Whenever I'm drawing hands I need to look at my hands, too...I never even thought about doing that before. I just sketch and erase and sketch until it looks half-okay then I say 'screw it.' Good pointer.
You have a beautiful name! My real name is Ashes <---- Ewww, but on here I'm known as Vexen. Welcome to the forums and have a good stay. I'm also female. Nice to have more around. Haha.
The game my development team is producing will have a transformation/awakening system in which some of the main characters can elicit the celestial beings (named after real angels) for aid both in and out of battle. I need a term that corresponds to these 'awakenings', but I don't want overly-used terms like...awakenings or summons or transformations. Input would be great! Anyone have a clue as to what it could be called?