Elaina held a staff in her hand. Power emanated from its core. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as she gripped it between her fists. "Lucus..." She whispered to herself. She was in Etha, home of the elves. This was definitely new for her. All her life she'd lived in Murex, and her family had been one of, if not the only elf family living there. She had traveled to Etha by horse, and hers was currently resting in one of the stables offered to her. "Find the others with items like this." That was what the Elder had told her. Elaina sighed, and walked to the horse stables. "Hey there Titania." She whispered to her beautiful Caspian Horse. it looked up at her and blinked. "You okay, girl? Sleepy?" She laughed lightly, and looked into Titania's eyes. "We're going on an adventure, girl. We're going to find others with items like this." She held up Lucus. "And we're going to defeat a big scary guy." She tousled Titania's hair.
Spoiler :3 Spoiler Jason <3
Wow @-@
Happy birthday dude :D
Question before I post: So like... the town elder of is supposed to give me the Veritas? How will that work since the town I'm from isn't where Lucus is at? Do I need to make a new OC?
Like Luna said, staff could just move it if you can't post it there, but I also don't see why you can't. I don't think that the staff are the only ones who can post things like that.
Username: Santana Name: Elaina Montenegro Zorander Gender: Female Age: Twenty-two Species: Elf c: Magic Affinity: Yes Veritas Magus: Lucus Town: Murex Bio: Elaina lives in the town of Murex, and loves it. She enjoys the deer, and the snowy forest animals. As a child, she would always be away from home, and outside playing for most of the day. Not everyone enjoyed the harsh wintry environment, but she loved it. her parents raised her, and taught her the ways of the elves as a little girl. As she grew older, life happened, and she lost her mother, but her father remains with her, and she loves him very much. She currently works at a greenhouse as a florist. Appearance: http://whatifoundtoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/elf-ears1.jpg Weapon: Two very pointy sai daggers. Other: She loves tending plants, and the only meat she’ll eat is fish. EDIT: yay for Lucus being available! That's like, perfect for my li'l elfie :3
START THE CONTEST! That would be cool. You could have a weekly theme just like in the graphic art section.
LINK MEEEE! Can I join? c:
What's it about?
This ^^^
Geodudebat and Kakunachu.
Oh, very much so.
Where's Fight Club?
I'm asleep and 3 pages are posted! AWESOME!! >:D So I bought How to Train Your Dragon on Blu Ray. OMFG IT IS SO AWESOME!!
Not at all c: But I only have 111gb D: EDIT: I mean 211, not 111. Typoooooooo
It's really bugging me. First I'm a little girl, and I'm walking to the park, and there's this new playground. This playground is covered by a dome-like thing, and the sun really isn't able to get much light in. I go into the dome, and the playground is the coolest playground I've ever seen. It has HUGE slides, and enormous sandboxes, and all kinds of sweet swingsets and other stuff. I start playing on the jungle gym there, and after awhile of playing, the playground changes to the normal park playground, with a tiny jungle gym, a few swings, and a tube slide. In the center of the playground is a little girl. She looks up at me, and says, "Leave this place." "Why?" I ask, then I see her face bleeding. "What's wrong? What happened?" "Leave this place." she repeats. I leave, and as I walk home, the girl follows me, and she was levitating with her toes dragging on the ground. I walk into my house, I'm a teenager, and my brother and my mom are in the kitchen, and my sister is sleeping upstairs. The girl following me, stops outside the kitchen window, and stares at my mother. I say, "Mother, do you see her staring at you?" "Yes Lenay." She replies, then she starts talking to my brother about something that I can't really remember. The girl outside the window whispers to my mother, "Bring me the blanket on the corner of the couch. Now" It freaks me out that she's whispering and I can hear her through the window. "Mom, did you hear that? Why don't you do what she says?" My mother nods her head that she can hear the girl, and ignores the rest of what I said. "Mom!" I yell. My mother continues to ignore me. About ten minutes pass. "You should have listened while you had the chance. Now your daughter will die." The girl passes through the wall and zips upstairs to my li'l sister's room, her toes still dragging on the ground. I manage to keep up with the girl, and I watch as she reaches towards my sister's neck with one arm outstretched. Then I wake up. :( Help me please, because I have been having this dream once a week almost, and it scares the hell outta me.
Hey, what's up? This is Nova.
Ooh, I'll do the star trek one.
SNES is better, but for other games. And you made that face after I said you should watch How to Train Your Dragon c: