Yes. I run my own game dev team called EkIchi. It has a logo competition on right now with prizes. Haha. Game design is my one true...
I'll have to think. The name sounds familiar but I'mnot as keen on Til The End of Time as I am with Second Story. Haha.
Rena is the main female from the second game. You should really check it out. The remake enhanced version for PSP (called Second Evolution) comes...
Pretty fine. Working on my games as is the usual. Have a pile of artwork to do for my boyfriend's mecha game he's putting into contest at the...
It works either way, myes? Haha.
SWEET! You know the Star Ocean series! Awesome! You will get to choose between two main characters: Kayci, and Earthling who is warped back in...
It is a Star Ocean fan-game. Star Ocean: The Second Story is my favourite game of all time, and the series I know much about. It will be based...
Could be. I can barely upload anything either, because of internet connection problems. Its a real pain, am I right?
Yes, I saw in your profile about how you want to do voice acting. Do you have a sample of some voices you have done in the past? I'm interested. I...
Well when I analyze what types of vocals I'll need I'll definately get back to you if you're still interested. By that time you'll get to see some...
Oh? Haha. I kind of feel 'screwed'. I just send a long PM to an admin arguing my points on the creation of a Game Design/Idea section after...
You're quite a spry little fellow. Do you always have so much energy?
Haha. Becoming more like Vexen is a good thing. Actually the vocals can be used in game design much, both in voice acting, sfx, and singing. So...
Haha. You're quick.
I own a game development team, yes. We're creating a small fan-rpg right now. Haha. I'm hoping they make a section here for game design so I can...
Going great! Learning some 2D animation things as well, and brushing up my spriting skills. I've recently released an argument to push admins into...
Love the newest! I kind of wish I knew the characters, though. I guess you have to assume we know the characters already, but I'm getting mixed up with the Clouds and Sephiroths and Terras and stuff. My problem though, nothing you did wrong. Most everyone knows who you're talking about. Haha. Its still awesome! Keep it up, I really love the action in this story. Pure epic.
Some more tracks from the game development team at EkIchi. This Way Cometh Star Ocean: Fallen Angels Theme Farseli's Theme Comments? All of these tracks are from the same game, all produced by burstknuckle.
The trailer for one of my boyfriend's little games he makes. We use his small creations as 'minigames' for our game dev team.
I also laugh at things like that....on occasion. I don't think I'm evil, that is just my natural reaction. I'm not even dulled by so much death. I love blood, guts, horror flicks and am a bit of a sadistic personality, though i appear sweet on the outside. I wouldn't say I'm evil, though, and I don't think you're evil either. That is just your reaction, be it from a tragedy that traumatized you or just a personality trait.