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  1. Nova
    Profile Post

    Hey there Forsaken :)

    Hey there Forsaken :)
    Profile Post by Nova for Fork, Nov 8, 2010
  2. Nova
    I hate 3D movies. They make my head go loopy.
    Post by: Nova, Nov 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Nova
    Haha, I love it when people type drunk.
    Post by: Nova, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Nova

    I love Puck. He's hot and horny, and I think he has the second best male vocal on the show :X Kurt is obviously the best, but Puck is OMG. I hate Finn... And Rachel makes me want to punch babies.
    Post by: Nova, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Nova
  6. Nova
  7. Nova

    Oh dear. Is that her real laugh? @-@
    Post by: Nova, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Nova
    I think I'm more excited about Puck being back. WITH HIS JEWHAWK! Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeexyyyyyyy~

    I was hoping Sam would be Kurt's boyfriend :c

    But this could be interesting c:
    Post by: Nova, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Nova
    "Um... Sorry, I..." Elaina stared at Lucus. The Elder did say it had command over animals... Elaina had no clue Titania would follow her instruction so precisely. "Just, Lucus. I accidentally used its power without even realizing it. One of Its powers to control creatures, and they follow your every word."

    Elaina almost felt bad for forcing Titania to run like that without asking. She would be more careful next time. "Now, where are we going? We can't just leave without having at least a bit of an idea."
    Post by: Nova, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nova
    Elaina scowled. She disapproved of stealing, but realizing it was necessary, decided not to push the matter. A thief once busted into her flower shop and stole several flowers that were hard to come by, especially since she lived in Murex. She watched as Alec fastened a saddle around a beautiful black horse. There was no doubt in her mind: It was definitely a healthy horse.

    The horse ran past her, and at the sound of Alec's taunting, Elaina quickly ran to Titania, untied her reins, and hopped in the finely crafted leather saddle on her back. "Hyaa!" She called as she snapped the reins. "Go Titania, catch up to them. Quickly, m'dear." She gasped as she looked over her shoulder, and watched Lucus light up for a moment on her back. That's strange... Titania sped up quickly, and upon catching Alec and Ebony, stopped in her tracks, and waited for further instruction.

    "Okay girl... You can act normal now. Are you alright?" Titania stared dumbly up at Elaina, as if nothing strange had happened.
    Post by: Nova, Nov 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nova
    Profile Post

    Same, I'm curious :D

    Same, I'm curious :D
    Profile Post by Nova for anarchy666, Nov 3, 2010
  12. Nova
    Aw, yep, haha, that's right :P
    Profile Post by Nova for anarchy666, Nov 3, 2010
  13. Nova
    Profile Post

    Happy birthday DF :)

    Happy birthday DF :)
    Profile Post by Nova for Destiny's Force, Nov 3, 2010
  14. Nova
    Thread by: Nova, Nov 3, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Nova
    It's not R2D2. It's one of the most evil alien races in the universe.

    Post by: Nova, Nov 2, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Nova
  17. Nova
  18. Nova
    And here I was expecting something... more.
    Post by: Nova, Nov 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Nova
    Haha, that's awesome 8D
    Post by: Nova, Nov 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Nova
    Jammin' and RPing. You?
    Profile Post by Nova for Terra254, Nov 2, 2010