With the second to last Fira spell, Beuce fired a classy ball of flame.
the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the fira
Beuce gave a single thumb up to Stratos for restoring his MP and then tossed a classy fira at Mortimer.
Now that that odd musical sensation was over that he couldn't help but feel they did wrong, He conjured another fire ball with the last of his MP and hurled it at the rat. "I'm out of ammo, but i'm getting close. I can feel it." Beuce used Fira
Spoiler 1. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxMjAw/z/pyEAAOSwrklVJeu2/$_14.JPG 2. https://static-s.aa-cdn.net/img/ios/949204990/a98d7fda2c2ce6e54a0ab07aa76721b5?v=1 3. http://storage3d.com/storage/2010.11/eb2191cf15c006dadb8208c6f8816574.jpg 4. https://static-s.aa-cdn.net/img/ios/945966407/8c961ab5301ae796311c11e305bc6a67 5. http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/4swAAOSwE3BXFaZh/s-l64.jpg 6, 7, 8. http://www.freeguidetips.com/imagem...tos/2011/01/musical-instruments.thumbnail.jpg 9. http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/kywAAOSwUuFWxzFX/s-l64.jpg 10. http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1TWFE...-Instrument-silicone-electronic.jpg_50x50.jpg 11. http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1aVwo...-cupronickel-nickel-plated-keys.jpg_50x50.jpg 12.http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1UHsw...ment-matt-flamingly-saxe-selmer.jpg_50x50.jpg 13.http://g03.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1DFQy...cal-Instrument-Ethnic-Huqin-New.jpg_50x50.jpg 14. http://i.imgur.com/2Etq9.gif 15. https://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/music-hand-drawn-1/128/43-256.png Beuce was rather confused as to what exactly he was doing but the power of music was strong and he was dropping some funky beats
Beuce did something completely unexpected Spoiler He used fira
Beuce chucked another wad of fire at Mortimer and kept it classy
As the healing light washed over him, repairing some of the wounds Mortimer had inflicted onto him, he turned to Kaida to give her a thumbs up. However, what ended up happened was he just kind of waved his stump at her and his teeth sparkled when he smiled. The greatest display of gratitude. Now that he had properly thanked the girl, he returned his attention to their opponent and the mysterious feeling of power swelling inside him. Once again, he lit his keyblade ablaze and shot a sphere of fire at him. Beuce used Fira
Now the the bloticles were dealt with, it was time to deal with the one behind most of this. While he had more powerful attacks at his disposal, he could feel a power swelling up from within him, but it wasn't quite ready to be unlocked. He could feel the path to obtaining it, though. Pointing his weapon toward the mouse, he lit the tip ablaze and shot a simple fira spell in his direction. Beuce cast Fira
We stopped at exactly when the fight ended, so you don't really need to catch up on anything if you don't want to.
Yeah. We finished the bloticle fight, and we're about to fight Mortimer. The participants are Beuce, Kaida, Stratos, Glen, and you.
Yo. I just wanted to confirm your participation in the Mortimer fight.
Pluto used Howl
Aias did as Dale had asked him and called each of the people who had come on the mission with them, which consisted mainly of people I cannot be bothered to remember because basically the only leader who has done **** all this mission was Aias, and that was saying something. One by one, he called them and instructed them to meet outside the judge's house. He informed them of the situation and the gist of what they were planning on doing. The details on exactly how they were going to go about rescuing the girl had yet to be decided, but he had a plan. If Dale would let him handle it, then he could likely not only get the girl out of her prison, but probably change this entire town for the better. In the best case scenario, even change the judge. Outside the judge's house, he saw Dale, as they were the first two there. "I must ask a favor of you." He said to Dale. "When we go in to get her, in the event we're caught by the judge, i ask that you don't say a word. Let me handle it. I may well be able to change this situation into the most favorable outcome possible if it goes right." This town was one of faith, he couldn't deny. A divine intervention would do well to set such a town on the right path.
In the enhanced strength of his warrior form, Beuce immediately leaped to strike the arm of the Kingsmoth. He knew what it was the moment the black sludge had started to spread. This was the monster that took his right arm. The bloticle had sealed its own fate by delving into this power. It was consuming it from the inside. It had struck a deal with the devil and was beginning to pay the price. Beuce had gotten visibly more nervous since the arm appeared. Sweat was running down his forehead, and he looked as though he were shook with fear. He took a deep breath and gripped his blade. Biting his lip, he forced his legs into action. He sprinted toward the halter of eternity, corrupted by the kingsmoth's power. He placed his hand over his chest and began to glow with a red power that looked akin to lightning flying from his body. "Stay in hell where you belong, Arma!" He threw his blade up into the air and leaped after it. Spinning in a spherical motion, he kicked it by the hilt, sending it spiraling toward their enemy. It pierced the bloticle that hosted the parasitic behemoth, but Beuce was already on the other side to catch it with cherry blossoms floating around him. Flowing immediately into the next command, he struck it with a cross-slash, and Zantetsukened through it once again. A slash mark cleaved across the middle of it. Coating the blade in ice, he leaped up from the ground and stabbed the weapon into it, immediately performing a vertical Zantetsuken to propel him high into the air as he ripped it from its body. Mounting his powerline, he flew even higher into the sky until it eventually ran out, sending him into a freefall. "Here's payback." Pumping all the remaining CG he'd accumulated into a limit he'd never performed before, his hand burned with a bright red aura. His second path limit. With a single, unimaginable punch, he rammed his fist into the hilt of his blade. It became a streak, like a bolt of red lightning raining from the sky. Immediately, it struck its target, and severed the arm of the Kingsmoth from the bloticle. Its power was the only thing remaining to sustain it, and the bloticle faded away into nothingness. Timothy - Getrekt/1250
As the call went through, he heard Dale's voice from the other end. "Dale. It's Aias. I've just visited the church. Evidently, the Johanna from the missing person report isn't the same one in our guild. She was baptized there as a child, and she's living with Judge Turpin, at the moment. My guess would be that she's the girl we saw in the window." He didn't know much about her, but he could sense an enormous aura of sin coming from that house. So, he could gather that her life there wasn't the most pleasant or prosperous. Ever since he'd obtained his magic, his view of humanity had changed immensely. No one was without their sins. Little white lies. Inner lust they contained beneath the skin. In fact, Rho was about the least sinful person he knew, purely due to his stoic nature. One who does nothing would never sin, no? "From the way everyone talks, the judge more or less owns this town. He may have adopted her after she'd been recovered from her disappearance. However, it's not impossible he's the reason she went missing in the first place, and a blind eye was simply turned to it. With his status, he'd likely be able to pull it off. These people seem to be stuck an age back. They don't even seem to know about magic. I doubt anyone here, regardless of status, would be able to stop us from doing whatever we pleased. If we go about it right, i may be able to make it so they don't even want to. Knowing that...how do you want to go about this? This is your mission. I'll leave our course of action up to you." The saint grew silent, awaiting a response.
As Aias listened to the nun's story, he quickly deduced one thing. The Johanna they'd come looking for wasn't the one they knew. In fact, it was unlikely they had anything to do with each other outside of a coincidental similarity in name. If that was true, then they'd no reason to stay in this town any further. "I'm afraid it doesn't sound like she is the same girl. I'm helping an acquaintance of mine with a personal mission. Though, the information you gave me was very helpful nonetheless. Thank you. I'll be taking my leave." Once he'd exited the church presumably with Rho, he reached into whatever he kept his inventory in and pulled a communications lacrima. Attempting to get into contact with Dale in order to tell him the new development. Hopefully he wasn't off in a bar with some hussy, though that seemed like him. Ra eyed Thomas suspiciously. He'd suspected something was wrong since before the demons ever arrived. He wasn't sure quite what it was yet, but he knew better than to trust him to be alone. After Thomas had left, a key that hung from Ra's staff began to glow with a golden light. "Open, gate of the archer!" When the peculiar man that was Sagittarius appeared, Ra turned to him. "Sagittarius, I need you to help the others search the forest for demons. Help them as you see fit. I trust your judgement. Let me know if there is any development. I'm going to see to it Thomas doesn't get himself into any danger." Sustaining a spirit during the search would be taxing, but as long as he didn't get into combat and need to expend any other magic, it shouldn't prove to be unachievable. Leaving Sagittarius with the others, he started out into the forest after his young friend.
With the monster nearing its end, there was little remaining to the fight. At his call, another soldier rose up by his side. Ra extended one finger toward the beast, and both soldiers charged forward. "Finish it." They moved surprisingly fast, given that they were autonomous constructs of sand. Yet, they both raced forward and impaled their spears into the dragon. Ra used Arise and Conquering Sands Aias looked at the nun who greeted them. There was something...different about her. She was...More like them. She seemed out of place for the town they were in, just as they did. Nevertheless, she was here to assist them. "I was wondering if you may be able to give us some information. I'm looking into the past of a woman who i believe lived in this town. Her name is Johanna. She'd be about eighteen years old now. I was wondering if there would be any record of her baptism here. Any information you could give us would be greatly appreciated."
Beuce put a hand on Kaida's shoulder as she looked horrified at the poison that had appeared. "He's used to this kind of thing by now. Honestly, when i first met him, i thought he'd be one of the weakest of us, but i'm having trouble even keeping up with him. I don't think it's even his strength. Kid's just got an iron will like nothing I've ever seen." After his brief praise of Stratos, the white haired man continued to battle the thing himself. It seemed like it was now some kind of tree like creature. He had no idea why, but the words "ok tom." came to mind. Avoiding the puddles of clearly volatile poison, he weaved towards the creature. Tossing his keyblade in a strike raid, it ricocheted off the largest clocked and began heading back towards Beuce. Cherry blossoms began to float through the air, and Beuce vanished from sight the second the keyblade met his hand. Although it seemed to be less affected by the attack than most of the other bloticles, it still hurt it to be sure. Though, even with the damage they'd done to it, they hadn't scratched the surface. It was still healthier than all the other bloticles had even started at. This was going to be an arduous fight to be sure, and he was betting the farm that it would have more than just apple bombs up its sleeve. Spoiler: Count Wasteland at 51% blotlings: 600/1000 Bloticle: 6/10 Injured: Bloticle 5, Timothy - Halter of Eternity: 1044/1294