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  1. Vexen_Is_God
    Fellow game masters rule.
    Profile Post by Vexen_Is_God for XGamerkey, Dec 19, 2008
  2. Vexen_Is_God
    And then the Chilly Academic drops by a random family to say HI!

    Well I know Sai. Everyone else I think is pretty much a stranger to me on the forums. Myes.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 19, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Vexen_Is_God
    EkIchi members are needed over at SO:FA when you can get there. We're going to be grinding into the story hardcore very shortly.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 19, 2008 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. Vexen_Is_God
    This year is just flying by....

    SOFA peeps, the forums of SOFA are going to be picking up a bit as we go into production. Input is nice, especially from writers. <3 So if you're with the crew, I'll be discussing some things over there you may be interested in, yes.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 19, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Vexen_Is_God
    Greetings, Flame Haze. How are you?

    I'm suddenly very tired. Ugh.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 19, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Vexen_Is_God
    NoI wasnt doing realism in the picture. I only use pure shades if I want to do realism. Sometimes I just like my pictures in one colour to prove something. Not all art has to live up to the actuality of the colours.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 19, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Vexen_Is_God
    Star Ocean: First Departure and Star Ocean: Second Evolution. Nuff said.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  8. Vexen_Is_God
    His eyes are filled with blood red for real as well. I think they're beautiful. Most of the time he keeps them shut unless his head is activated for feeding, then his face comes to life.


    An example of his beautiful eyes. <3
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Vexen_Is_God
    Didn't intend for him to come across as scary...Haha. I guess my eyes are a bit different than others.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Vexen_Is_God
    Yes. I love his face as well. Well...I adore him in general. <3
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Vexen_Is_God
    All of the new arts are great!

    For the sigs, I love the orange-ish one.

    Whew...Gotta get to work on more game mechanics things, plus start grinding out a tune for Gentian.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Vexen_Is_God
  13. Vexen_Is_God
  14. Vexen_Is_God
  15. Vexen_Is_God
  16. Vexen_Is_God
    Its a very real issue. I have had it happen recently for the first time in my life with a friend I loved dearly. I found out she wasn't so friendly behind my back and was false on top. She has much personal issues that makes her like this (was raped by family members as a child), yet I still feel victimized.

    Demonchick, the best thing to do is be sure of what you feel and don't jump to conclusions. Confront them about it and it will all come out, but be prepared for the worst. If indeed they have been belittling you behind your back, take the Chris Crocker approach and do the hair flip and move on to other people who can respect you for who you are.

    You owe it to yourself to find out the truth no matter the outcome, but you must take action now before it completely wears you down.

    There are many telltale signs of betrayal, and trust is hard to gain after being hurt once. Make sure you see those signs, ask about it, ask them directly. I know its hard to, but it is best to know than to keep being plagued by thoughts and covering it up with a smile when you're around them.

    If you ever need to talk I'm usually on here, so send me a PM or comment. If you want to talk on messengers my YIM is terrorofdeath8[at]

    All I can say for now do the confronting. As said before, brace yourself for the worst. Then if it all crumbled down on you and they ARE treating you this way, find some new friends who you may talk to about anything and will be truthful and honest to your face and behind your back. Because those friends aren't friends at all if they're doing things like that. They need the counseling. Not you, hon.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  17. Vexen_Is_God
    No thanks. Love the text, really pulls out the emotion he's feeling. Wanted to use flat colours for this sketch. Blood red is one of my favourite colours and I didn't want to go wild with the shading (because I usually do on everything else). <3
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Vexen_Is_God
    Nice to meet you! I'll join. <3
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Vexen_Is_God
  20. Vexen_Is_God
    Supposed to be rough. Did it in less than 3 minutes flat. Just getting some practice in for him.

    He's sexy. <3

    I may draw more of him soon.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics