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  1. ◄Slip►
    For exploding heartless??? which ones are those.. UCM please
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. ◄Slip►
    You cant dodge roll in kh2 sorry.
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. ◄Slip►

    That code you gave me i couldnt port so i Hacked Infinite jump for PAL.. for some reason the code wasnt found in the PAL Dump... it may be due to it making all forms jump including limit form that isnt in KH2 so that might have been the reason.
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. ◄Slip►

    It freezes due to the Model begin taken over only.. You gotta change the mset and the weapon attachment he freezes because your just changing his model if you change his moveset it makes that character a ALLY!
    Model is a model it aint anything that mset makes a model playable is crashes because Donald has a model but not the right Moveset and when u add the mset of the character is works like i did
    I add Sora model and his mset and it worked and i experimented by changing the model furthur and i made Sora Halloween Final a Ally!
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. ◄Slip►

    00355D80 00000006 ---- Camera Mod

    11C95B1A 000008B6 ---- UCM DONALD
    11C95B1C 0000061C ---- UCM GOOFY
    2037919C 00000000 ---- Movie Mod [remove HUD]
    2037B2C8 00000000 x
    D035BA5C 0000FDFF ---- Room Mod
    1033ED30 00000002 x
    4034119C 00130001 x
    03020100 00000000 ---- ?? i gave this code to NARU.. forget!
    20190994 00000000 ---- Infi Jump​
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  6. ◄Slip►
    I ported the
    Xemnes Custom Moveset code for PAL
    I would port it for NTSC but i seriously don't have a NTSC Dump i will get it ASAP so i can do it.. It took me 2mins to port it for PAL so if you wanna port it use my PAL Version it works 100% and it'll be easier on PAL -> NTSC instead of FM -> NTSC.



    Xemnas w/ Unique Moveset
    [Ported/Re-Hacked by Slip]
    Replaces Goofy!


    11CFAC80 0000081f
    21cda710 58455f42
    21cda714 5f303731
    21cda718 3939564c
    21cda71c 00000000

    Well that code can be shorter if i may say.
    I actually figure out by modding Donalds Model & Mset it will make the any Form a Ally! and if you change the status and weapon attachment it works :D
    if you dnt believe me check this


    I change Donalds Model to Sora's then change Sora model to Final Halloween Sora's and change around the status the code was 6lines :D
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. ◄Slip►
    Yea i trusted Delta but i cant anymore xD it kept failing me
    it's a 50/50 thing soo i think you should Label port it :D
    Once i fully learnt hacking it becomes more easy then Delta ;p
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  8. ◄Slip►

    Oh Hai Der

    Hi :D
    My name is Slip
    If you ever decide to start playing Kingdom hearts with codes then please ask me
    i'll love to provide and help you.
    I'm a Hacker/Coder for KH2.
    I'll always be giving a helping hand if you request for it.
    Have fun!~
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. ◄Slip►

    He asking if it a code only limited to one area to work.

    Basically it a Custom Form
    it works Everyone..
    It wouldnt work in Timeless, Halloween Town, Tron
    because of the Model & Moveset begin switched in different worlds that use different models and movesets for the different version keyblades.
    If you want it to work in worlds with World Sora's in it then you gotta add this code replacing the model and mset of the World sora e.g
    Replacing Timeless sora with Model and Moveset will make him drive into this form.
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. ◄Slip►
    Well there aint a
    100% Working play as Axel code
    There is in a DMA but not possible on PS2 or cheat code.
    There is a mushball version but it just a code full of bugs and freezes/crashes.

    Hay isnt un código de trabajo completo
    Hay un DMA, pero no es posible en PS2 o código de trucos.
    Un Mushball código de la versión, pero sólo llena de errores y se congela / bloquea.



    Xemnas w/ Unique Moveset
    [Ported/Re-Hacked by Slip]
    Replaces Goofy!


    11CFAC80 0000081f
    21cda710 58455f42
    21cda714 5f303731
    21cda718 3939564c
    21cda71c 00000000

    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. ◄Slip►

    Leave it to me.
    Here you go

    Infinite Jump [Ported to PAL]
    20190994 00000000

    Infinite Jump [ARMAX]

    No problem :D

    1st Request:

    Mod Other Bosses:

    Dood sorry the only dump PAL had was of Sephiroth allowing us to mod his status and everything PAL doesnt have many Battle dumps the only ones we have are Axel's and Sephiroths.. but i only have Sephiroths on me right now Axel's is around somewhere

    2nd Request:

    Antisora w/ Normal Sora Mset

    3rd Request:

    Remove Goofy [Sora & Donald only]

    Infinite Jump.
    I posted it above :D
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. ◄Slip►

    I think he's asking if you ported it

    w/ Delta Maker
    Label Porting
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  13. ◄Slip►
    Ye i used:

    Camera Mod [Credit to 00Roxas00]
    Movie Mod w/ Normal Menu

    I'm really happy you enjoyed the video
    I'll be releasing the Full Video but not anytime soon.. Sorry it just i've been
    really really busy soo i'll be kinda not on KH-Vids alot but i will try to do daily checks and help people out.
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 22, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  14. ◄Slip►
  15. ◄Slip►
  16. ◄Slip►
    Kingdom Hearts 2 - Revolutionary Codes - Teaser Auditions

    Comment & Subscribe please :D

    Well this was a video to a introduction to my 2 Main codes.
    One begin the:

    Riku Fix
    & the other
    World Sora Model Mod

    I wish you enjoy the video.
    All Credit goes to both Truth & 00Roxas00 for begin my Teachers and best friends :D

    The video was created by Slip & the Program used to create the video was Sony Vegas 8.0


    Sora starts off begin Alone.....
    Donald & Goofy were ordered by King mickey to protect the Castle and Queen Minnie well he was gone on a unknown quest.
    Kairi is spending the day with Olette while Riku is nowhere to be seen.
    Sora decides to travel to The Radiant Garden to check on everyone
    As wonders around he is inform by Huey that a Audition is going on for
    1st Class Slip's Kingdom Hearts 2 - Revolutionary Code Teaser
    While thinking of to go or not to go Cloud informs Sora of Riku taking part in the Auditions and motivates Sora to tag alone.
    Sora then decides to go to the Auditions when Squall tells him to get new threads from Aerith in Merlin's House.
    Sora then arrives at Merlin's and request Aerith for a new Garment that she replies to do so and allow Sora to rest as it is begin made.
    Sora then wakes up and is asked to change into the outfit and finds it to be "Awesome" Merlin then informs Sora of the Crown on his head from the outfit and tells him it's a special crown from the
    [Final Mix Document] that Merlin researched into and created for Sora with his magic and resources from Cid.
    Sora then gave his thanks and was off, Sora wonder where Riku was....
    Meanwhile in Disney Castle....
    Riku had been seen walking out of a Room that Donald & Goofy were told to guard as he left Donald & Goofy question Riku in why he was here.
    Riku then told them both he came for Auditions and that he was taking part in it without Sora.
    The Director, 1st class slip, told Riku to be off and for Donald & Goofy to escort that "Movie Star" to where he wishes to go.
    Donald & Goofy then figure the "Movie start" to be Riku as Riku ran away.
    Riku then told Donald & Goofy he doesnt want Sora to know about him begin the Hero in the Teaser Movie and that they should stay hush hush.
    As Riku was leaving Sora had arrived and so the Notice of the Auditions begin Closed..
    Sora then gave chase towards Riku as Riku asked Donald & Goofy if a Gummi Ship was close by..
    When Donald reply with a Yes he gave chase towards it and made a departure...

    ~Story created by Slip

    + Final Fantasy VIII Music - Balamb Garden
    + Final Fantasy VII Battle Music - 8-bit Style
    + Persona 4 OST- Electronica in the Velvet Room
    + Persona 4 - Reach Out To The Truth -Inst version-
    + Persona 4 - Game

    Sound effects:
    + Gained from MMORPG game data
    Thread by: ◄Slip►, Sep 21, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  17. ◄Slip►
    I'm gonna stick with this until i get bored of it and i'll switch....
    Oh ye it's called KH DS Theme.
    Switch to the old theme and your eyes will hurt xD
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. ◄Slip►
    XD Im trying to have a Gif Avi
    Profile Post by ◄Slip► for NeoRoxas, Sep 21, 2009
  19. ◄Slip►
    I was like WTF at start but i'm into it now looks awesome..
    But i still love the old version :D
    Post by: ◄Slip►, Sep 21, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  20. ◄Slip►
    Profile Post

    xDDD Ye It a new style

    xDDD Ye It a new style
    Profile Post by ◄Slip► for NeoRoxas, Sep 21, 2009