It's Going Great :D Just Partying and Relaxing
Oh yea Dood i've tested All the Codes and Loads of them have been Freezing with BSOD... DW Roxas Works, However Riku DW Ally!, Drive Allies, Roxas Ally! All Crash.. I'm Trying to Fix them now I Just Fixed the Roxas Ally! Code Raw: Roxas ally (Donald) (Works!) 11cb9ef4 00003131 11cb9f14 00003131 01cb9eef 00000001 01cb9f36 00000001 Armax: Roxas ally (Donald) (Works!) UJ8N-K4NY-FRX87 F3U1-UH5N-RXMH3 V849-309Z-QR1M3 5UFP-RWH5-F3VKR Q827-BTD8-5KW7A DW Roxas Ally! Created by Aurangzeb56 Raw: DW Roxas Ally! (Donald): 11cfac7e 00000323 21cc3d2c 01000001 21cc3d74 00050006 21cfc66c 003f00B2 21cf0454 58455f57 21cf0458 5f303130 21cf045c 425f5852 21cf0460 5f464c54 21cf0464 00000052 21cf0474 58455f57 21cf0478 5f303130 21cf047c 425f5852 21cf0480 5f464c54 21cf0484 0000004c DW Roxas Ally! (Goofy): 11CFAC80 00000323 21cc3d2c 01000001 21cc3d74 00050006 21cfc66c 003f00B2 21cf0454 58455f57 21cf0458 5f303130 21cf045c 425f5852 21cf0460 5f464c54 21cf0464 00000052 21cf0474 58455f57 21cf0478 5f303130 21cf047c 425f5852 21cf0480 5f464c54 21cf0484 0000004c Armax: DW Roxas Ally! (Donald): U19V-3C45-J3PYQ UWD1-WV26-VMCZD BR5U-K47G-0UY2R 3U4B-KZ4J-97EN2 8BJY-ER5G-NT009 9RAP-81B8-Q2F5H BAGG-MZ5J-RMM7W ZDGT-UKGR-VTFV9 7K42-KZC9-Q7HQZ V0VB-5ZXJ-97RBY 8C7R-N2NX-K3BU5 QB68-8WX8-0UQEE DCD4-QD43-22X51 UPMF-V99H-EU4K0 1V4W-CB3E-7M41J DW Roxas Ally! (Goofy): 11CFAC80 00000323 9TUY-EWT1-V00G2 BR5U-K47G-0UY2R 3U4B-KZ4J-97EN2 8BJY-ER5G-NT009 9RAP-81B8-Q2F5H BAGG-MZ5J-RMM7W ZDGT-UKGR-VTFV9 7K42-KZC9-Q7HQZ V0VB-5ZXJ-97RBY 8C7R-N2NX-K3BU5 QB68-8WX8-0UQEE DCD4-QD43-22X51 UPMF-V99H-EU4K0 1V4W-CB3E-7M41J
One Word Brother... Amazing!
NEW RELEASE!!! Aurangzeb, Well Known for Making Heart Stopping Codes for Final Mix such as DW Ally! codes, Riku Fix and DW Riku, Texture Mods, Special Summons and Many Many More... has Started Hacking PAL & NTSC for more Amazing Codes and Thanks to him accepting my Request for Helping me Hack PAL the same way he had successfully hacked Final Mix and Thanks to Aurangzeb his First Code to be Ported and Re-Hacked for PAL is... DW KH1 Sora: Raw: 11cfac7c 000006C1 21cd332c 01000000 21cd337c 09020000 21cd3374 00010001 21c95844 05040000 21cfc66c 006000BB 1034116c 00008052 11c8ac70 0000077A 21cf0374 58455f57 21cf0378 00303130 Armax: UJC3-P9CU-X5XH8 FBKG-0JKD-5Y2J6 PFKT-E8XG-ZJACW K39T-BQF9-8CQ0H 6BF3-3JJZ-WHUFQ YPNQ-HUE2-C0J31 6T3M-F8P3-W9R63 2NYV-0PN8-5MJ5Z PEGC-JH5U-X9E7A 6CK9-1FVF-36G10 QFH7-H8CQ-K8QY9 Sephiroth&Cloud i had Tested your Code and it Crashed/Freezed when i had Enabled it, I Used Joker and Non-Joker Version and it still had the same result
Got a Month to Relax i'm trying to Use it up as much as possible, I'm never at home mostly.. So i'm coming on once every week
Yea Sure i'll post it to you, Just a sec...
Ermmm right now i'm trying to Explore Codes that may be Possible from Final Mix for PAL.. Such as DW Normal Sora & Dual Wield Drive Form Ally!
Anything i can do too help and aid you... Just Ask :)
Yea LOL i just realised that :D Hmmm well if you to work together we can try and Make One of Yea Aurangzeb Bro may i talk to you.. Sending Message*
Yea same.. Well im off Just Made 4 Successful Codes :D Wishing to post very soon... See ya Around Dood :)
The Master Ally!
Anywhere they should Work... Just don't Press Pause or go to Menu in the Game.. Because Squall & Cloud were never Real Allies they don't have a Menu Model so they will just Crash! and Freeze the Game...
Hmm? I meant as soon as im done with the Codes i'm dealing with right now i'll start Dual Wielding ALLY! codes for PAL & NTSC.. I know the Final...
Cloud Replaces Donald (Ally!) ZE7Y-M0ND-XJ4M3 JMYJ-5K5E-N120B Squall Replaces Goofy (Ally!) 2F1U-U3VZ-NH5Y3 X29Q-1046-RR4XV Max Munny XU56-FN52-Q61T4 7U0C-H47D-WW3TH
I'll Promise to Deal with this :)
Hmmm that's the Problem.. Well i believe the 1st line should'nt be needed the second line should be 01cc382f 00000001 3rd Line should be 000A0001...
Not at the Moment but right now i'm Making a Large Amount of ALLY! codes which i promise to do as one of my Objectives :)
Ohh that'll be Great :D
Nice to Meet You... My Name is Slip and I'm a Hacker for Kingdom Hearts 2 If you need Anything Please Feel Free to Ask :D Do Please Read the Rules because sometimes you might make a Nooby Mistake... I've been there and done that :) ~Slip
Just Asking :)