But you use a Datel USB??? ---------- i have an usb stick from datel (: ----------
Well i plug in my normal USB and it shows it. I then go to ActionReplay Settings (The data with all the codes) I then copy it to my USB and it...
0.0 How i do it?? Can you help me?
Good work guys :D You should have told me you was making a form linked to Ven I would added more stuff. But amazing work guys! ~Slip
I swear any guy or Pedo comes to my house im gonna beat the crap out of him with my baseball bat
Nah i have a normal USB :( Not a MaxUSB
I think....
looks awesome :D
Well you know by adding WTD Master form basic attacks will only damage enemies the combos will not do damage or hit a enemy. I was gonna do WTD...
Do you have any screenies xDD I wanna see your form!
Avi : 8/10 Sig: 9/10 ~Love Siggy's, X-Fire & S4 league xD
xDD Dood i will give you Rep+ when i see you do somthing Good or Awesome.
I dont eat Cherries.....
Fully Customizable Avatar -- Using a wide array of sliders and customization options, players will be able to create a unique character in White Knight Chronicles and this avatar will join the adventure in single player mode as well as online Multiple Playable Characters -- Six playable characters are available, with up to three controllable characters on the screen at the same time True Online RPG on PS3 -- Experience the first true RPG action game on PS3 that incorporates a variety of online gameplay elements :D ~Slip [Some people kept telling me White Knight doesnt have Online & Customizable Features so this is for them]
xDDD I loved it
Ye im over the moon had the best day ever :D
Just askin because you have loads of KH games xD
Good Good :D
Wassup Dood ;D How's is everything
Maik do you use a Emu??