^ Fix'd. Haha.
No thanks. She's going to be thicker. I like her that way for one thing, she's beautiful. <3
Aha. I meant how is it going in general. Haha. That's nice that I'll finally be able to hear some things from you, though. It'll be interesting!
I can never get enough of him. Hahaha. I've always been too afraid to sketch him until now... I think I ruin him to be honest.
Hey you! How's it going? Haha.
Here he is again, all pleased from his meal. Okay. I'll quit fangirling for the night....He just makes me excited. Urgh. I could do a bajillion sketches I think.
Its my fav anime/movie guy of all time. Evar. Period. His name is Zeram/Zeiram. <3
Yum. He knows he's sexy when he does his jaw unhinge thing.
So my favourite game series is Star Ocean. It has brilliant depth, an immersive storyline, believable characters, badazz evil villains, and mind-blowing gameplay. This club is for those who adore the series. Feel free to discuss the series here, or talk about the manga, drama CDs, and even the anime. If you dont know what Star Ocean is, ask and we'll be sure to give you some insight on this awesome series. You DON'T want to miss out. So hop aboard and explore the great Star Ocean. -Members- 1.Vexen_Is_God (The Chilly Academic) CURRENT TOPIC What is your favourite Star Ocean installment (can be games, manga, anime) and why?
Thanks so much. Yes, Sammonessah tends to express much emotion through her eyes. I can't wait to see her in the cutscene animations and in sprite-form in the game. <3
A rough sketch for one of the characters of my team's RPG - Star ocean: Fallen Angels. Sai will be doing the official art but I make roughs to work from. Sammonessah is the ultimate Healer of the game so she will focus on curing your party and boosting their stats with her Heraldic Magick arts. She also serves as the girlfriend of Haniel/Vesper provided you decide to make their relationship bud in the game... She's naturally shy, timid, and reflective and always searching for a deeper meaning to life and love. If she looks 'fat' it is because she is supposed to be so. Her face is skinny but her body and proportions are that of an overweight girl. That's how she is supposed to appear, just in case someone wants to go 'the pic is stretched!'. Hahaha.
I love Demyx. <3 Great guy he is, and usually really bubbly happy like that song. Haha. Poor Demmy... I had to choose between a few guys...chose one other than my boyfriend. Boyfriend looked at me and walked off, one of the guys started to cry and he went off too. The one I chose and another started to fight physically and beat each other to near death. It was amusing yet very sad at the same time. Now they both have wounds and I kind of have to care for them. Hah. The one I chose usually doesn't get physical. Then he scratched Pink's face and Pink was all ROAR! ZOOM! And beat the holy heck out of the guy I chose, but that guy made a come back and started wailing blows onto Pink. It went back in forth a good thirty minutes or so. They finally stopped but both were good and bloody by that time. I just shake my head at them really. Boys will be boys... I posted up some musick tracks from our game(s) over by the game design family. I think I may switch the files over to my domain, but not sure how to block downloads from it. We've had problems in the past with people stealing our musick and art before. Pity...I'll work something out.
Just a small simple logo/banner deal for the EkIchi Game Design family. Theme colours are silver and red.
Yes indeed. Do you perhaps like the Star Ocean game series?
To me busy > boring. I just consume myself with extra activities and things so I feel productive. I'm a work-a-holic. Most people don't like me because of that and say "lighten up a little and have fun". What they don't know is the things I work at makes me have more fun that doing stuff like hanging out and whatnot, though I do a little of that, too.
Bomb us with reds and silvers! It is our THEME COLOURS! Though not very Rainbow-like, huh? Hahahahah.
I am busy nearly 24/7. If it's not art, its making games, if not that its forums and all of this junk. Haha. I love it but it is much work. My boyfriend released his current version of the game he makes as a download. I put it up over on the EkIchi fam thread along with a nice description of SO:FA. I'll probably start some production discussion over there as well, plus just general chitchat like this. <3
I have a feeling what they said is right. If YouTube keeps pulling the crap they're pulling, many members will disperse throughout the other video communities and YouTube will be no more. I've had many many friends who have left YouTube because of this sort of thing. Pretty soon I'll probably start my own video-blog website for people to upload their personal opinions as videos. Because YouTube...ugh.
Hullo! How are you? Haha. I'm busy updating things as usual.
I'm doing it because one of the guys in the video looks much like my boyfriend. Haha. And because YOUTUBE SUCKS. Freedom of speech forever.