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  1. Shuhbooty
  2. Shuhbooty
  3. Shuhbooty

    Ivy tensed when Alec told her to watch out. Watch out for what? She thought. Lukas seemed totally harmless, he's just a sick boy is all. A sick boy with a sick sense of humor. She couldn't begin to imagine how Lukas really felt though, and why he fed off messing around with other patients. I wonder why he's here.. As Lukas chuckled, Ivy was snapped back into reality. "Oh, well maybe next time just introduce yourself!" She said in a flutter, watching Lukas leave the room. Flushing a bright red, Ivy turned her back to Lukas as he sneaked in his last comment about them 'getting together". He's probably only 16! I could go to jail for that.. But Ivy held on to the thought. For she was a virgin herself.

    As she watched the boys shadows leave her doorway, Ivy felt alone once again. She hasn't had contact like that since she was in high school, which felt like many of years ago. Excitement rumbled deep within her belly, impatience for the next time they would meet.
    It's a small wing. She thought. We will see each other very soon, I think. The sound of ruffling papers brought her back, again, to reality. The nurse from before was smiling hard as he slipped some papers on a clip board. "Oh right. Thank you." Ivy said, returning the smile. A true genuine happy smile.

    Benji smiled as the other patient filed out, and continued to smile as he watched Ivy sit there and ponder her ambush. As exhausted as Benji was, he felt full of energy but defiantly ready to go home. Seeing as Ivy was his last patient of the day, he was ready to get this over with. Clipping the sign in and other personal forums to the clip board, Benji handed it over. He listened to the sound of Ivy scribbling for a few minutes. And when he stopped he looked up at her, watching as she double checked her answers. When she finished, she handed back the clip board. At this point the burst of energy Benji was feeling early passed. With a deep exhale, Benji read over her needs and nodded. "Ok, great! I will give this to the nurse at the counter and they will get the medicine you need and get you all settled in!" He exclaimed. And with a nod, he left her completely alone.

    As Benji approuched the nurses station, he handed the paperwork to a girl behind a computer.
    "She will need a workup, to see how far along she is." he said. "And make sure she has her meds, looks like the other hospital she was at, gave her nothing. Oh and a walk through, as well. She's able to walk, so that's a plus." The nurse took down everything Benji was saying, and nodded. "Alrighty, will do. Have a good night Benji, thank you!" He smiled and waved a good bye as he headed towards the nurses lounge.


    View attachment 45198
    As Ivy watched as Benji leave again she sighed. Her room felt cold and dark, even though the lights were bright and blaring. She could see the nurses station clearly, as she poked her head out of her door. They might take forever getting back to my room. She thought. Maybe a quick self guided tour will burn time. Looking both ways, like she was at a cross walk Ivy hopped off her wheel chair and casually walked out of her room. Hospitals were always bright and shiny from everything being white, an she hated it. As she soaked in her new home, Ivy soon found herself at some double doors that lead to what looked like a stair case. "Well.." Ivy said aloud. "It's been awhile, I don't see why climbing some stairs would hurt." Slowly, Ivy pushed open the door and waled through it.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Shuhbooty
  5. Shuhbooty
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Shuhbooty, Aug 10, 2016
  6. Shuhbooty
    Currently, I don't see any topics I would like to see removed. And nothing to add either, in this regard. I think our community is still big enough to keep them. c:
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 10, 2016 in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Shuhbooty
    I actually LOVE the take Sun/Moon has right now. Via a tumblr post that caught my eye (which idk where it is and don't have the energy to look for) stated that the aloha forms are done intentionally, as in they did this NOT because they lacked creativity- but to give more of a creative flow for fan art and pokmon ideas. We the people (hah pun) gave inspiration to do this and I enjoy it WAY more then ANOTHER set of pokemon that I, personally, would be disappointed in. (I'm a cute player/collector but I do play competitively so I do take in stat base pokemon. i'm hoping these revamped pokemon have killer stats).

    Just over all happy with the positive news for Sun/Moon over the set back of PoGo news.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 10, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  8. Shuhbooty
  9. Shuhbooty
    Profile Post Comment

    Worth, do it.

    Worth, do it.
    Profile Post Comment by Shuhbooty, Aug 10, 2016
  10. Shuhbooty
  11. Shuhbooty
  12. Shuhbooty
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Shuhbooty, Aug 10, 2016
  13. Shuhbooty
    Profile Post Comment

    -jumps up and down while flailing-

    -jumps up and down while flailing-
    Profile Post Comment by Shuhbooty, Aug 10, 2016
  14. Shuhbooty
    Ivy was so focused on Lukas that when she heard a voice behind her, she couldn't help but scream. Breathing hard, Ivy turned to the figure- yet again, in her doorway.
    "Uh-gain?!" Ivy squeaked, and without skipping a beat her hands flew to her mouth embarrassed. "You pull this stunt often?!" She continued on, hands still over her mouth. Ivy was in full on defense, embarrassed she thought this boy was a doctor. The more Lukas laughed, the deeper shade of red her face became. Trembling with anger, she felt as though she was going to explode with emotions and take it out on every and anyone in her way. "And you are in on it?!" Turning to the other boy at her doorway now, she pressed on. "You kids have to have something better to do then harass other patients. God, where is my nurse!" Stomping her foot, Ivy became breathless again. Feeling faint she took a step back and looked back and forth between the two. She had to calm down. Breath. She said to herself. It has been years since she had the opportunity to interact with other people that was not a nurse, who either pitied her, or was just there to do their job and move on. They were just joking.. After taking the longest breath ever Ivy instantly relaxed. Realizing they were trying to have fun, and she was over reacting. She heard the boys chat, but didn't hear what they said.

    "I uh, uhm. What?" She stuttered. She looked between the boys again, this time noticing Alec and his features. He was as tall as Lukas and has beautiful blue hair that he hid under a beanie. Which Ivy was tempted to take off his head, but didn't. "I uhm, yeah sure. At your offer." Shuffling to her wheel chair Ivy giggled, blushing as she atempted to flirt back. "I'm Ivy. Ivy Jones, nice to me-." As Ivy was sitting down to rest from the emotional strain she caused herself the nurse from before finally returned.

    As Benji took the last turn that made it down the left wing, he couldn't help but over hear most of the commotion that echoed out of the new patients room, of Ivy Jones. As he turned into her room, two other patients filled the empty space that was once her new room. "Well, well now. Why wasn't I invited?" unable to tell the true atmosphere Benji quickly changed topics. "Well, you all will have plenty of time to get to know one another. For now, Alec, Lukas please excuse us for we haven't properly check in Ivy yet. You know the drill!" As he said this, Benji stepped to the side exposing the door and extending his arm out as a gesture to 'please leave', smiling as he did so.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 9, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Shuhbooty
    So, I've decided to whip out my google tablet that my fiance bought me back in 2013 for school purposes. It has a little crack in the left corner, but over all I never had ANY problems with it. However, now that I have it booted up it's laggy and takes awhile for any app to load. (if it takes to long to load- it will go to sleep and it will lock the screen. At first I thought it shut off, but it LAGS back to the lock screen. ;-; ) Any idea to this problem? I haven't looked into reviews for my said tablet- not sure if it's just hardware issues over time.. or what. Any assistance would be great.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Aug 6, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  16. Shuhbooty

    View attachment 45163

    ♥ Name: Benji (Short for Benjamin) Baxter.
    ♥ Age: 26
    ♥ Gender: Male
    ♥ Sexuality: Bisexual


    View attachment 45164

    ♥ Name: Meredith Jones
    ♥ Age: 56
    ♥ Gender: Female
    ♥ Sexuality: Heterosexual.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Shuhbooty

    Ivy's stomach knots grew tighter as the silence crept around her box room, making her ears ring. The pitter-patter of feet stopped storming out in the hall, and she suddenly wished the casual noise of machines filled her room instead. She took this time to investigate her room more as she waited for the nurse to make her come back. Ivy noticed that her room was just a bit bigger then her last, and hosted a TV, but couldn't locate the remote. "Reminder, ask the nurse." She sad aloud. The glass window which was adjacent from the door, had it's blinds drawn so no sun light was peaking through- even though she wouldn't be able to tell with the florescent lights on anyways. And it was extremely cold, like the room wasn't- or perhaps- never been used. As Ivy made her way to the bathroom to the right, she decided to walk- feeling her strength return- she hopped off out of her wheel chair. Her bathroom could fit an army if it wanted too, and it had it's own shower! "Awesome!" she said, with a smile. Ivy's old room at St. Germain didn't host a restroom, let alone a solid bathroom. It was marked with the handicap sign, and outside the door it had a handicap button, upon pushing it- the door will open automatically. Which is a huge relief, because Ivy loses her strength daily and unpredictably.

    As she was exiting the bathroom, someone filled her doorway. Startled, Ivy flinched as the man "welcomed her to hell".
    "Wah?" she said with a weary voice. Beads of sweat plagued her forehead as she grew anxious. "D-Doctor?" Ivy stuttered, her head swirling as she tried to wrap her mind about what her doctor just said. Was he offering her.. what she thought he was? "Isn't that inappropriate f-f-for someone like you? You're my d-doctor!" Ivy stuttered again. She looked the man, Lukas Frasier up and down, taking in everything he offered. His dark grey hair and piercing golden eyes, with eyelashes so black- it made Ivy jealous. As she watched Lukas lean against the wall- she could tell he was a good foot or two taller then her. A shiver ran down her spine, for a reason unknown. She felt heat rise up from her neck, her breathing heavy. Snapping back into reality, Ivy approached her wheel chair and rolled it into the corner between her window and bathroom door. Squaring herself, Ivy walked up to Doctor Frasier. "No offense, but do you normally harass you patients? You're really young to be a doctor..Who are you really?" On the verge of throwing up the knots in her stomach, Ivy impatiently waited for his response. Trembling as she considered what he offered, and terrified of his response.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Shuhbooty
    I'm making it, so it seems they are both being interviewed at the same time. It will be Ivy/Eevee answers, but I can specify with colors too. Ivy can be green while Eevee is yellow.

    Full Name: Well, I'm Ivy. / And I'm Eevee.
    Appearance: This is us at a photoshoot just two days ago
    Age: We just turned 21.
    Likes: Uh, well I mean / We kinda do everything together. / Yeah we both have similar interests. / Usually just, ya know, partying. / We are killer at beer bong/ (both laughs) YEAH! (high fives)
    Dislikes: Snobby beetches. / And sore losers. / And snobby boys- they are the WORST. / (at the same time) CHEAP!
    Weaknesses/Fears: Omg / We both hate spiders. / While Eevee was drunk one time, a spider crept into her ear, it was the most horrific thing EVER.
    Strengths/Talents: I can do a beer stand in less then a minute. / (Shrugs) I've never lost to beer bong! (high five)
    Personality: (both giggles) WELL, I mean we are both almost alike. / We're really nice one you get to know us. / AND fun to hang out with, we ARE the party. / But get on our bad side / (laughs) and you'll remember us for the rest of your life. (Side note: they are like evil twins. Nice but SUPER mean/beetchy and like to pull pranks on everyone)
    Sexual Preference: (giggles) Wouldn't YOU like to know.
    Are you a Virgin? (How many partners have you had?): Christ, how many Eevee? / I don't have enough fingers!
    Highest level of education?: We completed high school if that's what you're asking? / But we're freshmen in college currently.
    Do you smoke? (Do you use illegal substances?): Cigarettes are NASTY / They smell horrible. / We have medical cards though. (Eevee winks).
    Do you have children? (If yes, how many): Nope. / We don't need children, we have each other.
    Do you exercise on a daily basis? (If yes, how many hours a week, and what do you do, leg work? Arms? Strength or Agility?):
    YES / Who doesn't work out??? / WE can't EVER be fat. / Seriously, who likes a fatass.
    Do you live alone?: (looks at each other)
    Do you have a mental illness?: (looks at each other and ponders)
    Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend?: We switch on and off. / Depends.
    Have you ever lied to your best friend?: I've never lied to my best friend. / (Scoffs) She's my whole world.
    Have you ever stolen a potential partner from your best friend?: (both shakes head)
    Have you dated your best friends old boyfriend or girlfriend?: We usually switch off here too.
    Have you ever betrayed a friend?: Most of the time. / It just happens.
    Have you ever wanted to kill anyone?: (looks at each other with pale faces) what kind of question is THAT?
    If your best friend or lover committed a crime, what would you do?: Anything. / We need to stick together.
    DnD alignment?: (shrugs)
    What's your deepest, darkest secret?: (Scoffs)
    What do you hope to discover about yourself this week?: (burst out in laughter) Seriously, / We already found out everything about ourselves.

    Side Note: I don't want to spoil too much, but like I said before, they are vicious sisters and like to torment others. They are beautiful actors, and won't hesitate to prove to someone their true feelings/authority. Most of the crowd that the girls meet/hang out with, know never to mess with them.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Shuhbooty
  20. Shuhbooty
    Ivy Jones, rocked back and forth as she began her usual routine- writing in her journal. Today marks day 41 of being in a hospital but today was a special day. She was being transferred to a different facility, one that could handle the care she needed. It also marks the day that she hasn't spoken to her parents, or parent. Her father recently pasted, and due to her conditions she wasn't able to attend the funeral. Causing ripples of stress on her and the Jones family. She was all alone on this day. "I can do this!" she sighed.

    The drive over to the new facility, Glenmore Regional Hospital to be exact- was a short drive, no more then 25 minutes. Fatigue was one side effect of her disease, causing her to need fluids twice a day. The nurse that was in the back of the transportation van noticed this and picked her- inserting a new line due to her recent vein becoming shot. With her arrival, Ivy became sightly nervous. She wasn't able to make friends at her old facility due to it being secluded and strict. She had a new nurse everyday and wasn't able to get them to come around and just talk with her. In and out they always were. With a huff and the help of the transport nurse, she lugged herself out of the vehicle, a weak smile on her face.
    "Well, this is good-bye. Thanks!" The nurse nodded in response, shut the back doors and climbed in the front seat, leaving through the roundabout. Not caring to much of her outside surrounded, Ivy scanned the area briefly, noting the large area's of green that almost encased the hospital.

    When no one came to greet her, panic struck. Ivy huffed once again and lugged her IV bag up the slight slope to the front doors, that was marked with the hospital logo and visiting hours.
    "Oh boy." Ivy thought. almost bursting into the main lobby Ivy couldn't help but reach for a wheel chair that was pushed into a corner facing a open window that had many flowers planted outside of it. As soon as she sat down, a nurse with shy blue scrubs approached her, a worried and confused look on his face. "You must be.. the new patient? Erm, from St. Generals right?" the nurse scanned the room, like he was looking for something. "Yes, I'm Ivy Jones." Ivy said with a heavy sigh. The nurse nodded with a warm smile and wheeled her through some more double doors off to the right, past what looked like the front desk. "Welcome to Glenmore Regional!" the nurse said with what sounded like genuine happiness. After a few twists and turns later Ivy found herself in a open room that hosted a bed, night stand a window and bathroom. "I'll be right back, ok? And then we'll get you started." And with that, the nurse left her. A worried and anxious feeling bubbling at the bottom-est pit of Ivy's stomach, as she heard a loud clash and the swift patters of what sounded like people running. It was coming just down the hallway that her room was located.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 3, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home