No you and Abby can just RP without me for now.
Guys...Did you not hear what I said earlier? I'm not ready to RP yet...And you went ahead and started...
Me? A Legendary Duelist? As if.
Well guys based on what I heard I think I'm gonna be working for 3 hours each morning 5 days a week for my GED. But please don't pressure me. I'm going through enough stress right now as it is. I will respond all in good time.
Depends on if anyone wants to play or not.
I'm up for it. But let's see what the others say.
That's my girl <33333333333333333333
Wow you found this thread for me thanks. :)
Call of The Haunted can't bring back Judgment Dragon. Even if it was properly summoned first. And you only get one Judgment Dragon if Azrael is destroyed.
Updated once again:
How is it now? And if THIS image isn't good enough then I really am gonna give up trying to impress you guys.
I updated Azrael: *inb4Yakumosaysitstillsucks* You gotta admit the image I used is at least good right? Doesn't it look like a real Yugioh card?
I thought about doing the same soon. Making a new archetype I mean.
Oh ok. I wouldn't have a problem with it if they made it so you could chain to it. That would've been better than banning it.
I was just being random. I thought it would be funny to make a meme about that. You didn't know? Counter Traps can't be used against Super Polymerization.
WTF? Read the card...It's always been like that...>.>
It was Axel lol.
It sure is man! I missed you too!