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  1. Shuhbooty
  2. Shuhbooty
    Oh wow. :/
    I'm super disappointed in the cast for this movie, I won't lie. I might give it a watch, not sure yet.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Shuhbooty
    I honestly have never watched any shows that even portrayed super heroes/villains (Flash, Gotham S.H.I.E.L.D and i think they have like two more shows).

    Although I'm SUPER interested in this. I haven't read the comics (I'm picky and want to buy them honestly, because I have trouble reading them online). Because you quoted the first eight episodes will be out in 2017, does that mean it'll be on like a streaming site? Or is that all the shows they will air for the first season?
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Shuhbooty
    It looks awesome!! I'm so happy and proud of you! This is super clean and to the point, super killer in my opinion. However, try this out: add the school/establishment that you went to get your GED (was it a local college or an institute? You can add that under the 'school' section. if your mother is qualified to give the test (depending on state) then it's fine. Just remove the "name of college" section, since you didn't go to one, they will know and won't ask. (they will ask if you seek college in the future though and that's ok)

    Either then that I absolutely love it. <3 Good work!
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  5. Shuhbooty
  6. Shuhbooty
    Hello and welcome!

    Forums are so easy to use once you get the hang of them, I love the layout of our place here for that reason! So simple to find things. :)
    So happy you decided to join us! f you have any questions, or want to talk I'm always free! Hope you stay awhile. <3
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Shuhbooty
    Yup, I just saw that as well. Awkward glitch!
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Bug Reports
  8. Shuhbooty
  9. Shuhbooty
    I've never seen this, but interesting. I don't think it's designed that way, because everyone with these ratings (on my screen) are green. D: Some glitch it might be?

    EDIT: it's still there when I click your profile. Weird.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Bug Reports
  10. Shuhbooty
    I can't wait to update this resume when I'm finished with school. I love how you wrote your skills down, stealing the idea! ;D

    I defiantly understand that. (this is an old, haven't updated in a year aside from address resume) and I was seriously embarrassed t the fact I completed HS, but I was missing credits, that my parent's couldn't afford (200 bucks a credit, i was missing 6) I didn't focus the last year of school and it sucked. So I ended up getting my GED which I don't put in here- because if they want to really know they will ask/see in my background check. But it's important for them to see something, I've learned. I can't wait to read the update resume you make!
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  11. Shuhbooty
    You're welcome!
    I had friends from church that did the same route. however, their son went to the school (my school) for sports. At first they wanted him to be a student (but their family was against it) so they asked for him to take at least one class. He took weight training and was eligible for sports (football). So if you did any sort of things like that also, add it.

    For the jobs that say you worked at the Church did you get paid for that? Or did you volunteer. If it was unpaid volunteer work add a section for "extra/training/volunteer jobs" instead.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  12. Shuhbooty
    You should put that!
    * Home Schooled (years started - years from) And if you went to get your GED or if your state lets you test for a HS diploma. If you didn't get either that's fine. Just leave that you were home schooled. Some people say in requirements they want "school experience" and sine that was missing it might have been a flag down.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  13. Shuhbooty
    I have been waiting for 'No Man Sky' forever now,. /sobs I've honestly never been so ready for a game in my life, like I am for this one.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  14. Shuhbooty
    This is my resume. It took me roughly 2 months to get a resume (the style and words I wanted to use) I enjoyed to give. Maybe it can give you some ideas. (its an old address and i ust removed my phone number. everything else is almost open info hehe)

    I would add your schools anyways (high school), so it's not so blank. And if you have special skills (lie I said before you an put them there!)
    Your objective should change to something else.. like "Desire a position as a team member, customer service representative". (I got good marks for having my resume say customer rep. for awhile).
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  15. Shuhbooty
    I would love to look at your resume C:

    So, for me personally- I've had many jobs. I mean- a lot. And it's because I don't like most of them (I was emotionally unstable working there and ended up quitting a month later). But these are the things I've learned:

    Call the next business day, always in the morning around 8-9am. Calling later in the day makes it harder (they should ask for your info to give to a manager, and then hope the manager calls you back).

    If they give you a time frame on when they will be looking at applications, call during that time. (like if you all a Monday and they say the end of the week call Thursday or Friday. Showing persistence isn't bad. Means you are trying and managers look for that)

    When you call, be as professional as you can be, no matter what job it is you're calling into. Always say 'ma'am or sir' and try to remember the names of who answers. (like when you call, and a girl name Shelly answers- say thanks Shelly have a good day and then remember the managers name when they introduce yourself)
    So when the manager answers it'll go something like:
    Them: "This is Mark."
    You: "Hi Mark, my name is (name) and I'm calling in regards to an application I submitted?
    Them: "O when did you apply."

    Tell them, end the convo with their name and a have a nice day.

    Make a list of the important thngs you think maes you different. If that means, you can box food at 0.15 seconds say it! If you are a fast learner, say it! Having these things already preped and ready to say makes it easier for applications and interviews. I hope this helps a little bit, ad you get that call you're wating for!
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  16. Shuhbooty
  17. Shuhbooty
    Any ideas of what it might be?
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  18. Shuhbooty
    Everyone roleplays differently. As mentioned before, I would try and find a group or other people that have the same style as you. Just because you write a sentence or two, doesn't mean you are a bad roleplayer or a bad writer. It takes a lot of imagination and creativity to RP!

    There are many sites you can use to help with your writing. And then post it in our creative corner for us to read! We can help give you pointers if you want. I use this website for tips, writers block, and just general ideas. I used their write a day boot camp and it was awesome.

    I hope you continue to keep doing what you're doing. And if you ever need any help, tips or a proof read or even to RP with, I'm definantly here. :)
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  19. Shuhbooty
    They are so precious I love them all! (and I'm not a sonic fan but I would defiantly use those icons).

    I personally don't see anything wrong, aside from a mention of some being too zoomed in. (most sonic icons)
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Shuhbooty
    I'll join in! Paramore- Aint it fun
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: KHV Chorus