oh im glad that alot of people like my name heh and thanks for the advice XD
lolz well u can say it if u want, if u dont then ok
hmmm rly..? what is it..?
hello to all
hmm this seems lik fun 35158
helllo to whoevers here
oh..? sounds kol
heh those are pretty funny heh
Ah its ok im use to be gettin nicknames...heh i cant wait to see what ur ganna call me
hehe ye and By the way u can just call me Exodus...instead of typing all the X's and stuff
heh thankz for the warning its good to be insane it what makes the world fun rite?
can i join this thread? i just joined this forum and i want to make lots of friends and i am a very nice person as well
ok thank you very much for letting me in
Ok heh i will make sure not to take ur hot poket lolz :D and thanks. im very fine and i hope i make friends
Name: Xx Ex-0D-u3 x X Rank: Helpful Brother Number: Personality: Nice/usual Reason For Being Here: To Make Friends
umm hello are you guys still acceptin new members?
Oh ok..thank you for the advice
Hi My name is Exodus and i am very happy to be joining you all today....i hope that i am able to make lots of friends and have lots of fun here....i herd that this is a good forum and i came here to check it out for myself...so other than that..hows everyone doing??