...nevermind I won't say it. And I had an NDE once. I nearky drowned because Someone dived on me at the swimming pool.
I TOLD YOU IT WAS A GOOD MOVIE! AND YOU MADE THIS FACE AT ME @-@ c: Name a game system that was popular and I have it. I'm a collector. I have an N64 XD
Hitman .
Omg Gerard Butler made that movie decent <3 Hellboy! :D
Deja Vu
Night at the Museum c:
Lets play a game! We'll name a movie, you then take the last letter of that movie, and name another movie. The next person takes the last letter of that movie to name another...and so on... Make sense? Good! Lets play! The first movie title is: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
That was all in Fable 2 as well XD I'm totally stoked for this. Fable is amazing, and it always gives me something to do when I'm bored :3 I'm curious about the no health bar thing though. Will that make it easier to die? I don't really care though. The graphics in those games are so good. I just can't believe 3 is already coming out O:
omg :lolface:
A big time hack. We lost everything that was made/done/posted before August 8th.
I'm really scared now.
Oh wow, that's awesome.
I love to sing, and I play piano. I also play guitar. I like writing music for instruments, and my vocal coach says that I'm quite good. I just don't really know if I am or not. I want to be on Broadway someday :)
I don't know who he is, but his voice sounds pretty :D
Nova :)
I wish :D
Happy birthday! 8D
Daniel Radcliffe is rumored to make a guest appearance on Glee :D
I loved Kurt's version of that. His voice is so beautiful.