Yeah. I created a whole family/social group...just for game designers. Game design rocks.
I'm not really into the romance thing. Does it focus more on romance or action?
Wahahahaa. Yeah that kid so sold him out. Great work here. Genius, as usual.
One of the first miniature games for our EkIchi Game development company produced by my boyfriend, Alkasirn, has been released as the first ever EkIchi minigame to hit the publick. WATCH TRAILER You may DOWNLOAD THE GAME HERE. Instructions are HERE. *This .zip doesn't have the music files, which will be downloaded through the updater when you play the game for the first time. Once the next version is released, this link will come with the music files. Enjoy what he has so far. I will update with newer versions as they are released.
It is mainly because that was the only time in my life I was ever allowed outside my house was when I was younger mostly. It was the bit of freedom I enjoyed from my confines. <3 Now I hardly get to go out...and there was a period in time I was never allowed outside ever or else I'd have to face dire consequences. It is still a bit that way actually...even now. I guess the smell of grass means freedom to me. A child's free spirit.
Star Ocean, Lunar, Dewprism, and game mechanics and design are my areas of expertise.
I voted. It is definately cut grass for me out of all of those. <3
I am dazzled by the colours. Faved and commented.
Love! I commented (if my horrible net connection didn't eat my comment) and rated. I'm going to favourite it too.
BEAUTIFUL! <3 for you so much right now. Vexen always looks great but god I love his pose in this one. Godly job, man. Just godly.
In love with this! Nice colour scheme, great source of lighting, the way the guy's body is sloped with the arms raised and all plus the fact that you can see his clothing dip off and back onto the signature creates a very in-depth flow of motion and movement. The text captures the meaning very well. Brilliant. 10/10
Making a new Game Design family. Haha. Updating that and working on my games as usual. Keeping busy.
I used to play that a bit. Took it off recently since I can't play MMORPGs anyway on this connection. Le sigh. So I just cleared it off to have more computer space and to help my computer run a bit faster from cleared memory. I deleted like eight games. I have now transformed my family for game design: Feel free to join up.
Doing good (except for going into weird fangirl mode lately....). Mostly working on game things. I'm trying to get my forums (the general EkIchi ones) into more of an order but my computer phails. Coming up with a term for the transformations that will be in SO:FA. I think I'm going to transform my family thread into a game design one only instead of a creativity spot. That way I don't lose the good stuff in a bajillion posts and can archive the important stuff all in post number one. That should at least make some kind of order.
IRIA Opening: One of My Favourite Scenes:
You guys rule! Please make lots more now. hot.... Corrupted forever. This is what corrupted my brain as a child in 1994 or so...... I will always see him as number one. He just has an aire of intelligence, badazzness, darn sexy that it makes me die of projectile nosebleeds.
Something for the rpg me, sai and rainbow all work on together.... Haha. Don't worry about it.
Thank you. <3 I came up with a term from the list I was searching from before, some of you will know what I'm talking about... How about 'purification'?
Oh its so cute! I love your style, its getting better and better. I like the colouring on this as well. Nice job.