had to admit, she was rather...cute, he supposed he would describe it as. "That dress suits you well." He spoke the first thing that came to his mind, before looking away slightly. He was a very prideful man, and being embarrassed over the girl's beauty didn't strike him as dignified, but he couldn't help but be. "You look lovely tonight, Calxiyn." He spoke with a bit more confidence, looking back at her. "Aren't they cute?" Beucette said to Lucia, who she had forcibly taken the seat next to. "That's my handiwork ya know. It's all thanks to that there datin' show i set 'em up on. You know back in highschool they used to call me matchmaker Beucette. Not sure why considerin' i never stuck anyone together in highschool. Or how considerin' i never went to highschool. Hm...Ah well, i guess its just magic then."
The smile on Ra's face changed to that of an understanding look. "Calxiyn. I know now you bore us no Ill will. You only did what you thought was right. No one should begrudge you for that. I will see to it that I make you feel welcome, wherever we may go." He returned once again to a smile as she accept his invitation. Perhaps even brighter than before. "It's settled, then. I look forward to the time we can journey together. For now, though, let us enjoy ourselves here. After all, you've just proven yourself one of the strongest in Sapphire Eclipse. You should be proud." He complimented.
Ra crossed his arms. "I could see that fitting you quite nicely. We're allowed to choose three, no? I may just take up celestial spirit magic myself. Outside of that, I think the one I'd most like to have is Arc of Embodiment. It seems as though it would suit my style of fighting." That magic had always seemed to call out to him. He only hoped his poor performance in the tournament didn't get in the way of that. "Perhaps we should go on our next mission together and test them out?" The blonde man asked, inviting Calxiyn with him on wherever his travels took him next. She was stronger than she looked. He'd be glad to have her with him.
Aias lit up a fat blunt with his home boy Rho because **** winning the tournament yo. #blazeit
A drop of sweat ran down the back of Ezekiel's neck. He was too far in to stop now. He just had to keep going with it and hope for the best. "No, Fae. I mean it. I want you with me." He latched his hand onto her waist and pulled the woman towards him, pressing his lips to hers. He'd never had any interest in women before, as he he'd been obsessed with power for so long. Now that he had let go of that, he realized that he was...somewhat lacking in experience. His heart raced as he kissed the girl. He didn't know how this would turn out, only that he had gone off the deep end now. Ra was still slightly baffled as to the conversation he'd had with that woman. The inner machinations of her mind were an enigma. Nevertheless, he'd lost in the second round. He chided himself for his weakness, but decided that it simply meant he needed to strengthen himself. The winner was the woman who had defeated his opponent, and the runner up was Calxiyn. After a moment's thought, he approached the girl. "Congratulations, Calxiyn. It would seem i was not wrong in believing in your strength to make it that far." Ra complimented. "By chance, what magics do you think you'll select?" He asked curiously.
The yellow dog whimpered at his situation. There was nothing around him but endless darkness in every direction. He had no memory of how he'd gotten there, where he was, or what was happening. All he knew was the feeling of being lost. Like a dream without substance. Would he be stuck here forever? The dog whined louder at the thought of that. He wanted to see Mickey again. As though on cue, light returned to Pluto. Slowly, his eyes rolled open to a familiar sight. He jumped up onto all fours, his tail wagging every-which-way. Wasting no time, he leaped up onto the mouse and gave him a few affectionate licks. He whined slightly, noticing that his friend was slightly worse for the wear. Only then did he notice the others that were present. One of them was an unfamiliar rabbit who also held a keyblade. Pluto looked curiously at him, but his attention was grabbed by a voice. "HAHAHAHA! THE DOG?! Of all the allies you could have gotten, you were stuck with the mutt. If I could cry from laughter I would, ahahaha-" Pluto's ears shot up and his brow furrowed. It wasn't long before one of his two personas was giving the stump a look of fire. 'Why i oughta...' The green devil Pluto said, rolling up invisible sleeves as though ready to trade blows with the tree. The dog himself followed suit by turning around and giving a growl toward it. 'Come on, stupid. We ain't gonna let him get away with sayin' somethin' like that, are we? Lets teach 'im a lesson'
"Come on! Quit trying to hit me and hit me!" She yelled out, before realizing that not only had she herself missed, but lucia was about to indeed hit her. Well ****. If she could dodge again, that'd be wonderful. Assuming she survived the attack, she followed up with a strike raid of her own.
Beucette eyed her opponent. "If i win this round we're sleeping together. Deal?" Quickly running over to Lucia, she put her fingers on the girl's lips, moving them in motion with what she said. "Oh of course, that sounds like a great deal. I'll take it!" With that, Beucette went back to her position and realized she was going to be one shot then swore under her breath and hoped that RNG blessed her with a dodge. Well, in any event she used binding strike and hoped to god she lived long enough to pull it off
Beuce was mostly silent for the duration of Mickey telling the story of how Wasteland came to be in its current state. So, Oswald was right. He really did screw things up. That still didn't explain why the book sucked them and Mortimer into it. "Oh, okay Ozzy. Sure thing. You go out and find this doctor, find out how to combat the ink, basically do everything for us, and we'll be here practicing our thumb sitting. Sounds like a plan." Beuce said to Oswald, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Look buddy, this might be your world here, but our friends got taken by the ink. We've got just as much of a right to figure this out as you do." He sighed. "I guess if you're gonna go off on your own, then we can't really stop you. Also, i should probably warn you. There's another keyblade wielder in here besides us. He's not with us. A mouse named Mortimer. Seems like he's up to no good. Watch your back."
Aias gasped as the attack hit him. How could a few knives do so much damage? It was inconceivable. Without the barrier he now wore, there was no way he'd last another hit. This girl's strength was incredible. However, he saw that she was already winded from his attack. He'd been able to deal an ample amount of damage to her as well. He'd have to manage to end it here, or there'd be no winning this match. He took hold of his chain and gave it a single swing. Upon full revolution, it began to blaze with fire. This was his last hope. If he managed to land this, it was over. Unless the knives stunned him because how does that even work Aias used Fire Surge
VS Ra looked across the battlefield to his next opponent. The last fight had been...Underwhelming to say the least. He'd expected her to put up a fight, but she'd barely lasted a second. Perhaps he should've held back...Oh well. It appeared his opponent was the most eccentric girl in the guild. And given Rennette, that was saying something. She was the girl that had dragged him into that dating show with Calxiyn as the contestant. "Speaking of which, how was she?" "Pardon?" "Cal. In bed." "I...I'm afraid i don't follow." "Nevermind. You're too shy about these things." Ra was utterly confused by the conversation. What exactly did she think happened? And how did she know what he was thinking? It was only just now he noticed a slight familiarity in her face. "You remind me of someone..." "Looks basically like me but with a dick? Maybe in a hallucination accompanied by some ginger asshole or Mr. Who put you on the planet?" "Y-yes, actually..." "Yeah that's male Beuce. He pops into the RP from time to time." "I...Shall we commence the fight?" "Sure. Rienzel just had to throw in a bit of comic relief first since i'm in the post" With that Beucette ran forward and performed a sliding dash Ra used Quake Aias' opponent didn't appear to be much visually, but he'd seen her fight before. She was greased lightning on the battlefield, and hit with incredible force thanks to the knives of hers. The total opposite of him. She reminded him of a faster version of Rho. That was a humbling thought. His only hope was to remain strong in the face of her onslaught and outlast her. "What is a shield to do when missing the blade which accompanies it?" Running forward to meet her assault, he attempted to defend himself by cloaking his body in light and slamming into her with barrier surge.
Beucette, with her newly enhanced points in speed, leaned back to avoid the strike. The world around her seemed to slow down. As though she were able to manipulate the fabric of reality in order to move faster than the attack could possibly strike her. Or RNG had blessed her. One of the two. In any case, she stood up and looked at him. She was going to make this one hurt. It wasn't about the magics. It was about sending a message. Beucette used Binding Strike
Quinn's eyes widened the second Trevor's voice changed. This was bad. George was a *******, but he wasn't actually dangerous. Derk on the other hand was a different story. He was likely to kill everyone in the room if he got the chance. He started screaming, asking where it was. He was probably referring to the weapon he carried. Most of the jury didn't have their weapons on them. Most. Quinn was allowed his weapons to break up any trouble that may have been stirred up, such as a fight. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Quinn knew that there was going to be trouble. Changing into his Falcon form, he delivered an enhanced roundhouse kick to Derk's face to get him off of Cassandra. Once he'd been knocked back from the force, Quinn wasted no time. He drew Veritas and fired four shots into Derk's body. One in each shoulder, and one in each knee. The shots weren't lethal in the areas he hit him, as long as they stopped the bleeding. "We need to get him out of here, quickly. He needs medical attention and damn if he won't keep trying to kill us. He shouldn't be able to do much to us, but he'll hurt himself. We need to keep him restrained until Trevor takes back over."
Well, this was a development that changed things. He'd never heard of a magic that could manipulate the memories of another person, not even when looking into the lost magics to combat the Balam Allliance. Immediately, there was arguing. On one hand, she had a right to her memories. It was her mind, and they had no business meddling in it. Although, on the other hand...wouldn't it be better? "I have to agree with Cassandra. Taking away her memories would be best for her. Honestly, what are we stealing? The pain and suffering of the past? What we all wish we could forget? It isn't like she'd be an empty shell. She'd be a new person. If you look at them as two different people, wouldn't it be wrong to deny that Mikasa the right to exist in the first place? Right and Wrong aren't clear cut. There isn't any real way to define which is which. It's only up to the observer to decide what it is." Quinn sat silent for a moment, pondering whether to suggest what he'd thought of. Initially, he'd considered it as a punishment, but quickly put that thought out of his head. "Either choice we make may not even work. If it doesn't, then i've got another idea. If we erased more than just the traumatic events, we could essentially restart Mikasa into the guild as a new member. It's likely she'd be able to overcome it if there was nothing to cause her to remember. Though, we'd all have to forget what we know about her currently as well. We'd greet her again as someone new. It goes without saying this is a worst case scenario option, but it's still an option. I just figured I'd throw it onto the table." "Either way, I think we can all agree she needs some help, some way. No way to know what each option will lead to until we try it." Quinn said, wrapping up his thoughts. Mind Wipe: Put a limiter on her magic Constant monitoring from multiple people allowed on non-S class missions. No Mind Wipe: Therapy with Porlyuscia Magic Limiter attached, controlled by Porlyuscia Not allowed on missions. Escorted by an S-class at all times.
Quinn sat silent for the duration of the testimonies, just like the rest of the jury. Looking next to him, he was able to tell that Trevor wasn't there at the moment. He'd been around the guy long enough to know when it was him and when it was another of his personalities. When it came time for them to reach a verdict, he immediately confirmed it. He sighed as Trevor regained control of himself. "George has always been a bit of a handful." He knew it wasn't Trevor's fault. He wondered if how he'd act if Trevor had been the one accused of something. If he'd punish him for something George or Derk did. He wasn't sure. "From what Ra said, it sounds like she threatened Johanna directly. Hallucinations or not, it sounds like she knew what she was doing. She might have been reckless and not in her right mind at the time, but she was still aware." The Iron Dragon said. "I don't think we should let that even affect the punishment. I don't know what happened to her in the past, but there's nearly no one here that doesn't carry their demons with them inside. I agree she needs help, but she can't be let off with a slap on the wrist because of that. There need to be consequences for what she did."
"Ander man, quit bein' such a fuckin' hippie. It ain't like anybody is gonna get seriously hur...Hm...You know most people can get 'em to like at least minus 25 in one hit...'specially them min-maxers....Yeah they could've ended badly...Anyway the point is mama didn't raise no bitch now quit being a little pussy and fight me so i can go throw the fight against Ra because metagaming." After which Beucette proceeded to use Strike Raid
Trial Timeline Ra sat down at the witness stand, looking at Caliborn. He'd been asked to explain, from his point of view, everything that happened. He gazed out to the people at the Trial. Most were S-classes, but there were a few others. One of which was Boreal, who he gave a slight scowl at, though it was invisible beneath his mask. "Well, it began in the guild hall. Gaius had been recounting a tale to us, when Dale was offended by the way Gaius had portrayed him. Shortly after, Trevor, or at least one of his personas, had evidently released Boreal to play some sort of joke on him, which further accentuated his anger. It was merely a few hours later that he returned to us, telling Gexln of a reports he'd heard of a Dragon. Naturally, we set out to see if they were true." As Ra recalled what happened next, he sighed. "On our travels to the Inn we were being lead to, we encountered a giant sheep. A horde of smaller sheep quickly incapacitated Gexln, but Team King managed to bring it down. Shortly after, Mikasa arrived and chided us for walking into what was evidently an obvious trap. I'm not entirely sure how she came to that conclusion, though. Shortly after, we met with Dale, and an argument ensued between the two. Dale had indeed lead us into a trap, but evidently, he intended to turn against the woman who had hired him to do so. The argument escalated, until Mikasa threatened Johanna's life to hurt Dale, at which point she went back to the guild hall, and we pursued." "When we arrived, we were attacked by Mikasa. I do not know what happened for a portion of the fight, as i was knocked unconscious. However, when i awoke, she had turned into her titan form to battle us, but was stopped by Caliborn."
Ra stared down his opponent across the arena. She didn't look like much, but she was a mage of their guild, the same as he was. He could not insult her by taking her lightly. "Good luck to you." Taking the initiative, he built up his magical power. He would unleash the full brunt of his assault onto her. Stones began to tremble, rising off the ground as they were bent to the will of his magic. The head of his staff was alight with golden fire, as it was every time he used his magic. "Heed my call, forces of the earth beneath us!" Now, in addition to small pebbles that levitated, the dust blew up from the ground, spiraling around the two. A great tremor shook the arena as the ground split. With a wave of his armored hands, a number of enormous boulders rose from the ground, the largest of them carrying Ra himself on a pseudo platform. He clenched his fist, and they twisted and contorted into makeshift spikes, not particularly sharp, but they made efficient projectiles. He would give her no ground to turn the fight on him. "The order is given!" He thrust out his hand, a single index finger extended at Dawn. The earth heeded his command and let loose its onslaught onto the girl before Ra. Each one fired itself individually and shook the ground as they connected, breaking apart the ground even further and sending dust flying from the impact. Once the spell was done, Ra descended back down onto the ground. Now, if to see if she had the strength to combat his assault. Ra used Quake