Never one, without the other.
This idea sounds intense. I'm def open to trying this out. Probably 2/3 characters on my end.
here is an update of what I had in mind: (I made on another forum) I've been itching for a SM/SM:C type roleplay since I got back into the series (on s3 of SM:C and I'm re-watching the 1900s). Intro: Tsukino, Usagi a middle school student of 14, isn't our normal middle school student. Shortly after the encounter with a cat, with a crescent shaped mark on her forehead, things began to change, for better or for worse? Balancing the hope of straight A's, friendship and even love, Tsukinos' life- is more then ordinary. Ideas: I'm looking for in depth roles, I've read some manga/canon and was just looking to create more back story. I'm open to gender bending also, and I had a thought of maybe giving all the sailor scouts Eevee evolution also (as a twist but it's an idea i'm willing to drop). It would/can begin from many parts. It can be the destruction and end of the Moon Kingdom, when Usagi meets Luna, or we can create when Princess Serenity is a child and her backstory to her rein of the Moon Kingdom and it's fall. This is open for discussion! Rules: 1. I understand when it comes to creativity, words/word choice is hard. There isn't a significant (large) amount needed to post, but anything over a paragraph is acceptable. (if you submit 1 par thats ok, if you submit more that's ok too) 2. RP more then one character is acceptable, however if someone only wants to claim a certain char/role vs you having 2+ then you will lose that char role. (being fair! D:) 3. This is rated T, so lets keep it that way. (kissing, hugging, holding hands is ok. groping/sexual conduct isn't and y'all can move to PM for that.) 4. I personally can be on most of the day, but there is no time requirement. But if you don't post anything in lets say a frame of 2 weeks then your role is forfeited and someone can either continue where the last RPer posted, or can start over. (if starting over can be a quick fix, posted here for a quick read and we can just continue on). 5. When it comes to main commentary and or characters w/o roles I can fill in the postings (unless stated other wise). 6. Have fun! Other: I was hoping to have some serious down time for characters, we can change/add/alter things if we wanted. This includes parents/family household of main characters, outside friends, villains and more.Here is a list of characters, I can answer or give more info if needed! OOCs are most defiantly welcome. Like I said we can add/alter/change things we want. Character sheet: I will make one for OOC and for selected character roles. OOC Sheet: (if it's a character used in other RPs or RP sites, you are welcome to just link it in BIO) Name: Age: School: Bio: History/Background: Powers or special abilities: Photo/Image: (optional) Other: Character Selection: (easy, just list the ones you wish to RP as. HOWEVER if you want to make changes to said character- use this layout) Name: (new name or old name (I.E: Sailor Mercury/Ayami or Sailor Mercury/Ichika)) Age: School: Bio: History/background: Powers/Special abilities: Photo/Image: (optional) Other: Links: Schools you want to attend. Sailor Moon Wiki This is just the start. If the ball gets rolling I can whip up the full introduction. I will also slot the taken 'original' characters here so before people post (or don't read the posts) they can see. If you have ANY questions, feel free to post here. If I don't get back within a day PM me! (i'l be checking back here frequently) SideNote: The intro is just something similar to the opening of the SM anime. I'm in the process of making detailed intros for all scenarios mentioned.
I suggest the 'mesh' chairs personally. (with arm rests of course) Or the high back chairs. if you have an office depot/max in your area, I would go and survey it. I buy all my office supplies/furniture there and they always have sales. I bought my mesh chair (it's a mid back chair, and helps my lower back/weight and leans)
This system HAS been rigged for years. And no one even bats and eye and thinks it's just "conspiracies". But honestly? This won't change many peoples minds, as important as this is. Most general public are sheeps. ( I'm a facebook activist lmao)
Yup, the developers are really into the community right now. They read the reddit pages and they host their own forum. (pref the reddit page myself) worth the money and time in my opinion!
I've never played Harvest Moon myself, but I've heard great things about it. After playing SD I would definitely go and pick up some of the HM series. But when it comes to end game, they are still working on it. They have a ton of things to in game for the time being, growing your crops, tending to your animals, making friends with the townsfolk, the community center, it's endless right now. But they did add how they were going to give "end game rewards" for certain players on the forums. It was brought up, not sure if it has been pursued yet.
Slight update: Pokemon go Leaders revealed! View attachment 45102 What do y'all think now that we can see their designs? I'm in love with the fact there are female leaders here. I think the names could have been worked on a bit more, but I'm excited to see what this brings in the future!
How exciting!! I can't wait to see all the new and current forum events! yay!
I'm the same way. :/ Once it's released i won't be able to play it. Might be another year after it's release date for me to even play. Well if you ever want to talk, I'm always here! Just for a chat, or a question. c:
Welcome back to the forums love! I hope you stay away before you go on hiatus again! I'm SO excited for KH3 also! What are you looking forward too, for KH3?
View attachment 45098 edit: oops
Oh my god, where?! I'm jealous, I missed out on comic con this year in Phoenix, Arizona. Are you gunna cosplay by chance? it's almost over,...
I've been dying for some kind of SM/SM:C related RP. I'm not sure if I want to go with the canon or just to whip up something different. We can keep the sailor scouts and those characters the same. But maybe I can creative different villains? That was my disappointment when I watched the series. I disliked the lack of depth (I have not read the manga) so I think I would focus on that. I'm defiantly open to gender bending also. I think it would hella creative for this. Anyone interested? I can work up my thoughts tomorrow morning and post it.
It's been 2 years since this was posted. And I would like to bring it back if anyone is still interested. If so, i can start re/working it.
Anger is exhausting Anger is depressing Anger is frustrating You gotta look on your face You can't smile You just want out, make haste Anger is toxic Anger is impulsive Anger is annoying You snap at everything You're trapped You just want out, make haste Anger is deafening Anger is sickening Anger is terrifying You're stronger then this You can smile now You can get out, make haste! __________________________ I've been very angry for reasons I don't even know. I wrote this as a reminder that being angry is more then just getting mad. It hurts you and others and I forget that.
I figured two networks would be a problem. :/ Ok that sucks. I didn't purse reconnecting the router to the current setup, I wanted to make sure I could take it upstairs. /sobs Yeah it extends up to 50 feet. My mom got it at walmart for like $180 bucks (so she claims). It's really cool however if there is sheitty net to begin with, the extender is like x2 shietter.
Oh ok! Nope that's perfectly ok, I understand now. Then you are all set, yay!!
Bakground to main issue: Ok, so we got our internet set up yesterday. And it took all day (because the guy left w/o saying something. Then said he marked it as completed so it was a long process). He comes in- sets up the main router right next to our main tv right, my parents are refusing to move the set up (because the guy gave my parents the wrong information and would rather trust an idiot that couldn't red a clip board then me). I'm using a 2008 laptop and super laggy and I hate it and I need to go back to my desktop (this bby is done for, ily my lil acer) Issue: I threw away the set up guide or lost it while I moved. I'm googling how to reset it back up and I'm having trouble getting what I need. I reset the wireless router to factory settings. Now I need to set it up. This is what I found. However I an't seem to find the answer to this question. Does this router have to be 24/7 hooked up to the main modem that is already a wireless router? (my plan is to connect this WR move it upstairs to my desktop and just use it as a secondary router. B) If I can't move the WR upstairs because it has to be connect to the main modem, I'll need to switch gears. Can I just connect something to the phone jack to my computer? What would you suggest to help fix this? We had a wifi extender, which is what I use to use before we moved. It is now MIA (I think a mover stole it, or my sisters did out of spit of me. And now we are having issues to even talk about getting a new one. Because it was a $200 extender. And my parents want me to buy it, and I'm not working yet and school starts in less then a month for me) Any solutions to my stupid problem would be awesome. Thanks team.