Good morning to you Bro :D my Teaser video is nearly done.. it's gonna take me 6hours to render it and put in on youtube xD
8/10 Avi 8/10 Sig :D
I dont have a TUT but go to Khcoding forum and go to Hacking tut's and ALL the info you need is there.. thats how i started my Hacking.
Dont worry i'll deal wit it. It simple all we gotta do is mod his hand and replace it with a backward wielding arm. :D i'll deal with it when im finished my Teaser and my codes.
What form?
xD Well i've been mostly makin the new stuff I have a New Coding Series: Revolutionary Codes & I have three video's released, Latest is Kingdom Hearts 2 - Revolutionary Codes - Soldier of Darkness :D and i'm Making a new teaser video which will have BIG Codes soon....
Awesome work TYVM Bro :D
Well :D i finished 1 of my Big Codes and im workin on the second one.
Update: I will be releasing the code with my New Teaser Video which will have a bundle of BIG Codes :D
:D Im gonna make a teaser wit the BIG 3 codes i made.
Sorry i'll start savin some.
Nah i never save my codes.. I just keep them on my memory card.
Sweet :D Well i'm gonna buy FM and the Disc needed to play it soon.
Well i have it working but im gonna make a teaser trailer with 3 big codes in it This is my first one need two more.
xDDD I cant spoil the surprise just say it's BIG! Enjoy Bro :D
Thanks Dood ;D Sorry i've been busy makin this and a BIG CODE that gonna be released soon.