In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, green lantern's light
SUGGESTIONS ARE OFFICIALLY CLOSED Added! Would Most Loyal Member work? I like Most Patriotic but I think that leans more towards countries rather than KHV, lol. I don't think we need to get super specific with them, haha. I think Most Helpful covers it well enough as is (and if the person is known as being helpful, they aren't particularly unknown :b) me tale stole my reply like a ninja, but yeah, the User Awards are superlatives, therefore all of them are opinion based. Adding! We're about a day behind where I planned (working 1pm-9pm shifts is suffering), but nominations should be opened some time tomorrow!
Today's the last day for category suggestions! Get em in while you still can~
IT WAS SO GOOD. I want Late Night w/ Sardonyx now
I SHOULD. smoky quartz 4 life
Approved! Although Roxam is great, I don't think it's fair for everyone else to give him a special category all to himself :b I agree with Midnight's reasoning, but I wouldn't be opposed to adding a Most memorable Boss Battle if it's something that's been regularly occuring throughout the RPA ( as you guys know, I am not the most active RPer v: ) Discord related ones would be good! Have to give the no to Most Active though, since that information is pretty cut and dry since we can all pull up the ranks. ;c This was, I must've forgotten to update it in the post macro I have for the Awards threads, lol. Should be fixed shortly. I can add it in as "Most Popular Forum Game"! Keep 'em coming, folks!
I will not stand for this slander of my engineer bae