*gives you a high five*
The passwords should give you more cards. Question though, I gotta ask, Seriously there are so many great Yugioh games that are so much better than that one...Why on earth did you pick that one of all the ones out there?
I looked up that game but found no results...Did you mean this game? http://www.gamefaqs.com/gba/928593-yu-gi-oh-gx-duel-academy Hey welcome back man! :) Think you'll be Dueling here again?
That game doesn't count because it's all luck and no skill... And that reminds me, This is another reason why I stopped playing the real Yugioh game. Because anyone can beat anyone at it. Whenever 2 people Duel you never know for sure which player will win because of the luck concept. And to me that is completely unfair.
Yes but I can't even enjoy playing games against anyone because I suck so bad at them...You name it I suck at it...The ball always goes everywhere but in the basket whenever I play basket ball, I can't ever hit the ball in baseball, I always get tagged before I can run a homerun, I can't beat over half of the videogames I play and die all the time etc. etc... And do you know what would happen if more people where I live knew these things about me? They'd all always want me to be their opponent at everything so they could always have someone who they knew they could always beat...
I have beaten a few of the Sonic games. I beat Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. And Sonic 3D Blast. And Sonic CD. The Sonic games are really easy compared to the Mario games. Because you still live when you get hit as long as you have at least 1 ring. But thank you this actually really helps my confidence.
But only because you never played them right?
I try to tell her this sort of thing all the time. She never listens.[DOUBLEPOST=1420940099][/DOUBLEPOST] But how come I'm the only one who can't beat those games?
God I fuсking hate myself...I am such a fuсking stupid rеtarded shіt-brained fuсkhead... I can't beat Demyx in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix the 2nd battle because I keep running out of time...I was stupid for thinking I could beat this game without cheat codes...I only beat the original Kingdom Hearts 2 because of Cheat Codes...Why in the fuϲking hell does everyone say this game is easier than Kingdom Hearts 1?!?!?!? Because it fuϲking isn't!!! Kingdom Hearts 1 is NOTHING compared to this game... Before anyone says anything I can't remember if I've said this before or not but just as a reminder I am literally the world's worst gamer...Nobody sucks at games more than I do... I can't even beat a single Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid or Kirby game...THAT'S how bad I suck... And no matter how much I practice at games I never get any better...But yet everybody else I see gets godly at them with practice... And everybody just fuϲking loves those damn stupid Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and Metroid games...But to me these games are just absurdly hard...I cannot beat these games to save my soul...Hell I can't even get very far in them... I'm really frustrated about this...I mean it legitimately seems like I'm literally the only gamer of today who can't beat these games... And those really old games out there like the ones for NES for example are so damn hard I don't see how ANYBODY is supposed to be able to beat them...I couldn't beat those games if my life depended on it...Or even get very far in them...They're ridiculous...I mean you die in only one hit and your character can't take more than 2 hits at most and you don't even have a goddamn life bar...And you have only like what, 3 lives? And not even any fuсking continues... Games like those really old Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda and Metroid games etc. are so hard I don't see how anybody is supposed to be able to beat them... And I also can't beat anything on the Arcade, Or the SNES etc. And I literally the ONLY ONE I know of who can't beat any of these games...And I'm not even a kid...It makes me just wanna kill myself... It seriously feels like everybody in the world has lightning fast super-ninja reflexes except me...And like I must be the only one in the world who has the reflexes of a banana slug or a turtle with arthritis...>.> One person even told me that if I find these games hard there's really no hope for me and that I should just stick to point and click games...FUСKING HELL...Do I really suck THAT bad? But I can still beat games that are relatively easy and straightforward like Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem Awakening and Spiderman Friend or Foe or the Lego videogames etc. To me these games are much more merciful, whereas the aforementioned ones are merciless and unforgiving. And I will NEVER understand why everybody seems to whine and bitϲh about how hard Sephiroth is in KH1 and say they can't beat him...To me beating Sephiroth in KH1 is nowhere near as hard a feat as beating even one single Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, or Metroid etc. game...I've beaten Sephiroth in KH1 many times... Hell at least KH1 gives you a fuϲking lifebar...These other games I mentioned don't even do that...(except the Zelda and Kirby ones) Imagine if in KH1 if you had no lifebar and always had to worry about dying in only one or 2 hits even against Sephiroth...Well to me that's what these other games are like... I had to use cheat codes to beat that one Mario Gameboy Advance game (I can't remember what it's called) the one where you can play as Mario, Luigi, Peach or Toad and the final boss is Wart instead of Bowser. But that other GBA Mario game is so hard I can't beat it even WITH cheat codes... I used to wonder if maybe my disability was the reason why I suck so bad at games but apparently it isn't since I see other people with Asperger's who don't have any trouble with games...
Ah right yes I see what you mean. I don't understand.
Don't follow regular XYZ mechanics? Damn...And I thought I remembered how it worked...
I just made a Lightsworn Custom for the heck of it:
Oh they do? And what is this "Duel Terminal" you speak of?
I really want to do a story about a deck or decks that weren't used in the anime. Like Six Samurai, Agents, Gladiator Beasts, etc.
Crap I didn't even know they HAD an official history since they weren't ever in the anime...
Very nice card. This is one of the best customs I've seen in a really long time. Approved.[DOUBLEPOST=1420858491][/DOUBLEPOST]I have an idea for a story arc for an RP. I want to do a story arc about the Lightsworns. I want to say they they were the long lost deck of the Light of Destruction and were so feared and so powerful that not even The Society of Light and Sartorious dared to try to revive them. What do you guys think?
Does anybody else think that The Supreme King's monsters should've been called Elemental Villains? IMO that fits better. Not just because the term "Evil Hero" makes no sense but because the Evil Heroes are not even Dark Attributes like they really should be...Elemental Villains fits better for those reasons and because the Evil Heroes are all Elemental Attributes like the Elemental Heroes are. Yet strangely Only Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy is Dark. And there is more than one Dark Elemental Hero.
Yep Heck for that matter most people think that Ash's Pikachu is female for some reason.
Well on a slightly different subject I should be able to make better looking customs than before. I admit it grew tiresome having to just invert the colors.
Well Rampart Blaster had what was clearly female breasts on her chestarmor. It was much easier to tell with her than with Infernal Sniper or Shadow Mist. Though Shadow Mist DOES have a feminine figure.[DOUBLEPOST=1420770571][/DOUBLEPOST] I'm thinking yes.