Yeah, I can do animations. <3 I'll try some out soon after I get this pile of needed artwork dwindled down. Le sigh.
1. What would you do if your new friend said he/she was a Christian? I'm a Christian as well. So it wouldn't make a difference to me. I don't judge people by their belifs anyhow. 2. What would you do if you saw someone talking to someone about God in the hallway? I'd share my input. It is a nice way to meet individuals and share opinions and expressions. 3. What would you do if you saw an excessive Christian who goes so overboard that: Example: They think tetris is an evil game? (from that other thread) My mother is like that. I'd just have to deal with it..... I voted act friendly, which is what I naturally tend to do towards everyone, regaurdless of who they are.
Age doesn't matter. Most of my boyfriends have been younger than me. I'm 23 and my boyfriend is 17. When I was 18 I dated a 10 year old. No big deal.
Haha at what inspired you to draw this! It is purely genius. <333 Love your style as always.
This is all I got for a reference.... So I had to work from that little thing...Haha.
My boyfriend has entered a game making competition, and has made a game entitled Grenzenlos: Glass Eternity. It is a mecha shooter game of sorts with a Hyper Mode and dazzling effects. Really pretty and the musick is amazing. I was to draw the three main characters (plus I'm doing a wallpaper) for the game.... Character One (Work In Progress):
Okay my boyfriend has made a mecha shooter game for this contest, and I have to draw his characters for him. Before the first of next year, so I'm speed-drawing. Haha. Here's what I have of character one so far... The game is so much fun and fast paced and it makes your eyes dazzle because you can put it on hyper mode and sparks are flying everywhere and wheee! I'll give you guys the game download once its done. I only own the demo version.
That free drawing of Zeiram (see above post) is MINE! I shall accept this challenge.
Oh god....the sex: The blood the blood the blood on his mouth! <333 I am dying of ecstacy. Sorry, having a severe fangirl moment. Majourly bad. He's been my real number one since I was a small age...I just NOW got to see footage from the second movie thanks to a godly member on YouTube. It is orgasmic....pure orgasmic. I don't care how ridiculous it makes me sound.
Yeah that's what happened to me too. Haha. Good work. I'll add it to the list of possibilities.
Colouring and lining, making the entire background. It will be in an ice cavern. This is my first time drawing backgrounds so I'm taking my time with layering it over so I can make it look the way it does in my head. Loxothel + Nakedness = EPIC hahaaa.
Thanks so much! I'm working hard on completing it. <33
Great idea! Thanks much. <3 We'll look it over with the list of other ideas.
Nice! We'll give it some thought.
I have a tendency to rank the games I play and pick apart, and I have very high standards for what makes a game a great game. I may need to lighten up a bit, but it is really hard when series like Star Ocean set the bar so high up. By the way, I totally saw your post in support of the Game Design section. It is so much love it made my eyes tear up. Thanks a bajillion.
I believe sex should be reserved for marriage only, so you don't have the bondage of soul ties to other partners. Yes, there are such things as baggage that you bring into a relationship especially if you have been intimate with someone prior to the standing relationship you have now. I made the mistake of sleeping with one of my boyfriends who asked me to marry him, but then he veered off into drugs and I couldn't stay with him.....
It is the most Epic game I've ever played. Lunar and Dewprism cut it close to being up there as well.
Thanks for the list! <3 Also you guys, I'm trying to get us a game design section since so many people have shown interest. You can read the arguments here: SUPPORT! <3
B-but I only die TWICE a week. ^ Wants to marry Santa Claus.
Squirrelses > Penguinses.