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  1. Shuhbooty
    View attachment 45370
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 12, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Shuhbooty
    View attachment 45369
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 12, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Shuhbooty
    can reporters be rainbow
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 12, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Shuhbooty
    I'm sorry that happen to you. :( However, due to my size I've never been approached or talked to that way. I'm very bubbly, but I've learned to never let anyone- even my boss walk all over me. Taking advantage of people makes me sick, and I express that at my work place significantly. Although I've been spoken too "matter of factually", but I still let them know how I felt. They can't fire you for bad mouthing, they can for someone else though..( I don't want to give the idea this is ok, because it's not. And most employers would probably take you out of the job and not even care. But I put my foot down years ago, and had enough. And I'm very happy with where I am today- I have the opportunities to express myself and help others with this kind of abuse via work force) My last boss however, had a HUGE ego, and he was always bored. So his arms always crossed when he was approached by workers.. (he hated his job and wanted to quit. so he started to just get annoyed with everyone. but he never did that).
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 10, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  5. Shuhbooty
    I don't mean to be "that person" but from all the tips you are giving her @Sara they are VERY formal and feel like high end jobs interviewing tips. I don't work at any formal establishment, however since being back with this retail company I've been able to get my manager position back (after being away for a year) from this last month. My asking pay was $10 and hour, and they did not hesitate or try and negotiate with me, in my asking wage. (This was due to skills I had, and tried to talk about in my interview process.) When I was promoted my pay again, was bumped significantly. I'm a full time worker and part time student, due to classes being full. And everything you said WAS correct, and I literally give that exact information to siblings and close friends that struggle with minimum wage jobs. It just really depends on the work. I always say to be yourself, but be as FORMAL as you can. Use that vocabulary. Vocalize your skill sets, how you learn quick, EXPRESS yourself, but also- don't be a robot. @Marushi was able to get a job, but these are some things you can come back to, when you're ready for a career!
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 10, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  6. Shuhbooty
    I do this in most media settings. Because that how I get attached, to either the book, show, movie and so forth. And here is a perfect example here. I'm 4 books away from finishing the Pretty Little liar series. And I honestly felt, at first, that I somehow related to all of the main characters. But the more I read the more I understood. I thought I was the weird goth/European fanatic Aria who likes to read, and write and knit and wants an English major. Or I thought I was more like Spencer, the honors kid that did everything under the sun to put on a college application- but also did it to impress my parents and win the race to be number one- my older sister being the other competitor. (i'm the eldest, however I feel like I have to always be number one to my other 3 siblings. and i'm not). Or maybe the almost rich jock who can only go to college with a scholarship or a paid ride vs college sports. But even though I relate well with them all.. none really represent me.

    I only relate to the small things they do, which is like. Having a friend that has more then one thing in common with. Not really someone you share 99% of, like a sibling.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 10, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  7. Shuhbooty


    Hello and welcome!! I hope you get to hang with us awhile, for as you can see we love kingdom hearts too. c:
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 10, 2016 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. Shuhbooty
    You're welcome!! it looks great put together now! :) I really enjoyed them all, but my favorites are the book case one, the one under it and then.. the 4th from the bottom. c: I just love the half pastel half vibrant colors!! I was soooo drawn in!
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 10, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Shuhbooty
    The last one! It goes so well with the "russian roulette" txt you have. <3
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 9, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Shuhbooty
    Well, I know everyone is not only busy, but it's hard to just find time if you lack time management. (this is something I've been working on and I'm honestly loving it, hehe. but there is a difference) however I love to RP. Doesn't have to be all the time, but a few posts a week or every other day is nice. But there can be more behind the "busy life".

    What attracts me? Well it's more of the story. You can gather a ton of information from the story and how the person posts the information. If it's strong, as in tons of backstory, examples detail character sheets and so forth, you can see ya know- they put in more time then you think. But I do enjoy the people also, behind it all. c:
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 6, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  11. Shuhbooty
    i know hot topic is having this huge harry potter sales ;-; and now im like debating whether to order online or just get at the store. (i don't usually shop there but i have some coupons i can use.)
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Shuhbooty
    ramus?????????????????????????????????????????? PROFESSOR LUPIIIINNNNN
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Shuhbooty
    Either... someone from AoT orrrrrr uh a disney character. D:
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shuhbooty

    With each step, Ivy's lungs burned with excitement. She's never broken any rules before, and since she was a new patient here she knew they would be more then worried in her whereabouts. " I wonder how long I have.." she said aloud. Her words drifting down the staircases, echoing. After a good handful of flights, Ivy finds herself in front of a door, that was propped open. From the looks of it, from a twisted hing. As she pushed open the almost broken door the setting sun sweetly kissed her pale and chilled body. "Whoa..." she breathed. Ivy soaked in it's soft warm rays, drunkenly embracing her surroundings. She had landed at the roof of the hospital, a pale weak fence hugged the edges of the roof. Probably to stop those whom want to take their own lives. Walking to the edge, Ivy was able to see the front of the hospital where she was originally dropped off at just hours ago. As she slowly continued her walk, she couldn't help but drag her hand on the fence. It clank to each finger, but chimed as she continued on.

    Half way through her walk, Ivy thought her heard the sounds of chuckles.
    "Is that the wind?.." Abruptly halting in her tracks, Ivy strained to listen. Her heart beat racing into her ears. Another chuckle. "Hello?" Ivy whispered as she inched closer to the source of the voice. Like a ghost she tip toed until she over heard another voice, talking about a party. Is that Lukas?? She thought. "H-hello?" She said again this time with more force to get their attention. "Where do y'all want to go to now?" Ivy asked as she looked back and forth from Alec and Lukas.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Shuhbooty
    whoa WHAT
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Sep 4, 2016 in forum: 2016
  16. Shuhbooty
    I'm totally down for tryin to make you something! I don't have much of my digital art on here, or on deviantart, it's mostly on tumblr. But the tags never work for me.
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 28, 2016 in forum: Art Shop
  17. Shuhbooty
  18. Shuhbooty
  19. Shuhbooty
    Are you looking for like, an extremely well put artist? I don't host.. not even half of my art online. But I could send you some of my sketches and completed works and see if it's something you're interested in! I'd love to duo with you. c:
    Post by: Shuhbooty, Aug 18, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Shuhbooty