awww no fair u cant eat me.....XD i really started to freak out from lookin at that
Im sooo bored i need some entertainment can someone help me plz.... i dont want to be bored it kills me
Yea that was pretty nice i liked it good job :)
ohh animals i love animals :D sry i am a bit late XD
Yea its cool i guess
well since he admited that he was gay (peoble just playing around) ummm other than that i have no clue
ahh newbie wat a nice name heh
once again ty for the welcome :D heh
hey all hows it going?
oh hello yea i joined like two days ago i think.. heh hows it going?
o wow i must be late i did not know that cartoon network pulled it that sucks
heh lolz im totaly lost i dont know whats going on XD
awww...what happen to every1 why is every1 soo mad....?
ohhh X-boxes are fun i have one :D
ummm is someting wrong dot..??
lolz XD well i will go with it :D 987 703
free rice game...whats that? sry im asking too many questions XD
well im bored..always nothing to do XD
awww rly :( im sry i aint mean too...umm well HB sent me one and it counted as 12