Good news everyone. Looks my my GED has been postponed. So I'm gonna have more time to be here after all. Anyone up for a Duel?
What anime is this based off of?
Lol this actually made me laugh a little. And that's quite an impressive feat since I'm so depressed nowadays that I almost never laugh anymore.
I'm gonna remake Elemental Hero Gaia's evil counterpart. But I can't decide which picture looks better. This: Or This:
@Yakumo So basically what you're saying is only Konami has the right to make broken cards and I don't?
This is debating: Spoiler Person A: The sky is green. Person B: The sky is not green, it is blue. Person A: But, look, I see it with my own two eyes! It's totally green! Person B: There's a possibility you have color blindness, you might want to look into it. Person A: Okay. And THIS is arguing: Spoiler A: The sky is green. B: No it's blue! A: NO IT'S NOT ITS GREEN WHAT ARE YOU AN IDIOT OR SOMETHING LOOK IT'S TOTALLY GREEN! B: NO IT'S NOT WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!? EVERYONE KNOWS THAT THE SKY IS BLUE!!! A: SHUT UP!!! I DON'T NEED TO HEAR THIS FROM YOU!!! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO PLEASE A WOMAN!!! B: YOUR MOTHER!!! A: WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT ADOPTED!!! B: HURR!!! A: DURR!!! A+B: HUURRRRRDUUUUUUUUUURRRR!!!
I wasn't arguing. I was merely making points to counter yours because I disagreed with them. Debating is the better term.
At first I thought you were referring to that last argument you and I had. About why some of you were not upset when I thought I was leaving. I just decided to forget about that because it wasn't worth arguing about.
That was sarcasm................... I know that was what you meant. But I am not sure what you are referring to.
Jeez that's quite a hurtful way of saying it...Thanks for making my inferiority complex even bigger... Wait what are you talking about?
Wow subtlety isn't in your vocabulary is it? lol you're way too harsh. Maybe I should just stop making cards then...
True. But I heard the old man depicted on the card is supposed to be God from Christianity. Hence it's powerful effect of stopping anything too. And why is that?
Ok I get the picture... Solemn is based on Greek Mythology? That's not what I heard. And well the Dark one was just supposed to be the odd one of the bunch. There's even one Light Blackwing monster. So why not have one Dark Lightsworn monster?
How exactly are they more broken than pre-existing cards though? And there are already some cards in the real game that draw reference to some different religions. Solemn Jugdment, Dark Ruler Ha Des etc. And even The 3 Egyptian God cards for that matter. Ra is based on Ra. Slifer is based on Osiris, And Obelisk is based on Set. They don't follow the standards for the archetype? How?
Please explain what makes them too broken to be acceptable. Lightsworns are very broken in general.
More custom Lightsworns:
It is hard to get out but not impossible.
Made a new custom:
You seem to be good at this. If you think these work then they must. I think starting now I'm going to put you in charge of approving customs along with Fred.
Keep in mind that my arena uses an alternate banlist for very good reasons. One of them being that some cards that are not broken in the real game are broken here.