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  1. Shuhbooty
    Profile Post Comment

    YIKES, caps.

    YIKES, caps.
    Profile Post Comment by Shuhbooty, Aug 3, 2016
  2. Shuhbooty
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Shuhbooty, Aug 3, 2016
  3. Shuhbooty
  4. Shuhbooty
  5. Shuhbooty
  6. Shuhbooty
  7. Shuhbooty
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Shuhbooty, Aug 3, 2016
  8. Shuhbooty

    View attachment 45150
    Image Source

    Name: Ivy Jones
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 3, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Shuhbooty
    Yeah I was thriled they made some effort to give us more news. I don't blame Niantic at all, they are trying their best to give us what we want on TOP of the serious issues with 3rd parties that aren't working well with them. I did read a handful of articles in reference to Niantic not being supportive with it's players also. But I 10000% agree, most games take 1-3 even longer to develop. Why did it only take what.. a year and a half to push this out?? Like you stated, it's Nintendo's fault here. I won't give up on this game, I'll wait to see it grow or fall first hand. It's a start though. I hope they dno't take almost 2 months to let us know what's going on though.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 3, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  10. Shuhbooty
    Hiya there, and welcome back! I hope you stay awhile! (and I hope you found what you were looking for hehe)
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 2, 2016 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. Shuhbooty
    I'M SOOOOO LOOKING FORWARD TO NO MAN SKY!! I've bene following it since I read it back a few years ago on game informer. And now it's here and I'm quick to trade all my items for a PS4 just to play this.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 2, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  12. Shuhbooty
    So I'm looking for CnC on this/these poems. I'm enrolling it for a contest on another forum (I can't post it unless I'm to enter it in) so I'm looking for the following:​
    • Does it remind you of a charming person?
    • Does it make sense?
    • What did you think? (Did it remind you of a charming person or something else?)
    I'm incredibly nervous to submit this (SUPER SELF CONSCIOUS) and I feel like it's not enough and it's not like a poem I've done before. So thanks for reading!

    When I looked into his eyes, my heart melted
    My body encased in goosebumps
    Some sweat beginning to fill my palms
    A surge of excitement, a trail of tingles

    He asks a question, his breath a hint of mint
    I stutter, almost unable to speak
    Desperate to wipe the ponds I call hands
    Will I ever clam down?

    He says my eyes are the sea
    Blue is his favorite color
    Breathing is slow and husky
    A heat rises up from my throat

    We exchange numbers,
    His smile, buckles my knees
    As we part, I believe the butterflies will take me
    Breathless by his charm

    When she looked into his eyes, her heart melted
    Her body encased in goosebumps
    Sweat beaded her palms
    The surge of excitement, a trail of tingles

    He asks a question, a breath of fresh mint
    She stutters, tongue tied and shy
    Bouncing with emotion, she can't sit still
    Jitters and nerves

    Your eyes are the sea
    Blue is my favorite color
    Laughter fills the air
    Faces beat red

    We exchange numbers
    Good bye smile, buckles my knees
    As they part, she believe butterflies will take her
    Drunk by his charm
    I'm super tired and I just don't know if the lack of sleep is stifling the creative block or what. I ended up re-writing the first poem because a friend said I used to many pronouns.(aaaaaand got worried it sucked)
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Aug 2, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  13. Shuhbooty

    KHV, HELP!

    people watch, duh.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shuhbooty
    There has been 3 updates since it's release almost a month ago. The first update was of minor text fixes, the second which was just the 30th stated it removed the "footprint feature" some bug fixes and text fixes among other things (1.1.1). Just a few hours ago, they dd another "text fix" but we are not given any more information on the matter of future updates/fixes and ultimate goals of PoGo. Sadly, over the course of the last week, Niantic has been exposed about not having a "support team" and the support emails go to a "bot box" and no one monitors them. They violated googles terms and conditions on this issue, saying that "they must have a human n contact for their app support" and Niantic has not addressed this issue (even tho on reddit someone WAS written back). People are wanting refunds, and only iTunes is dishing this out. The app went from a 5 star to a 2 star just on iOS.

    They are now discussing the recall of PoGo Plus (the watch) as rumors fly, and on a unofficial twitter page, it seems again Niantic will not give information on this side project.

    They have also removed gyms, relocated Poke Stops AND removed where pokemon were caught. It's seriously a haunting matter and it's super a disappointment how fast this game flit up and burned. I'm still in hopes of it making it's come back and I can be patience. A staff member tweeted that "Hope is like love, it always comes back with effort" and they are trying. Not as close as I wish they would, but I am complaining.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 2, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  15. Shuhbooty
    Loooking for a signature please! (to use on a poke' forum)

    Image: This one, or if you need to find a better one online I understand. I'm looking for a Shiny Mega Gardevoir.
    Size: 200x500 or w/e you see fit.
    Colors: I trust your judgment.
    Luminous: Trusted judgement.
    Other: I'm not picky, just looking for something amazing.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: Art Shop
  16. Shuhbooty

    I think the guild idea would be cool, or maybe in the start of the RP everyone is a rouge until they reach a certain level TOO gain guilds? SAO is a dope show, but I play constant MMOs and I love doing Rps with them (mmorpgs huehue).
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Shuhbooty
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Shuhbooty
    I love not only the name of Autumn, but the meaning behind it. :) It is my favorite season and I adore how you captured her in your poem! (super inspired! D: )
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  19. Shuhbooty
    What is your favorite dish? (or food, if not a specific dish)
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  20. Shuhbooty
    Full Name: Autumn Saws
    Appearance: This is my recent selfie..
    Age: 23
    Likes: I love to read and write. That's what I'm currently attending school for.
    Dislikes: Judgmental people, and liars.
    Weaknesses/Fears: I'm terrified of heights. Sometimes I get panic attacks from elevators. As for weaknesses, I wouldn't know. I'm p solid w/o the whole height nonsense.
    Strengths/Talents: Strengths.. well I'm not too athletic. But I do take walks. But uh, hum, I do- I mean I can read a little over 400 pages within 15 hours. And I've won may creative awards.
    Personality: W-well, I'm very outgoing, believe it or not. I'm just camera shy. I'm also very open minded, but sometimes people are just stupid. Oh god, can I say that? I'm sorry.
    Sexual Preference: Men. I mean, I'm straight.
    Are you a Virgin? (How many partners have you had?): That's an odd question for an interview.. but uh well, I'm not a virgin but I've only had one partner.
    Highest level of education?: I'm a sophomore at uni.
    Do you smoke? (Do you use illegal substances?): I don't, but the occasional marijuana.
    Do you have children? (If yes, how many): No.
    Do you exercise on a daily basis? (If yes, how many hours a week, and what do you do, leg work? Arms? Strength or Agility?): Well, I maybe clock 5-8 hour a week.. I just go to my local gym and walk the track. It's rare when I jog around.
    Do you live alone?: Yes, I have my own apartment, I don't stay in the dorms.
    Do you have a mental illness?: I was diagnosed with clinical depression 8 year ago.
    Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend?: No.
    Have you ever lied to your best friend?: Yes, potentially why we lost contact.
    Have you ever stolen a potential partner from your best friend?: No, never been in that situation. (sweats)
    Have you dated your best friends old boyfriend or girlfriend?: N-no. (continues to sweat)
    Have you ever betrayed a friend?: I've been to busy for a social life. But when I was in high school, I did lie a lot to prevent hurt feelings.
    Have you ever wanted to kill anyone?: Yes. Mostly myself though.
    If your best friend or lover committed a crime, what would you do?: It depends on the relationship. If I'm wildly in love with him, I would probably do anything to cover it up. If me and this so called best friend were super close and it was a good 5+ year friendship, I would do the same. Do anything to cover it up.
    DnD alignment?: DnD? What is that?
    What's your deepest, darkest secret?: This is gunna be aired? I don't think I can commit to that..
    What do you hope to discover about yourself this week?: I'm hoping to get out of my shell and make friends. I'm tired of being the hermit or weirdo. Maybe one day I can write a book about this!

    Edit: I'm going to stick with one character for now.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Jul 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home