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  1. Beucefilous
    Ra had been standing by the job board, looking through the listed ones when the doors shut, on the opposite end of the guild hall. He turned around just quickly enough to see a brown-haired man kiss Calxiyn. Without a moment's warning, sand rushed across the bottom of the floor. Before the soldier had even finished forming, a stone fist collided with Sam's lower jaw, and the soldier decayed back into nothing. Shortly after, Ra finished walking over to the group. "I would like an explanation as to who you are, and what you're doing here." He said angrily, staff ablaze with fire. Calxiyn then seemed to burst out in anger as well, causing them to quake with fear. Well, she certainly knew how to use her new power for intimidation.

    Then it occurred to him. "Devil Slayer is a lost magic. Even in mine and Ezekiel's studies, we'd never heard of it. So, how do the five of you even know what that is, let alone be able to identify one on sight? There's no way you're even ordinary wizards. Now, why have you come here?" One didn't need to be able to see through his mask to know there was fire in his eyes. He glared intently at the one called Sam. The thought of testing out Caelum briefly crossed his mind.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Beucefilous
    Ra stared at the girl for a moment, before clearing his throat. "It's quite alright. We are glad to have you." He was glad to have his mask on to hide his expression of embarrassment. As long as he could keep his voice straight, he was alright. He was too prideful to be seen in a state of embarrassment, especially in front of the team he lead. Though, something about that girl was able to fluster him. It wasn't long before Thomas complained about them testing their magics, and said they should start their mission. "Yes, I agree. We should start. Thomas, why don't you and i go and choose a job?" He said to the boy, before walking toward the job board. "Come along then."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Beucefilous
    Ezekiel chuckled quietly to himself. "Elephants, Peacocks, and now trampolines? This island is almost beginning to seem like a circus." The blonde wizard muttered.

    Beucette ran and began jumping on the trampoline with Johanna. "Man, i love trampolines! Wonder who made it? We haven't seen anybody else since we got to the Island, but people obviously live here. Jo, maybe you could turn into a bird or somethin'. Do a quick scan of the area and see if there's any people 'round these parts. If not then i guess we could just continue goin' around the Island."

    Ra shook his head. "I will not throw this key away. One way or another, I will find a use for it." He replied to Thomas, agreeing the Charlotte's advice. The red-haired girl then playfully asked how he expected her to destroy the table. Though, she seemed to imprint some form of seal onto it, before causing it to catch fire and explode, reducing what remained of the rubble to ash. "I suspected your magic would be powerful, but not like this." Ra said, slight surprise in his voice. Though, that wasn't nearly as surprising as a warmth against his arm. He glanced down to see her brush her arm along him, before taking his hand. She was unnaturally warm, but that was to be expected of the wielder of magic like that.

    "Alright Ra, it's your turn. You better impress me!" The man was slightly caught off guard by the comment. One couldn't see his face through the mask, but he turned his head away from her slightly, likely in embarrassment. Quickly enough, he regained his composure. He extended his hand once more, and sand began to flow. "Return!" It collected together, changing shape, then texture, then color until it was a perfect replica of the table and vase he had destroyed a moment ago.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Beucefilous
    Ezekiel knelt down to look at the tracks on the ground. "I agree that the spears were likely used for defense, if not for hunting. And these larger tracks would support that."

    "But look around at the tracks. There's somethin' missing, ain't there? Other than ours, there ain't no human tracks."
    "That's correct. And outside of the ones right here, there aren't any tracks of the birds either. Only the large lines leading away. There's no sign of any remains or meat, so I doubt this monster of ours made a meal of the birds. If something large came through here, it's possible it took whatever was at this camp with it." Hm. This was getting interesting. Whether it was by force, or for a means of travel was impossible to say. That man just might have been onto something about them controlling the monster. At the very least, they couldn't rule out the possibility.
    At that point, Beucette chimed in. "Hey, if we're wonderin' whether they could use magic or not, didn't someone say on the boat that no one had ever seen this Island, and that there might've been some kind of curse causin' it? If there's someone on this Island who could pull that off, it's not too far out of question they could control a monster."

    "So then, what does this all mean as to what happened?"
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Beucefilous
    Beucette stumbled off the boat. She felt like she was about to puke. Dragon slayer magic apparently came with its down side. "I'm still pissed we didn't get to kill any sea creatures, but god damn I'm glad we're off that boat." She sighed, then looked around the island. Just then, a vision flashed before her eyes. She...No...It's not possible. There was no way it could be happening again...It had nearly killed her the last time it happened. Yet, her fortune telling didn't lie. There it was...A giant blue splotch from Microsoft paint in the middle of the vision aside, she could see the area around it.

    She heard Ander talk about going to the mountain, the location of her vision. "NO!" She blurted out. "No. Ander buddy I know we've had our differences, but i wouldn't wish that on anyone. Just, whatever you do, promise me you'll stay away from the mountains, okay? All of you. There's something horrible in the mountains. Something you don't want to face. We should be alright if we stay away from it. I don't think it'll spread to the rest of the Island. Fortune telling...It's a curse. There are some things you just...You don't want to know. You know? Anyway, just...Don't go near the mountains."

    The horror played again, over and over in her mind. She could scarcely believe it, but it was undeniable. The way everything looked...That...round, plastic feel.

    They were on another fucking Barbie mission.

    Ezekiel gave a worried look to the white haired girl, warning them of the mountains. That was certainly ominous. He turned to Aoki, offering to go to the southern peninsula. "Well, i suppose you chose a good place, then. I'll accompany you there." He gave another look at the mountain. Perhaps he'd ask Johanna to remove his limiter and he'd explore there. It may be a good lesson for the girl. He leaned in and whispered to her. "After we've searched the area, what do you say the two of us explore this horror in the mountains? It may be a good lesson. I'll be there in case anything goes wrong, so you don't have to worry about danger. It would be a good opportunity to get a feel for your magic."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Beucefilous
    Ra was surprised to say the least. The spirit was an enormous snake that took up nearly the entire guild hall. Calxiyn greeted it like a new friend, and spoke as though she could understand it. "That's quite the spirit." At her request, the enormous snake shrunk down into the size of a small cobra. She introduced it as Ophiuchus, before dismissing it. "You've got a powerful companion. It seems you're full of surprises." She challenged him to call out his next spirit.

    "Open, Gate of the Northern Stag!" He called out, but the second gold key gave no response. It remained dull and void of magic. "Hm..." Ra said, perplexed. "Open, Gate of the Northern Stag!" He called out once more, but to no avail. "What could be wrong? Is the spirit refusing my call...?" He looked at the third key he'd been given. It was a silver key. "Open, Gate of the Chisel!" This time, the spirit heeded his call. A floating sphere emerged from a gate. "It's said that this spirit's offensive capabilities rival that of even the Zodiac keys. It's mainly used a weapon." Grabbing the weapon, it extended into a large cannon.

    Ra aimed the weapon, and an enormous beam of energy shot from the tip at a vase across the guild hall. However, it not only shattered the vase, but the table behind it was now in rubble. "Hm. I suppose this would be a nice time to try out our other magics." Ra extended his hand, and felt the magic he'd desire above all others flow through him. "Arise!" Sand began flowing from nowhere, gathering itself up. It formed a tall, armored man. The man gathered the rubble into a condensed pile, before falling apart into sand, and fading from existence. "If you would be so kind as to dispose of this, I'll replace it."

    Also **** hyperlinks
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Beucefilous
    Ra nodded approvingly as Calxiyn summoned her spirit. It was a timid girl with horns. The gate of the Ram. "I believe you two will make splendid partners." Though she didn't stay long before Calxiyn dismissed her. He looked at the three keys, dangling from a ring on his staff. As he was about to summon a spirit, Thomas approached him, asking in a rushed voice what mission they were going on. "I...Don't believe we've decided yet." He was a bit confused about the hurry in the boy's words, but continued with the summoning. He concentrated, and one of the golden keys began to flow and float above the others, now being directly horizontal instead of dangling down. "Open, gate of the Archer!" He tapped his staff against the ground, opening the gate.

    "Moshi Moshi." The spirit said as he entered the human world, giving a salute to his summoner. He was an eccentric looking man, but he was one of the Zodiac gates, so he surely must have been powerful.

    "Sagittarius?" Ra was surprised by the man's appearance. He hadn't expect it in the slightest. After receiving a nod, he extended his hand to shake the spirit's. "I would like to form a contract with you."
    "Moshi Moshi. I look forward to working with you." Though, his attention was caught by the boy standing next to him. He stared wide eyed at Thomas for a few moments.

    "Is something wrong?"
    "...It's nothing. I will return to the spirit world now. Call on me when i'm needed, Moshi Moshi!" With that, The archer vanished back into the spirit world.

    Ra gave a suspicious look at Thomas. It was obvious that he suspected something, but didn't voice his thoughts. "Now then, what of your other spirits?"

    Aias had come to accept the mission with Rho. It seemed that Dale was trying to help his new lover discover her parentage. He suspected it wouldn't be so simple as that. "Very well, then. Shall we proceed?" He said in his typical distant voice.

    Beucette looked a bit disappointed at the conversation. "So...We don't get to kill the giant monsters swimming around the island? Man this is some bull." She muttered to herself. Doing incredibly stupid **** and getting away with it was kind of her thing, so maybe she'd just attack them anyway. It'd power up her weapon if she killed them, so there was that. Of course she'd probably screw over everyone else and the mission rating...#Yolo

    He had remained silent for a bit of the conversation. "No one's ever seen the Island...? That's a curious form of magic. I wonder what kind of man caused that." He looked toward his new student, Aoki. He was still in disbelief that she'd been chosen to wield Arcane magic. And not only her, but a boy as well. "Before we embark, I should explain the basic principle of what you've been given." He said to her directly. "Arcane magic is the most base form of magic. It is magic energy, before it's molded into a form by the caster. You'll find yourself unable to use the basic magics you've known up until now, but they aren't lost to you. As you use arcane magic, you'll generate magic power within yourself and expel it at the same time. The more you build up, the stronger the magic will become, but having too much is dangerous to the caster and those around them. The most basic thought to keep in mind when wielding it is "balance." It's important to build up magic to strengthen your spells, but also to expel it with other magic so as to prevent an overload. It'll get easier with experience. For now, lets try it out on this mission. Experience is the best form of study. I'll do what i can to guide your path here."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Beucefilous

    As Ezekiel decimated the encampment, he looked around to find that nearly all of them had been killed. Reinforcements from other parts of the camp had come to assist them, but lost their lives because of it. Non-magic users fighting against someone like Ezekiel was like a swarm of flies trying to kill a dragon. A few had been cowardly enough to run away when the fighting started, and had survived. Ezekiel looked at the smoldering ruins around him...Perhaps old habits did die hard...He was no longer quite so hungry for power, but he was still certainly as ruthless as he'd been before...Frowning, Ezekiel continued on. He'd delivered the punishment to them. He briefly considered finding this "Oz" the commander had spoken about, and carrying out a similar sentence.

    However, he felt a quaking within his being, as though he were being called from far away. He looked away at a small hole that hadn't been there before. Curiously enough, there was a sign in the shape of an arrow pointing to it with the word 'PLOT' sprawled across it. Interesting...He stepped into it, to be carried toward this call within him.

    Ra could scarcely believe what he was seeing. As Aoki stepped up, another "wandering" magic revealed itself. It was a bursting of magical energy. There was only one possible magic for that to contain. "That's...That's impossble." Though sure enough, she looked exhausted and pained. Runes began to engrave themselves all around her body, glowing a dull blue. That was the sure sign of it. This girl had been given Arcane magic. Though, without someone to teach her to use it properly, she would destroy herself. The magic was one of the most dangerous possible to obtain. Though, who could do it? The only other person in the world who knew it was his brother, and it wasn't as though Ezekiel was going to fall right out of the sky. Hah! Fall right out of the sky...

    HE WAS FALLING RIGHT OUT OF THE SKY! The panicking mage shot down a bolt of arcane energy toward the ground, causing an explosion. The force of the blast shot upwards against his body, slowing his descent enough to survive the fall without harm. Because **** physics and whatnot. The brother of Ra landed in a crouching position, standing as the dust cleared. He turned to those sitting in the stands. "You..." He walked past the other members of the guild without giving them so much as a glance, and headed straight for Aoki. Sure enough, the runes engraved onto her matched the ones on Ezekiel's body. "You're what summoned me here...? Back in my day we had to hunt through ancient Egyptian tombs for our magics. All you young wipper snappers and you're "predestined wandering magic" thingamajiggers and you're beating each other up to get destined in an order that doesn't matter. Kids these days, I tell ya"
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Beucefilous
    For Aias,
    Heavenly body
    Angel Magic
    White dragon slayer
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Beucefilous
    Now wearing his full armor once again, Ra attended the ceremony. The first up was Lucia. Her magics had been Arc of Time, Heavenly body, and a forgotten magic, Ice Devil Slayer. He'd expected powerful magics from the winner of the tournament, but this was unexpected. He clapped, along with the rest of the crowd for them. Next, Calxiyn. As expected, she chose celestial spirit magic. The second, it seemed was telepathy. However, for a moment, there was no third.

    Coming towards her was a flaming goat's head. It was a frightening sight, to say the least. His eyes widened in shock as it burnt a mark into her arm, causing her to cry out in pain. "Calxiyn!" He called out. The fires died down, revealing the mark on her arm. He listened intently to the explanation. Even with his time studying with Ezekiel, he'd never even heard of a Flame Devil Slayer...As she stepped down from the center, he made his way over to her. "Are you alright?" He asked, wanting to make sure the girl was safe.

    After Vance, Beucette got her turn. The first thing to come to her was a dragon's head, dripping with a foul looking purple liquid. It didn't take long to figure out it was the poison dragon slayer. "Neat." She said simply. Next, the same magic Lucia and Vance had gotten. Arc of Time. And finally, plot divination. I mean fortune telling. Yeah. Walking over to Lucia, she put her arm on the girl's shoulder. "So, we're both slayers. We both got arc of time. I think this means we're soul mates, eh?"
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Beucefilous
    Since i was told it wasn't a big deal if one person goes over the limit, as long as it wasn't like ten people choosing the same magic
    Beucette will be taking
    The most toxic magic (Poison Dragon Slayer)
    Synergy! (Arc of Time)
    Plot divination (Fortune Telling)

    Ra will be going on the demon wars (along with the rest of team king)

    Aias will be going on The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

    Beucette will be going on The Island Expedition

    Quinn will be going on fairy
    that one
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Beucefilous
    Damn. He was too late to save them. He sighed. If nothing else, he'd make him pay for it. "Oz may have wanted that, but I'm no Oz. Though, the part about you suffering a fate worse than theirs was true." Ezekiel reached out his arm and grabbed the commander's throat. Arcane magic began flowing into the commander. If one had a small enough magical container, then Ezekiel could flood it, causing it to overload. Blue streaks began to run across his body. His skin began to burst into an azure flame and melted off his body. It seemed this man had no tolerance for magic energy, making it incredibly deadly. He dropped the charred body, and turned to the cowering soldiers. A crackle of Arcane Magic ran along his body as he built it up. With a wave of his hand, a barrage of magic annihilated them. From then on, he continued his path of carnage onto them.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Beucefilous
    Ra chuckled as Calxiyn exclaimed how powerful he would be. "Perhaps. With the way I have in mind to use it, my power may indeed increase considerably." He listened to her explanation of keyblades intently. He'd always been curious about her weapon. "I see. Fascinating. Perhaps I should try making a replica if i get the Arc. Perhaps I'll give them to my soldiers." He mused.

    Ezekiel mentally sighed. Was it really so easy for him to be mistaken for someone in this world? First it had been Fiyero, and now Oz? In any case, the man seemed to be utterly terrified to the point of vomiting on the ground at the mere sight of him. This could work to his advantage. Ezekiel began to laugh. "Merciful? I don't know what you've heard, but that's not quite the case." He approached Cherrystone, taking an intimidating posture. "Not to far off, there's a castle nearby. In it were some children. I've been given word that you took them. If that's true, where are they? Believe me, if you give me an answer i don't like, then you'll suffer a fate that makes theirs look like a stroll in the sunshine."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Beucefilous
    Ezekiel looked over to the woman next to him. That had experience. Despite her unorthodox skin tone, she was pretty. He placed his hand on her arm and slowly lifted it up, trying not to wake her. Carefully, he climbed out of bed. After checking once again to make sure she was asleep, he put his clothes back on. "I'll repay you, somehow." He whispered. With that, he exited the room, and then the castle altogether.

    Making his way to the mountains, he saw an encampment in the distance. There were at least a few hundred soldiers in it, maybe a thousand. These were likely the ones that kidnapped the children. Making his way down the mountain into the encampment, he received an odd glance as a few soldiers came to intercept him. The approached him, swords drawn, and demanded his name and purpose. The wizard simply kept walking. Two bolts of arcane magic ensured he wasn't followed as they lay on the ground with holes in their chest. As he reached the center of the encampment, he fired an enormous bolt of energy spiraling into the sky, creating an earthshaking boom. "I'm looking for Commander Cherrystone."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Beucefilous
    Ra thought over the more physical oriented magic that he knew of. "Well, perhaps a dragon slayer. Requip may also suit your needs...Perhaps even Titan." He was no expert in any of these magics, but he was aware of the general concept behind them. They seemed to suit the description he gave. When he was asked what Arc of Embodiment entailed, Ra paused for a moment, trying to think of the best way to describe it. "Arc of Embodiment gives physical form to the imagination of the caster. It can create an infinite variety of effects, objects, or even people. It ranges from small objects to legendary artifacts in what it can create. Although, it goes without saying that achieving more extreme effects with the magic requires more magical power on the part of the caster, so it's not as though the magic is without limit. If you were to recreate the Hand of Midas or one of the Zodiac Keys for instance, it would take such an overwhelmingly large amount of magic, most people wouldn't be able to do it. Perhaps if it were used by the wizards saints, they'd be able to achieve it, but not your average wizard."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Beucefilous
    Ra was glad to see that she was feeling at least a little bit better, even if not completely. It wasn't long before Malkira addressed him, introducing himself and offering a stony hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Malkira. My name is Ra." He said, taking the Golem's hand. "I am the leader of the strongest team, Team King." He was curious what kind of magic had lead to the man's current state. "Ah, I had come to congratulate her on her placement in the tournament, and the topic of what magic we were to choose came up. It seems we're both interested in Celestial spirit. In addition, she looks toward the dragon slayers, and I, Arc of Embodiment. What about you? Have you given much thought to what you'll choose?" The man decided not to mention the other parts of the conversation.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 18, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Beucefilous
    Ra's smile turned into a worried look as her voice trailed off. He'd clearly said something he shouldn't have. Likely, it had to do with her family. He didn't know what happened, but he imagined it was nothing good. He'd heard that she had killed before...perhaps it had something to do with her mask. She spoke as though she were an entirely different person when she'd battled them with it on. What it must be like, to carry a burden like that...

    "I was considering going to visit them sometime, when I've got a bit between jobs. Perhaps you could come to meet her. I imagine she'd immediately take a liking to you. Knowing her, she'd likely even view you as her older sister." He offered, trying to say something that might make her feel better. He felt bad for upsetting her, but before the conversation could continue, an enormous stone creature approached them, congratulating Cal on her placement in the tournament while glaring daggers at him. He didn't know what that was about, but he imagined that he had some dislike for him. "You see? I wasn't the only one who believed in you. Your strength is plain for all to see. We are humbled by your might, miss Calxiyn." The bronze skinned man said in a half joking tone. First he'd laughed, now he was joking? He'd changed more than he realized...He only hoped he'd be able to repair the damage he'd done to her mood.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Beucefilous
    Quinn had already had a few drinks, so along with Gexln, he was a bit tipsy. Tipsy enough to be regaining his HP with Zeph and Gexln on the dance floor. "Yo. Sup." He said to Zeph before ending the conversation there because he wasn't into women who occasionally had penises. It wasn't long before Trevor approached him. God, he could feel the buzzkill just by looking at him. He sighed. If he was coming to him, it was probably important...He spoke about not trusting himself, and said that George was angry. He suspected he would be. Although, the one he was really worried about was Derk. "Yeah, I'll keep an eye out for you. If you start acting suspicious, i'll check it out. If it turns out it isn't you, i'll deal with whichever one took over before anything happens. Don't worry." He was about to walk away, but stopped. "Oh and Trevor" He said before turning around. "You owe me a round for this."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Beucefilous
    He hadn't thought to his childhood in years. "I come from a country called Sian. I lived there with my parents, my brother Ezekiel, and my sister. Ezekiel was always the leader of the band. Once, my mother came down with a terrible illness. Most doctors predicted she wouldn't make it through the year, but Ezekiel refused to give up on her. When we were young, our father would tell us tales of wizards. Powerful men and women who commanded forces beyond our imagination. Ezekiel disappeared into the night to find one. Someone who could help us. I feared he wouldn't make it, so I went with him. While we were out in the desert, a scorpion with a deadly venom stung me. I nearly didn't make it through the night, but fate decided I would live that day. A traveler happened upon us. He was adept in healing magic, and saved my life. Immediately, we begged him to come home with us, to our mother. After a few days, he'd succeeded. Her fever broke, and the sickness was gone. Ezekiel and i marveled at what magic could do, and that was merely one kind. That was what began our interest in the magical arts."

    Ra smiled, thinking back to his early days with Ezekiel. The two had been inseparable. "As we grew older into our teen years, we were both capable magicians, though far from our peak. Ezekiel was unnaturally gifted in the arts of manipulating magic. Its fitting that he would find his true calling in Arcane Magic. We traveled together, studying magic in its various forms. Eventually, our studies took us to more remote locations. There, we uncovered a lost magic. Arcane. While magic can have an innumerable variety of effects based on how the caster molds it, all magic begins the same way. Magic power, created in our bodies. Arcane Magic skips the step of molding it, and simply releases the energy in its most raw state, creating one of the most powerful, but most dangerous possible ways to use magic. The apex of this magic was known as Ascension. Become magic itself. You already know the story behind what happened next with Ezekiel."

    Ra returned to the other members of his family, not just his brother. "As for the others, my parents are still alive in Sian, along with my little sister Adamaris. She's fourteen, so she hasn't left home yet. I've got a picture of her in my dorm. I'll show it to you sometime, if you like. Hm..What else...The armor i always wear was my father's. He gave it to me when I joined Sapphire Eclipse. It's a bit of a family heirloom, from what he's told me. I'm afraid that's more or less all there is to tell."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Beucefilous
    "Believe me, I know that better than most...I've seen the horror of obsession in my brother. I saw what I almost became." Ra said somberly, before turning back to her when she said she was still searching for her light. Did it have something to do with the mask? Perhaps... "Then maybe one day I might help you find it. Who can say?" Ra said. He didn't know what she meant, or if he'd even be able to help her. He wished he knew a bit more about her. Where did she come from? What was the story behind that mask? She said she had killed before, but he knew nothing of it. He decided against asking her. He didn't care to upset her at the moment. He liked seeing her smile.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home