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  1. Beucefilous
    The lack of vision was greatly hindering the wielder as he tried to fight against the battering wind. Thunder roared as the lightning cracked the sky. A flash of light exploded, and the shockwave resonated through the man's bones. He barely had any idea which was was up in this place. There had to be some way to get through this and find the bloticle. Faster than he could react, lightning streaked past him, presumably being one of the bolts that was headed for his friend. He followed the direction of it, until he came across something. Had he been any less observant, he would've stepped on him.

    Looking down, he'd found Stratos, shrunken by mad world. "Well, at least we know where the other one is now." He said casually, before looking around. He could hardly keep his eyes open without having to shield them from the constant downpour of rain. "This is seriously starting to get in the way. Once you're back to full size, we've gotta figure out something to do about this. For now, we should just try not to get killed." He heard a string of slashing noises and a screech, indicating that it had been injured. The Cheshire Cat seemed to be doing a number on it as well.

    Wasteland 89% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 283/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Beucefilous

    Sure enough, Beuce was right about the oncoming desperation move. Similar to the earth bloticle, The Decree of the Thunderlord erected its body, standing straight up. Only, instead of forming a meteor, a bright yellow line, crackling with electricity formed a large circle around the area, as though it was claiming the area as its own. Beuce's skin began to crawl at the sheer rise in energy in the area, as thought the entire arena were crackling with an electrical power. He didn't know how he knew, but this was known as the Thunderlord's Domain.

    Beuce was a tactician. He'd be able to see through this ability, if given the time. But...It was getting hard to see. He looked at the sky and it occurred to him. This was no longer april showers causing the downpour. It was the work of the bloticle. Lightning arced through the sky as the rain pelted down, obscuring their vision. This storm was one unlike any other. He planted his keyblade into the ground as the storm seemed to reach its apex. He began to back up, ensuring his steps were all the same distance. "Five meters. We can only see five meters through this." Beuce muttered to himself. "Stratos!" He called out to him, unable to see where his friend was. They'd blinded it with Pink Elephants, but they were in no better a situation.

    No sooner had he thought that, a bolt of lightning nailed him square in the chest, sending him flying. He gasped and cured himself to try and heal the injury before getting back to his feet, heavily panting. Was its vision no longer obscured? No...It had something to do with this area they were in. It was like it could attack them with such minimal effort, it barely had to will the lightning for it to strike. The fight so far against it hadn't been overly tough, but this was going to prove to be quite the trial.

    Wasteland 89% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 335/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Beucefilous
    Apoop Stratos and his elephant companion had continued their watery assault on the bloticle, it seemed like it was certainly being worn down. The only thing that worried Beuce was that it was approaching the point that Billy had begun to use its desperation moves. He didn't know what was going to come out of it, but he knew it probably wasn't going to be good. In any case, there was no point worrying about it, just so long as they kept a weather eye out for it. getitweatherbecauselightning

    Running up, Beuce timed his assault to be right at the moment between the electrical pulses it released. He struck it twice, and backed off just in time to avoid the pulse. It looked like he was right about the timing of the thing. For now, they just had to keep up the pressure and it would go down quick enough. Meanwhile in top lane, axes seemed to be raining down all over the place. One nearly hit Beuce, as he may or may not have completely forgotten about them, but he managed to dodge roll out of the way just in time.

    Wasteland 89% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 387/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Beucefilous
    Shortly after Beuce's ears were assaulted with an overwhelming amount of Asian, a second summon limit seemed to come into play. And boy, it was nearly as strange as the first one. Pink bubbles began floating in the air, and eventually took the form of elephants that seemed to confuse the hell out of the bloticle and caused it to just kind of fire lightning randomly. They still had to be careful as it was certainly possible for it to get in a lucky shot. So, cautiously, Beuce approached the bloticle and decided to start swinging at it with his basic combo. Man, it'd be really handy if his keyblade were like...a gun or a bow. Something with range. Unfortunately, he hadn't fought anything worthy enough to be considered a large fight, despite all of this and the thousand heartless battle being a totally large scale fight.

    The bloticle, sensing it wasn't going to be hitting them any time soon, decided on a change of tactics. Rather than only firing off lightning, it sent electrical pulses all down its body, shocking those nearby. Beuce immediately backed off when this happened, and decided to take a moment to size up the skill. There was a clearly defined pattern to it. " They come in bursts. Four seconds of charge before the electricity vanishes. Five second intervals. It seems like the lightning bolts are weaker while it's doing it, back to what it was originally firing. The bolts are at random times and places, but there's a pattern to this one. Stratos! You've got time to get in, hit it twice, and get out before the next shock is sent."

    Wasteland 89% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 439/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Beucefilous
    Stratos was some kind of prodigy. he'd give him that. After seeing a completely altered version of a command once, he was able to replicate the normal version with minimal effort. Although, he sensed the boy's wallet get lighter. Come to think of it, how did he know how to do that? Looking into his wallet briefly, he discovered about half his funds had mysteriously vanished as soon the commands had clicked in his head. Funny how that worked. He didn't bother to question it and just continued to assault the bloticle, albeit in a much less flashy manner.

    Rolling out of the way of lightning, Beuce fired off a few blizzard spells at it. Realizing that he had built up enough CG for about three trips around the sun with that display, he put his hand over his chest, and was coated in an orange flame. He extended out his hand and fired off an enormous ball of power at it, causing it to screech in pain as its health dropped below the halfway point. They were getting there. It just was going to take a bit longer for it.

    Wasteland 89% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 491/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Beucefilous
    Well that was pretty awesome. Stratos had come through and made use of his attack. He looked over as Stratos called from him to finish it and hurled both keyblades at him. Wait, both? Beuce caught one of them with minimal effort, and just kind of waved his stump at the other one as it struck him square in the forehead and bounced up into the air. Making a pained groan as the weapon nailed him, he opened his mouth. Once the weapon started coming back down, he put his mouth around the hand and bit down. "I goh ish!" He responded. Now despite what Zoro would have you believe, using a weapon from your mouth was stupid impractical.

    Now, Beuce remembered that Keyblades were manifestations of the users heart, and could change form to more or less anything at will, all it took was practice. He raised his left arm up across his chest, to beside his head. The keyblades were now parallel to one another, and he pressed their ends together, hoping his idea would work. Sure enough, a small glow appeared at the hilts as they joined together, a single bar forming the handle for both. He spun the new weapon briefly, getting a feel for it. Now that he'd gone from Zoro to Darth Maul, he was ready to let this thing have it.

    Gaining a double ended keyblade seemed to increase Beuce's acrobatic skills by about tenfold because that made things look much cooler. The wielder leaped into the air, kicking off an axe made of purple light to jump even high. Jumping from another, Beuce flipped in the air as a sphere of bluish white light formed. Upon Beuce landing on it. It stretched out into a long line, Beuce skating along it as it formed. Passing by the bloticle, he spun the weapon, striking it several times. It seemed the line wasn't able to make curves, but each time it made a change in direction, another orb of light formed to create something of a joint between the lines. Being somewhat low on the bloticle, he hurled the weapon with all his might in some kind of super strike raid. It tore through the bloticle as it spiraled up, along its body. It circled around over and over as it climbed, Beuce following it on his powerline the whole way. Once it finally reached the very tip of their enemy, it returned to Beuce.

    His powerline was essentially going straight up at a 90 degree angle, extending high above the bloticle and into the clouds. Finally, the light stopped, and the powerline disappeared. Now in a freefall, Beuce used the fact his weapon was made of two seperate keyblades. One was set ablaze with fire, and the other had an icy mist around it. Spiraling it in front of him, the man vanished in a storm of cherry blossoms. He reappeared on the ground, and twirled the weapon as a spiral of ice and fire trailed down behind him. Throwing the weapon into the air, he split it into two weapons once again, and threw Starseeker back to Stratos.

    Wasteland 89% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 543/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Beucefilous
    For the purpose of this post in particular
    Buying fire strike for 400 munny
    and Powerline for 2,500
    that brings me down to 3,580
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: OOC Lounge
  8. Beucefilous
    Beuce was trying his best to avoid the discs of lightning, but they were coming at him fairly rapidly. If this kept up, They wouldn't last. He looked over at Stratos...They needed some kind of combination move! That was usually pretty badass. Now, he had precisely zero idea of what they would actually do outside of Symphonia, and it wasn't time for that yet. So, he'd just kind of do something and hope Stratos figured out something with it. "Stratos! Get ready! We're going in!" And so, dodging another disc, the white haired man charged in toward the bloticle.

    Once he reached the base of the creature, he managed to propel himself into the air with a vertical Zantetsuken, creating a long gash up its body. Following this, he kicked off it and summoned four white pillars of light from the sky to assail it, before tossing his keyblade to Stratos. "You're up! Go for it!" Would this have worked much better if they'd had a plan? Probably. Were plans for scrubs? You know it.

    Wasteland 89% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 595/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Beucefilous
    Beuce descended back onto the ground as Full Deck wore off, as he was no longer completely invincible and would most assuredly die if he stayed in the air. It seemed the goal he intended had been accomplished, and Stratos took out the sphere causing the lightning. The tentacle, reared its body, with lightning charging at the tip, and swung itself around. From the tip spouted two circular discs of lightning. Quickly rolling to the side, Beuce managed to avoid them. The bloticle, however, continued the assault and kept throwing the electrical discs.

    Beuce, being at least somewhat quick on his feet, began to dodge as many as he could. The attack looked fairly lethal if it made contact, so he did everything he could to make sure that didn't happen. Meanwhile, he returned the attack by shooting Fira spells st it every time he got the opportunity. Although, he felt as though he could be doing something more with these spells if it were a different scenario. Like...He could be unlocking his hidden potential he was on the verge of gaining or something. He put the thought out of his head, as it didn't particularly matter right now.

    Wasteland 89% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 647/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Beucefilous
    Since lightning was now coating the ground, there was a much more limited space in which they could move. Taking advantage of this, the bloticle seemed to up the lightning spray. There didn't seem to be much they could do in terms of evasion, as it was only a matter of time unless they took out that orb producing it. Then, the pink light converged onto Beuce, and he felt something he didn't usually feel. Durable. Like, normally he could burst down things like it was nobody's business, but he could take a hit about as well as a wet slab of cardboard. Looking at himself, a black and red aura surrounded him, occasionally floating off of him into the shape of one of the four suits of cards.

    He'd provide the cover to take out the orb of lightning. Mounting his glider, he took off flying into the sky. Now, naturally, the lightning all arced straight towards him. Normally, this would have killed him. However, due to the effects of full deck, it barely tingled. Acting as essentially a human lightning rod, he was creating the perfect opening to go and destroy the orb causing the volatile lightning on the ground. also get dunked bloticle.

    Wasteland 91% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 699/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 28, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Beucefilous
    The wielder panted heavily as he was released from his electrical prison, and looked up at Stratos. "Thanks, man. I owe you one." Slowly, he rose back up to his feet, and took his stance once more. The bloticle seemed to be stunned from the blow his friend had dealt it. Now was the perfect time to go all out. It couldn't say no if it was stunned. Beuce rushed in, coating his keyblade in ice as he performed a trio of empowered jumping attacks. This, however, caused the blotling to realized it was under attack and snap out of its daze. It once again turned its attention toward the duo attacking it (Because God knows no one else was).

    Once again, lightning seemed to be raining down from the sky, causing them to focus on evading. Which considering neither of their dodge chance was outside of the single digits, they were doing spectacularly at. However, as their enemy was weakening, the lightning seemed to be getting stronger, and differentiating in how it functioned. Before, they'd been simple lightning strikes and nothing more. However, as Beuce dodged a bolt, he realized that this one was different. Rather than simply striking and disappearing, as most did, it remained a constant stream for a moment. Beuce was caught off guard by it coalescing into a sphere from the ground, and letting out a rather violent explosion. A makeshift electric bomb. Though it wasn't much, and not as strong as Stratos', he erected a barrier of wind to shield him and soften the impact. Raising his spellbinder, a green light washed over him, closing his wounds and easing the pain. This thing was apparently not even close to out of tricks.

    Wasteland 92% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 801/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 27, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Beucefilous
    The Cheshire cat was wreaking havoc on both sides of the battle. At least it wasn't mutually exclusive to them. At this rate, it was turning into more a battle against their own luck than the bloticle. Not to mention, neither of the two were known for having such fantastic luck. At least the bloticle was also being assaulted by the madness of the thing he'd summoned. It seemed to be lashing out, throwing lightning every direction, trying to break out of the mad world to no avail as axes continued to drop and slice into its inky body. The lightning didn't even harm the ground. It seemed like, in this place, the Cheshire Cat's power took precedence over nearly any other. He hated using this, but it was effective depending on how you looked at it.

    The axes had stopped raining down for now, and the bloticle seemed to identify him as the source of the chaos. The Decree of the Thunderlord let its power over electricity flow, and from its tip, a continuous beam of electricity shot out. Beuce was about to dodge out of the way, but an invisible force pulled on him, drawing him upward. He looked up to see a sphere of magic pulling him into it. Powerless to do anything against it, Beuce was pulled into the sphere and assailed with a stream of energy. It didn't seem to do so much to him initially, but it was surely wearing him down. A look of pain spilled across the white haired man's face as he was slowly being electrocuted. Without help, he wouldn't make it.

    Wasteland 92% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 853/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 27, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Beucefilous
    As the massive burst of speed wore off, he discovered that he wasn't the only one affected by the alteration of time. Stratos was actually moving in slow motion. It was thanks to the tentacle being mostly preoccupied with his incredible barrage of attacks that it failed to notice long enough for it to wear off. Dodged a lightning bolt with that one. The next thing to happen was a massive array of axes seemed to spawn from thin air, made of a solid version of the strange purple light that that coated the area.

    They raised up straight, and began to fall toward random targets. Some friend, some foe. Beuce had to let up on his assault and put everything he had into simply avoiding being chopped in half by the rain of axes. Although, they seemed to be dunking for the throat...He briefly recalled the Queen of hearts having a decapitation fetish, and realized that was likely why. However, the bloticle was somewhat rooted into the ground, so it didn't have the fortunate ability to move out of the way and as such, the axes did quite a number on it.

    Wasteland 92% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Bloticle 2, Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 905/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 27, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Beucefilous
    Beuce had finally carved his way through the ranks of the blotlings and made it to Larry. He glared at the bloticle, and thought that it wasn't even bipedal. Now, he was accustom to seemingly random thoughts, as though it were simply referring to something that happened previously for the amusement of some kind of higher beings. He didn't like to question it, and simply went with the flow of things. Raising his keyblade, he put forth mana into it, and unlocked a hole in the lanes between, calling an entity from beyond it.

    "Well well, It looks like you're in quite the bind. You managed to work your way into the situations quite often, I find"

    Said a disembodied voice. It was like nails on a chalkboard and sent shivers down Beuce's spine. He absolutely hated that thing, but it would help in the fight. The only questions were how and who. "Cut the rhyming crap. We both know why i called you here." The wielder held out his arm. The Cheshire cat appeared and gave a sinister laugh. It placed its claws against that man's forearm, and began to rake down it, causing blood to run down as it took the power of heart Beuce offered.

    "You strike a deal with the devil so easily. I suppose we'll see if the gamble proves to be beneficial." The demonic cat began to fade out, leaving only its eyes and mouth, giving a massive grin. Echoic out, the cat gave one last word, before vanishing completely. "It's showtime." From the face had been, a light spread over the area, giving everything a magenta glow to it. The lightning had temporarily stopped. Beuce initially thought that it was due to the wait for what the cheshire cat would do, but realized it wasn't them, but him. His sense of time had been distorted enough so that everything else seemed to be in slow motion, only inching along. It wasn't every day that one was able to see lightning forming from the sky in a frame-by-frame rate. Beuce ran up to the bloticle unimpeded due to his unimaginable speed, and began striking it as many times as he could.

    Wasteland 92% Left

    -Blotlings: 900/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    Decree of the Thunderlord - Larry: 957/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 27, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Beucefilous
    Beuce was cutting down blotlings left and right. Thanks to the cure spells, he'd managed to heal away any significant damage, and thanks to the blotlings being abundant and ready to kill, they provided him with plentiful MP. They'd almost reached the thing, and once they did, it'd be a trying fight. Though, Beuce was more than ready for that. He'd been through many trying fights, just the same as all the others here. Plus, he had his right hand man, Stratos, with him. They couldn't possibly lose.

    Some of the newer kinds of blotlings, charged with some kind of electrical power, came at him. Their speed was far beyond the normal blotlings, and he only barely managed to avoid being struck dead in the face by one. If he'd been any slower, it would have...Well given he was tanking lightning with virtually no repercussions he wasn't sure what it would have done, exactly. Nevertheless, it needed to die. It circled around to come at him again, but was met with a poison-coated keyblade, which dealt with it fairly quickly.

    Wasteland 93% Left

    -Blotlings: 903/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    -Blotling: 2/3
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 26, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Beucefilous
    His charge was somewhat impeded by the fact lightning was now actively raining down and trying to kill him. Funny how that works. A bright flash of light appeared a split second before the lightning hit, allowing him to dodge to the side. For some reason, he felt the need to count the number of bolts he'd dodged consecutively. 'One...' Another bolt struck at him, which he promptly avoided. 'Two...' Yet another bolt struck towards him, only this time hitting dead on and exploding at him. 'Dammit.' Beuce cured himself, and got back up to his feet. Man, Stratos wasn't kidding when he said that any damage they took was completely arbitrary.

    'One...Two...Dammit!" Beuce, thoroughly fed up with his inability to dodge lightning, decided to take out his frustration on unsuspecting nearby blotlings. Cherry blossoms floated down through the air, as he mentally prepared himself for an incredibly powerful str- "DAMMIT!" He screamed in frustration as lightning once again struck him, and proceeded to make a crude gesture at the bloticle. It now being personal, he cut an inky swath through the blotlings, as he wanted that tentacle dead.

    Wasteland 93% Left

    -Blotlings: 920/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 26, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Beucefilous
    Now that their long battle with the rocky bloticle had passed, it was time to move onto the next one. Looking over at it, the element it possessed was abundantly clear. A massive electrical storm was crackling all around the thing. Stratos was trying to get through a massive horde of blotlings all while being constantly assaulted by bolts of lightning. There didn't really seem to be much he could do about the lightning, but he could carve a path for him. Funnily enough, Stratos just seemed to be a complete aggro magnet. Things always just seemed to be completely intent on killing him. Maybe he'd gotten notorious among big enemies as the giant slayer.

    Running into the horde, Beuce slid along the ground, his keyblade in front of him. Blotlings seemed to be taken out fairly easily, and as such, several of them were mowed down by the simple command. Continuing his forward charge, Beuce coated himself in a barrier of light and rammed his way through more of them. Maybe if he continued on like this, he'd manage to break through to the other side, at which point they would most likely stop bothering them because reasons.

    Wasteland 93% Left

    -Blotlings: 938/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10

    -Blotling: 1/3
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 26, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Beucefilous
    It seemed that the bloticle was now performing some kind of spinning attack. Beuce, being unable to get in close without being assaulted by an onslaught of rocky death, decided that unrivaled physical strength may not have been the most advantageous thing to have. So, a soft grey light enveloped his body, and eventually faded, revealing him to be in his base form. Now that he had regained the ability to use magic, he raised his keyblade into the air, causing enormous beams of light to rain down from the sky and assault their enemy.

    Being on its last leg, the bloticle was getting desperate. From beneath Beuce, the earth rumbled, and a spike shot up which he narrowly avoided. Quickly enough, the same thing happened again and again, with increasing frequency. Beuce was in full sprint, trying to avoid being impaled. After a few minutes of this, it occurred to Beuce that he had the ability to fly. Hindsight is 20/20. Mounting his keyblade glider, he raised himself high enough to avoid the range of the spikes.

    Wasteland: 94% Left

    -Blotlings: 967/1000
    -Bloticle: 10/10

    Bloticle 1, Ruler of the Ever Shifting Sand - Billy: 55/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 25, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Beucefilous
    It seemed the others had followed up his breaking of the meteor into six pieces by nullifying three of them. Though they were about to hit the ground, Beuce mounted his keyblade glider and raced over toward one of the remaining shards. From beneath it, he began to glow red. Placing his hand over his chest, he poured energy into his fist, and struck the meteor, sending it veering off course and into the bloticle.

    Though four of them had been stopped, that was all the time they had. The remaining two collided with the ground and caused an earth-shattering shockwave that blew the wielder off his glider. Tumbling to the ground, Beuce groaned and coughed through the thick cloud of dust and ashes in the air. He'd be feeling the impact for a while, but he was, all in all, alive. He'd managed to survive the impact. Rising to his feet, though unsteady, he quickly looked around to ensure that all of his other friends were alright. "Stratos! Raisor! Uh...damn no one else has really done anything...Base you were here for a bit! Base! You alright?" The bloticle seemed to be on its last legs, and now that its strongest move had failed, the pitch in its screeches changed. It was afraid. Flourishing his blade, Beuce went to go and try to finish it.

    Wasteland: 95% Left

    -Blotlings: 967/1000
    -Bloticle: 10/10

    Bloticle 1, Ruler of the Ever Shifting Sand - Billy: 205/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 24, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Beucefilous
    With his enhanced strength, Beuce was going to town on the bloticle. A series of gashes much deeper than any previously inflicted were surfacing all around its body, and the earthen armor was all but nonexistent at this point. During his strikes, he noticed something strange. While the rocks were still moving, he hadn't had to dodge one in a while. They were no longer aiming to hit him. instead, they were coalescing above the tentacle, which was now standing perfectly straight, pointed toward the sky. All the rocks and earth that had been thrown around at them was forming into one massive meteor. Awed by the sheer size of it, Beuce quickly began thinking of a way to survive it. Aerora would scarcely defend against something like that, and reluctancy couldn't stop attacks already in motion. Let alone something as earth shattering as that.

    The ground beneath them sunk in, as though moved from beneath their very feet, causing Beuce to fall over onto his side. looking around, a massive wall of earth had been erected around them, forming almost some sort of arena. At the apex of its size, the meteor was turned black by the ink of the tentacle, and raised much higher into the sky, before plummeting downward. As the meteor began crashing down, Beuce once again used magnify. At this point, breaking it back into the smallest amount of pieces possible was their best bet. The very center of the meteor was amplified, and made large through the bending of space because that wasn't magic somehow. An energy began charging in the blade of his sword, when Beuce broke into a full sprint, running up the side of the arena and leaping at the meteor. The very center of the attack was struck by Beuce's sword as he unloaded the energy into it, with an amplified brave shot. The clash of the two attacks caused a massive shockwave around the area as the meteor split into six pieces. Though the attack was far from neutralized, and those six separately would all do considerable damage, it was more manageable than the entire thing at once.

    Wasteland: 96% Left

    -Blotlings: 967/1000
    -Bloticle: 10/10

    Bloticle 1, Ruler of the Ever Shifting Sand - Billy: 306/1000
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 23, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena