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  1. Shuhbooty

    Hey Blaine

    who knew something like this, would make people active
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Shuhbooty
    I think the sequence is the password. And the letters give the muggles the sight to see, plat 9 3/4, LC, DA and so forth. I'm happy you cleared up whether it's books or movies you are going off of. I'm more familiar with the books and have the little side publications like "Quidditch Through the Ages" and the "Fantastic Beats and Where to find them".
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  3. Shuhbooty
    I agree, I felt the first one is just whacky looking. In the tutorial that I was following it suggested, and once I posted it on here, I saw how dumb it really looked. So I just made another one with only the drop shadow. Which I think looks sleek and sexy too. D:
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Shuhbooty
    So, I'm experimenting with text/font/script and I'm looking for tips on doing so. The first one has the Bevel&Emboss with a Drop Shadow, the second one has only a drop shadow. I'm really feeling the second one.

    View attachment 45007

    View attachment 45008

    This was the background use in the text.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jul 18, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Shuhbooty
    I loved reading your intro! I think you and I will be awesome friends! :D

    Welcome to the forums! SUPER happy you decide to join! I hope you continue to stay with us.~ Also- Welcome! Need anything fee free to PM me.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Shuhbooty

    a spicy sammich from JnTheBox, large with curly fries.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Shuhbooty
    This is the cutest thing ever to read. (I'm so surprised he measured it too! Such creativity of the juke) WOULD BE ACTING WEIRD ALSO IT'S HARD TO CONTAIN STUFF LIKE THIS!!
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Shuhbooty
    That's even more thrilling!! I can't wait to hear the details. D; -impatiently waits for Friday-
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Shuhbooty

    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Shuhbooty
  11. Shuhbooty
    I haven't played Overwatch myself personally. So I don't know the idea/culture of the game.

    BUT to my knowledge Shiva has different forums in many cultures. Shiva Of Destruction, Shiva of Ice and Snow and so worth. Greek mythology has been taught/revamped/pursued in MANY forms. (stories, video games, movies etc). And (personally) they don't come off offended that we utilize their, idk, past/history/ology. (I know we use other forms, not just this. Like Chinese/Asian/European 'ology too)

    BUT, Hindu believers are different to me. :/ I'm not mad/offended they want something changed in a video game (or removed like in this case). It probably means more to them, then to us. An it could be for many reasons. Maybe they just don't want this character being portray in general. Just trying it understand their point of view vs shaming them into "whats the big deal, this shouldn't be a problem". Sometimes religions outside the U.S means more to the people then we think/know.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 17, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  12. Shuhbooty
    I have the free time, however- Pokemon Go.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Shuhbooty
    I actually nee my wisdom teeth removed, but mine aren't too bad where I'm in constant pain.

    Although, I DID have a college freshmen that I trained. An this poor boy was in constant pain. Finally after two weeks he was able to get them removed. An bless this child, he came into his scheduled shift that evening. He still had the gaze in and everything. (i sent him home within 15 minutes) BUT we had a hayday while he was there. He was trying to explain how he would whip a computer clean of it's contents and install certain programs (he slurred his words) and said he used a magic sword to rid the computer of it's "bad stuff". Ah, goo times.

    I hope it passes soon though! From what I've seen, you can bounce back an feel better within the week. C: Looking forward to your recovery!
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shuhbooty
    I'm p sure from the movies and books it was referenced that Hermione did go with her parents to DA. Like in the movie Chamber of Secrets, Hermione had all those books and I cant remember if she said, "I have to get back to my parents". (gives me another excuse to watch the movies again this week)

    However for the password, on the Leaky Cauldron I thought the place was visible in general? Because like I stated before, it's referenced/hinted that Hermione is with her parents shopping. BUT I did read somewhere that when muggleborns get their letters, it's just proof that they are, who they say they are. So maybe that is a reason/key to entering, w/o a "secret password" to enter the LC. Maybe the letter just carries a special spell.
    When Dumbledore gives Tom Riddle instructions (source via the book half-blood prince) on how to enter/go to DA was told to visit the Inn/Bar keeper. Because not only is password needed, but you have to know the sequence when you tap the blocks. I think this changed every year/time, I'm not sure.

    So to my knowledge there isn't any canon on this.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 16, 2016 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  15. Shuhbooty
  16. Shuhbooty
    Username: Shuhbooty
    Hogwarts House you identify with: Ravenclaw.
    What you think your Wand would be like: Sycamore with unicorn hair 14 1/2 and flexible.
    Writing Experience (you can include a link to a work if you'd like): Intermediate I guess. I've posted mostly poems on this website and most of my fanfictions are 5+ years old. Here.
    Are you willing to get PM's and links to new updates in the story over the next year or so, and are you committing to checking out the updates and providing at least a minimal amount of feedback on the updates provided? (Yes or no) Absolutely, yes!
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 15, 2016 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  17. Shuhbooty
    My OB/GYN says that because I got the IUD as soon as I was done having the abortion, my body has to have time to heal. And it wasn't given that chance. She said that I was lucky pretty much. I had clots the size of lemons and it was because my body was clensing itself, but also because it wouldn't pass properly. (this is gunna be gross to some) But clots encased the whole IUD, and my body was just trying to get ride of it and the clots. I also had this done at a planned parenthood. I was rushed and had a serious talk with my GYN, telling her I wasn't told about any other options.. and that they could have potentially given me life altering/serious complicated problems because they put in the IUD so fast. I was naive, and scared. And they just wanted to rush me out because it was a busy clinic. And I feel used, in a sense. I wasn't given all the details I needed, and I'm scared to ever walk into another PPH honesty. I even questioned if the abortion was even completed, that's how bad I was treated.
    @Mish I have the arm implant one now. I got it Tuesday morning. After going through all the options for contraceptives, I thought this would be the best. (because i didn't want another IUD I'm still pretty upset over the last one, and the pills are super specific and I'm forgetful of time).

    I can see what y'all are saying about the sterilization. My S/O and I talked about it, and we too think it would be best to just adopted if we ever wanted children. I also (see now) that you are right. So someone in their 20s (an I'm assuming older) might chance their mind one day.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 15, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  18. Shuhbooty
  19. Shuhbooty
    Happy birthday! I hope it's a killer day for y'all. :)
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Shuhbooty
    So my iTunes is refusing to let me add some music/audio files for a language I'm learning. It's giving me random errors. Like it'll say it can't sync one time, the next it asks me to restore. Or it won't say anything and just sync my phone.

    Any solutions to this problem? I haven't added music to this phone/device in about a year. I usually use my old 4s phone and it doesn't give me problems on there.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jul 13, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Technology