Quinn looked at the four girls who were possible candidates. One of which was a little girl, probably about twelve. She seemed a tad young to be working this kind of job. Pretty soon, two guys ran up and asked what she was doing here, and Quinn was astounded at how little it was his problem. He ignored the situation and gestured to the long, dark haired girl as his choice.
∞ Name: John Yuna ∞ Gender: Male ∞ Age (Min of 14, Max 84): 16 ∞ Appearance: ~ ∞ Personality: Confident. ******y. Cocky. Arrogant. Self-centered. Aggressive. Violent. Creative. Hot-tempered. Depressed. ∞ Goals/Dreams: To be the very best, like no one ever was. ∞ Weakness: Cannot handle pressure. Doesn't react well to confrontations and doesn't think before acting. ∞ Fears: Has Agateophobia ∞ Strengths: Can play music. Good at card games and wrestling. Lucky. ∞ Blood Type: A- ∞ Star Sign: Cancer ∞ Hobbies: Plays music. Card games. Wrestling. ∞ Career: Rock star. Dropped out of school. ∞ Bio: He dropped out of school. During his pursuit of being famous, he caught an unbelievably lucky break. When playing music on a street corner, a talent scout discovered him, liked him, and offered him a recording contract. He was astounded by this, but accepted it without hesitation. He hasn't been around for very long, though his popularity has exploded.
Once they returned to the guild hall, Quinn sighed. That mission had taken a bit out of him. He needed a breather. Something to take the edge off. At least no one had gotten killed on that mission, though they came pretty damn close against Erigor. If it weren't for that shot he'd gotten in, they may not have won. He trusted Evanora enough to take proper care of Cassandra. Meanwhile, she'd given him the address of a tavern with a party going on at it. He'd been to this place once or twice. He wasn't exactly a regular, but he knew about it, and what kind of place it was. That could work. The S-class made his way to the Tavern. For some reason, the sound "wapong" entered his head. That sounded like a really random sound effect. Like, for whipping out your dick and slapping it onto the table. That's not even really what that would sound like but that's the image that came with it. Right, hookers. He needed one. Approaching the man who appeared to own the Tavern, he lit a cigarette. "Yo. You run this place? I need a girl."
Ra used Fire Dash "So far, it seems like i was right to join it. It'll help me get to where i need to go." Aias responded. Beucette looked around as the room turned to gold and gave an impressed whistle. "Damn son. That thing is cooler than a three-peckered billy goat." Yep. That was a metaphor. "Let me see that. I wanna turn somethin' to gold." She pulled a random object out of her pocket. in fact, if one were to search random object on google images, that would be the first result. Touching it to the hand, it instantly transformed into solid gold. "Right. Getting out of here. Hmm..Well why don't we blow a hole in the ceiling and fly out. What could possibly go wrong?"
Beuce nearly stumbled back from the sudden arrival of a bunny jumping on his chest. It was another talking animal, like the ones in Disney Town. He wasn't really surprised to see him, so much as he was surprised that he jumped onto his chest and started yelling at him for saying the word mouse. After taking a quick look at each of them, he decided that they weren't locals, along with something about pirates. Leaping off, he summoned two keyblades. So, not only was he a keyblade wielder, but a dual wielder. "Impressive." D'daear gave a rather witty response to the rabbit's insult. He gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Slick. If we can find ten minutes without something trying to kill us, i'll give you some pointers on witty retorts." He joked. Now if Karina could just not make things wo- "I hate everything..." He muttered under his breath. "Karina, could i talk to you for a second?" He grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her off to the side. She was the stronger of the two, but Beuce wasn't exactly Stratos. "So...Just do me a favor and run me by the thought process behind making the first thing we run into hate us and try to kill us? Yeah he drew his weapons, but he wanted information. He might be able to help us find the others and get out of her. Even tell us what this book is. If it's Yen Sid's book. You know, the one that it's critically important to the fabric of...basically everything ever that we find before the apprentices? Yeah, remember that? So, we need to go over there and try not to kill each other, or we might be stuck in a book for a very long time because you broke our way out over your knee."
Ra used binding strike "I'm afraid we don't have a specialization yet." Aias answered in response to what magic they used. His expression hadn't moved from how it began when the girls approached them. "When a large group of people join the guild, there's a tournament held. The winner chooses their magic first, and takes their choice from the guild's mass of specializations." He said, giving a brief summary of how the process of magic selection went in the guild. Taking another sip, he continued on. "If you're interested, you could come and watch it. I believe it's to take place fairly soon. I don't believe there's anything forbidding someone outside the guild from attending." Quinn took out a cigarette and lit it, thinking about the situation. "Zeref huh...That thing is dangerous, to be certain." He looked at the flute. "We can't destroy it, or even seal away its power. We have to guard it. As much as i hate to say it. One day we might need to use it ourselves. As long as it's well protected, no one will be able to get to it." Quinn exhaled, letting out a small cloud of smoke. "I'm obviously not suggesting that we use it as a weapon at every given opportunity, but that's a powerful artifact. We have a habit of making powerful enemies. We've always overcome it before, but you saw Erigor. He's not exactly the end all villain of the underworld. There are people in dark guilds so powerful that Erigor looks like a child compared to them. Have you ever heard of the Balam Alliance? A pact between three of the most powerful dark guilds in the world. One of them would take our entire guild to even have a hope of standing up against. Imagine if all three of them decided to work together. We'd be dead before we knew what happened. We need more than just sweat and perseverance to defend ourselves. I'm just saying, it's better to have the option than not and wish we did."
Ra used Aerora
Xindai gave a slight smirk when Xander knelt to him. He looked over to Dane, with Alisia. So, in order to earn the loyalty of this man, all he had to do was free her from Dane. It wasn't long before the man in question approached him. They both knew who the other was. He asked two questions. The one spoken, asking if he were up to the task of killing the goddess. But the second, the one in his thoughts, was the one that Xindai found the most entertaining. He looked to Alisia, and nodded his head toward Xander. "Come on then. No harm will befall you." His eyes turned back onto Dane once more, with a smirk. He was daring him to do something. To try and stop her from leaving with Xander. 'Well now, I'd say that depends on you, doesn't it Dane?" Before that confrontation could continue, some idiot decided it was a brilliant idea to bum rush him. He scowled and glared at Hunter. Another one of those...He'd had enough of it with the white haired fool and his poptart cat. Samsara had deflected the first punch, with some difficulty. At least she was willing to fight for him. However, as for the second punch, Xindai took it into his own hands. Raising an open palm, he caught the first and channeled a surge of telekinetic power through the bone of his arm. The bone splintered evenly outwards, all the way up the arm. "Man, even you should've been smart enough to know that you can't punch through that kind of plot armor." Beuce said, walking over to hunter. "And don't you even think about getting some kind of magic arm to replace that. Then they'll have to invent an item called the swagger jacker just so you can change it your title to that." Nonsensical interruptions aside, Xindai was pleased to see the next person to greet him. One of the few people he'd ever enjoyed the company of. "Ah, Noir! I could say the same to you. You as well, Xross." He said to the two. They'd been beside him millennia ago, during the first keyblade war, and even before that. When he'd still been his somebody, before darkness was a concept any of them knew. It was a shame Dain was missing. Renna, if all went as planned, would be around somewhere in this time period. "If all goes as i have planned, then I believe i might finally be able to cure that ever gnawing boredom of yours."
Before Beuce could even open his eyes after being absorbed by the ink, he felt a foot connect with his ribs. Then he heard her voice, telling him to get up. He groaned and used his keyblade to help himself up. "Well, i can't say much for your punch, but your kicks are sure okay." He looked around. They'd just reunited with the group, only to be mostly separated once again. Well, at least he didn't mind these two. He could've been with Ananta and Karina. That would have been like going to a dog fight and sitting in the middle of them to watch. He was already missing an arm. He'd prefer to keep his other three limbs. "Man. I've had enough of being inside books...Although, i think we might've found our mouse that took Yen Sid's book."
Aias sat silent and expressionless in the bar beside Rho. This place unsettled him. I felt wrong. Not as though it were dangerous, but more as though it were dirty. He could feel sin. None of the others seemed to notice this, or if they did, they didn't care. He wasn't even sure what it was. Just an odd feeling. It wasn't unlike what had happened when the spirits had been summoned at Nessa's palace, though that had been more extreme. Just a feeling that was not his own, telling him something. This place didn't seem dangerous, but it seemed unclean. He was brought from his thoughts by two blonde women bringing Rho and himself drinks. The accents both of them had were thick, but not to the point where they couldn't be understood. It would be rude to refuse the drinks, especially when they were invited here and given them for free. Picking up one of the mugs, Aias pressed it to his lips. "We've never been to this Tavern before. This would be the first time." He said without making eye contact. Beucette explored dead end 1, then decided to book it back to the others. Quinn was exhausted after that fight. He'd managed to land a perfect shot at the end, the one that put Erigor down. Although, Kageyama wasn't so changed as one might think. He made off with the flute, and headed down the tracks. When they arrived to where he'd gone, they found him with the guild masters, and he surrendered. Quinn glared at him as Alessia threatened him. He liked her. She didn't put up with any shit. Almost reminded him of himself. She'd done well in the fight against Erigor. He'd have to remember to congratulate her on the way back to the guild. So far, out of the new members, she'd impressed him the most. He watched Kageyama, waiting to see what he'd do. His finger was on the trigger of his still drawn Aequitas, in case he tried something again, like using lullaby. If he put that flute anywhere near his lips, he'd have a bullet between his eyes before he could get a note out.
Quinn immediately wondered why he'd used sacrifice then. In fact it seemed like a really bad idea to do and he didn't get to yell jackpot when he did so. Although it was k because iron dragon's foot blade and blocking. Beucette had been standing there while they had proceeded onward. She was told to come back and join them but thought about it. "Hm....Nah **** that noise. There's a grey square down there. I'm gonna go explore that. we can't have unexplored map."
RA SMITED SHEEPTARD WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE he used an ability. Fira, probably.
It had worked. As Lexcifur plunged the key into the final lock, the magic binding him away fell apart. By the keys he'd created, he'd been sealed away. By the keys that he'd created, he was free. As the seal binding him broke, a wave of power blew back the onlookers. The locks on the chains shattered one by one. Standing, The hero walked out of the shadows, into the which washed over his face. Spoiler: Act surprised or something "Stop them all, you say? Since you released me, I'll grant your wish. Just don't regret asking for it." Xindai said to Lexcifur with a slight chuckle. Now that there was nothing sealing away his powers, his mind flooded over that of everyones present like a flood. Objects would stand in its way, but would be powerless to stand against the rushing tide. It swept up everything in its wake, leaving nothing untaken. The Dark Creator begun to walk out of the cave. So, even several of those who had been trying to free him meant to kill him. This would be interesting. Ghost was cornered, with a number counting down to his death and an extremely powerful enemy. Though, his attention was immediately torn away from them by an overwhelmingly dark presence. He'd felt it before, on that day three hundred years ago when what was to be the final war had come to its climax. He knew how dangerous this man was, but even his presence back then hadn't been as powerful as it was now, in this very moment. He was the hero they sought. He'd tricked them all, and it had worked. He was free. He didn't have time to worry about the two before him. He didn't have time to worry about the doom count. All that mattered was that Xindai was taken out. Melding into the shadows, Ghost was gone. The confrontation was over in less than two seconds. Ghost emerged from the shadows behind Xindai. He had to end this with a single strike. "Tsubame Gaeshi!" He performed the technique of his creation, and performed four simultaneous strikes, each coming from a different direction. Xindai didn't seem surprised by his appearance. In fact, he was still. He didn't move an inch. Ghost's breath left him at the following events. His sword from all four directions was stopped by an invisible force, knocked back and away from him as he was lifted into the air. The first to go was his shoulders. The joints connecting his arms to the rest of him were twisted upside down inside him. Second, his ribcage. Each of the bones shook within him before crushing towards one another. Finally, his neck. The fragile bone simply crumbled under the sheer pressure of the telekinesis. Ghost was tossed aside like a ragdoll. Defeated by a man who hadn't so much as blink to do it. Zavion barely had time to turn his head before Ghost was defeated. Lexcifur...That damned idiot. How could he be so careless and stupid?! He was using the power of Chaos, but to see the legendary assassin put down like he was nothing like that...Just who was the hero? If he could supposedly rival his mother, then there was no way they could defeat him. Seeing that display...He could almost believe it. A cold sweat ran down his face as Xindai's gazed turned onto him. His eyes seemed like they were staring far deeper than his skin. What's more...There was an empty space where his heart should have been. Even nobodies had remnants of the hearts that were there, but him....There was just an unsettling emptiness. He could see nothing about him, while he could hide nothing. He could feel his mind being clawed at and dug up relentlessly. Xindai gave off a slight glow, and vanished. The next thing he knew, he was right in front of him, taking advantage of his distraction. Leaping back as quickly as he could, Zavion fired beams of pure energy at Xindai, though he evaded them one after another. He knew exactly where they were going to strike before his eyes even caught sight of them. He knew it because Zavion knew. He could have done it with his eyes closed. He was using Zavion's eyes to see regardless. Calling forth a massive burst of power, black flames encircled the ground around the son of the goddess. "Shinryu duality!" Two massive pitch black dragons formed from the embers, encircling their master. They charged forward, attempting to incinerate Xindai. He extended a palm to each side and grabbed the burning dragons by their faces when closed in on him. Zavion's eyes widened. "Law of Origin: Reprisal of the Inferno." A darkness unlike anything Zavion had ever seen flooded from his palms. The beasts howled as they were overcome. They were made of the same substance. Darkness against Darkness, but for all his power, he may as well have been trying to fight the flames of hell by rubbing two sticks together. His darkness twisted backwards through the dragons, spiraling through their bodies and overcoming Zavion's darkness, conquering it, and using it through its sheer inability to resist. It didn't take long for it to reach their source. The spiral on the ground erupted in a burst of flames that scorched every fiber of his being. He let out an ear piercing scream as the fire tore away at his body and heart. Beuce ran to Ghost's side while Xindai was shreking Zavion. "Come on. You can't go back to your old habits of dying every ten seconds." He reached down, and the ground began to glow with a bright light, channeled through his arm. "Salvation!" The powerful healing magic worked its way through Ghost's body. Mending broken bones, restoring lost blood, stitching torn skin. Looking at the number counting down above his head, Beuce removed something from his bottomless pocket. A small greyish colored sash. He tossed it on the ground next to the assassin. "Keep it. It removes debuffs. If you can QSS a zed ult, you can QSS doom."
Cult pride
Quinn shielded his face as the massive force of wind struck against him. Erigor was a powerful one, but he'd been able to withstand the attack without too much difficulty. It helped when Ander healed him. He was no Caliborn, but it would do. "Thanks, kid." Still in his invincible form, Quinn went in for another assault. This time, a blade coated his foot as he swept his heel across the wind mage's jaw. Quinn used Iron Dragon's foot blade woohoo dead end loot let's go.
Beuce looked at Karina beating up Glen disapprovingly. He let out an annoyed sigh and shook his head before walking over to her. "Karina, what the hell do you think you're doing?" He began. "You're doing it all wrong! You gotta swing with the punch! I'm missing an arm and i could beat him up better than that!" He said, mimicking the proper form of a punch. It was then that Kaida walked up and tried to talk them out of killing each other. "You can beat up Glen later. She's right. Actually he gave me booze. Try to leave him like...at least two teeth. maybe one and a half."
Ra used binding strike because apparently it scales off magic, strength, speed, AND weapon AND has a status effect
Zavion looked up at Dane as he readied an enormous attack. There wasn't really much they could do in the way of evasion. They would have been dead then and there were it not for a barrier his sister had conjured. While it was a far sight off of blocking it completely, it made it so they could survive the hit. Even still, the explosion blew him off his feet. As he collided with the ground, he looked around. Freya was spent, Ghost had defeated his opponent, but was now cornered. Lexcifur was dazed and confused, Xero was too injured to fight further. They were losing this fight. He could turn it around but... Dammit! Why was he such a coward? It was pathetic. He couldn't do anything by himself. He'd been hiding behind his mother his whole life. He'd tried to fight, to stand on his own, but there he was, laying on the ground defeated. The only thing he could do now to avoid the death of him and everyone he cared about was hide behind the power that wasn't even his. He slammed his fist into the rock. Dammit! Why couldn't he do anything by himself? Hell, he wouldn't have even gotten the chance to do it if Freya hadn't stepped in. He looked once again to Freya...If he didn't do something, she'd die. Her, his mother, Lexcifur, they'd all die. Unsteadily, Zavion rose to his feet. "Lexcifur...Take Freya. Get her out of here. I'll deal with Dane. I'll deal with all of them." His breath was heavy, but he walked forward toward Dane. With every step, he cursed his weakness. His utter helplessness without the presence of his mother. He hated it, he despised the fact, but he knew it had to be done. "Chaos, face of the end, i call to you. Through me, unleash Pandemonium." In Lexcifur's mind, a smooth voice called out to him. "He'll die, you know. If you run, then they'll kill him. You've seen Dane's strength. The two of you together were nothing against him. There are only two forces alive that have the power to stop him. The Goddess, and myself. You've seen how much help she's given you in the fight. So, that leaves you only a single option to win your fight." Rienzel swore under his breath as the girl pushed Stratos away from his attack. Had it been just the two of them, he'd surely have won. However, she'd been enhancing him since the very start of the fight, and seemed to give him one last surge of power. The pace at which Stratos now moved was far beyond what he'd displayed before. For a moment he could have sworn his hair was pink and he'd gone into behemoth force. Shaking the thought from his head, he tried follow Stratos' movements. When stagnant orbs of wind appeared one after another, he knew what was about to happen. He didn't have enough energy left to become intangible for the attack, and there was no way he could deflect all of them. He'd lost. After a moment, the wind hit him. The force of the air crushed down onto him from all sides, and he cried out in pain. Falling to his knees, he knew he was defeated. "Jose...phine..." Was all he could get out before he fell unconscious onto the ground.
On this note, it might actually be better to wait on choosing your magics. There will likely be a different healing specialization, and nearly all of the skills will work differently than you see them now.